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Richard Armuelles kurai021

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kurai021 /
Created May 31, 2017 13:10
rsa public
ssh-rsa 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 ä
set -x PROJECTS $HOME/Documents/Projects $PROJECTS
set -gx LSCOLORS gxfxcxdxbxegedabagacad
set -gx CLICOLOR 1
set -gx TERM xterm-256color
function ls --description 'List contents of directory'
command ls -lhFG $argv
var vocaloid_changer = document.getElementById('vocaloid_changer');
AFRAME.registerComponent('vocaloid', {
schema: {},
init: function(){
var self = this;
vocaloid_changer.addEventListener('change', function(){
if(vocaloid_changer.value == 'miku'){
kurai021 / rss-feed.js
Last active March 22, 2017 14:52
rss parser para wordpress
$(document).ready(function() {
//feed to parse
var feed = "";
var html = "";
$.ajax(feed, {
(venv3) richard@richard-Aspire-V3-572G:~/Documentos/Proyectos/BlueTide/altaplaza$ cactus deploy
/home/richard/venv3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/django/template/ DeprecationWarning: inspect.getargspec() is deprecated, use inspect.signature() instead
params, varargs, varkw, defaults = getargspec(func)
Printed file: adidas (Adidas)
Printed file: aeropostale (Aeropostale)
Printed file: agua-clara (Agua Clara)
Printed file: agua-menta (Agua Menta)
Printed file: aldo (Aldo)
Printed file: alex-and-ani (Alex and Ani)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/richard/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/cactus/utils/", line 20, in wrapper
return f(*args, **kwargs)
File "/home/richard/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/cactus/deployment/", line 38, in <lambda>
totalFiles = mapper(lambda p: p.upload(), self.files())
File "/home/richard/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/cactus/deployment/", line 126, in upload
remote_changed = self.remote_changed()
File "/home/richard/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/cactus/utils/", line 22, in f_retry
return f(*args, **kwargs)
File "/home/richard/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/cactus/deployment/s3/", line 35, in remote_changed
'use strict'
const QUESTION = 1;
const INCL_CAPS = 1;
const NUM_START = 1;
const YOU = 1;
const WORD_COUNT = 1;
const MAKE_ME = 1;
const MODIFIER = 1;
const CURSE = 1;
kurai021 / form-submision-handler.js
Created July 8, 2016 16:58
Form handler to Google Spreadsheet
var forms = $('body').find('#gform');
$(forms).on('submit', handleFormSubmit);
function getFormData(form) {
var elements = $(form).find('input, checkbox, radio'); // all form elements
var data = {};
data[] = element.value;
kurai021 / SDLG.css
Last active August 10, 2016 04:34
sdlg emoticon replace with Stylish
@-moz-document url-prefix(, url-prefix({
._576q ._1i1j svg {
display: none;
._576q ._1i1j:after, ._576q ._1i1j::after {
content: url(;
._5j_u {
kurai021 / slider.html
Created September 22, 2015 16:15
slider enseña-pty
<div class="slider-intro">
<div class="slider-clip">
<ul class="slides owl-carousel">
{# defined in plugins/ #}
{% for slider_image in slider_image_list %}
<li class="slide">
<div class="slide-image fullscreener">
<img src="{% static slider_image %}" height="890" width="1800" alt="">
</div><!-- /.slide-image -->