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Last active October 14, 2020 02:36
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namespace Customize\EventSubscriber;
use Customize\Service\CheckedProduct;
use Eccube\Common\EccubeConfig;
use Eccube\Event\TemplateEvent;
use Eccube\Repository\ProductRepository;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Cookie;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\FilterResponseEvent;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\KernelEvents;
* 商品詳細ページにアクセスしたときに閲覧履歴の保存と取得をする
* Class ProductSubscriber
* @package Customize\EventSubscriber
class ProductSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
* @var ProductRepository
private $productRepository;
* @var CheckedProduct
private $checkedProduct;
* @var EccubeConfig
private $eccubeConfig;
public function __construct(
ProductRepository $productRepository,
CheckedProduct $checkedProduct,
EccubeConfig $eccubeConfig
$this->productRepository = $productRepository;
$this->checkedProduct = $checkedProduct;
$this->eccubeConfig = $eccubeConfig;
* @inheritDoc
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
// TODO: Implement getSubscribedEvents() method.
return [
KernelEvents::RESPONSE => 'onKernelResponse',
'Product/detail.twig' => 'onTemplateProductDetail'
* クッキーに商品IDを保存
* @param FilterResponseEvent $event
* @throws \Exception
public function onKernelResponse(FilterResponseEvent $event)
if(false === $event->isMasterRequest()) {
if($event->getRequest()->get('_route') !== 'product_detail') {
if($product_id = $event->getRequest()->get('id')) {
$Product = $this->productRepository->find($product_id);
if(null === $Product) {
// 商品IDを追加
// 保持期間1ヶ月
$expire = new \DateTime();
$expire->modify("1 month");
// Cookie作成
$cookie = new Cookie(
implode(',', $this->checkedProduct->getProducts()->toArray()),
$response = $this->checkedProduct->setCookie($event->getResponse(), $cookie);
// Cookieをレスポンスにセット
* クッキーから商品IDを取得してTwigに値を渡す
* @param TemplateEvent $event
public function onTemplateProductDetail(TemplateEvent $event)
$checkedProducts = [];
if($products = $this->checkedProduct->getProducts()) {
foreach($products as $product) {
if($product = $this->productRepository->find($product)) {
$checkedProducts[] = $product;
$event->setParameter('checkedProducts', $checkedProducts);
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