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kwannoel /
Created July 25, 2023 06:07
`./` then `echo $?` it should be 0.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
throw_error() {
cat ahjwkbhw
throw_error && echo "1"
kwannoel / mutex.go
Created May 1, 2022 08:02
Mutex using channels and goroutines
import (
type Mutex struct {
lockCh chan struct {}
unlockCh chan struct {}
doneCh chan struct {}
kwannoel / Dockerfile
Created April 13, 2022 08:33
Ubuntu dockerfile
#Create ubuntu as base image
FROM ubuntu
#Install packages
RUN apt-get -y update
RUN apt-get -y install python3
RUN apt-get -y install gdb
RUN apt-get -y install gcc
kwannoel / multicall.c
Created September 10, 2021 18:00
Try out multicall binaries
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// Try it out:
// gcc multicall.c -o multi
// chmod +x multi
// ln -s multi hello
// ./hello
// ln -s multi bye
// ./bye
>>> compiling gerbil core
*** WARNING -- Variable "macro-readtable-brace-keyword-set!" used in module "gx-gambc1" is undefined
*** WARNING -- Variable "macro-readtable-bracket-keyword-set!" used in module "gx-gambc1" is undefined line 107: 12092 Segmentation fault (core dumped) "${GERBIL_STAGE0}/bin/gxi" "${GERBIL_BUILD}/"
*** ERROR; build failed
builder for '/nix/store/qvhfwb9r400dmxwxgckdfidasxhxcydl-gerbil-unstable-2021-06-08.drv' failed with exit code 1
error: build of '/nix/store/fs655cfzsbq0yx87639c3ff9r9847brr-gerbil-crypto-unstable-2021-05-10.drv', '/nix/store/h3ahfn7imahhaxfahgn9xsykq79wdgsv-gerbil-utils-unstable-2021-05-10.drv', '/nix/store/hf7llw081hsdyvyajciq6cmas3a4glav-gerbil-persist-unstable-2021-03-15.drv', '/nix/store/j8zmqkdny97bwq08fx7gkbgbi8h6ac4x-gerbil-poo-unstable-2021-05-21.drv', '/nix/store/k4yb4jgjx8rjizqh9k9ipvkm0akxam1l-smug-gerbil-unstable-2020-12-12.drv', '/nix/store/m0nh7d37qvk1zzq2067pl6yp6j6g98yn-glow-lang-unstable-2021-06-18.drv', '/nix/store/nq5vq4r4b
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Control.Arrow((>>>), (&&&))
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty, nonEmpty)
> ./scripts/
Running: (echo geth --datadir /home/noel/.local/share/glow/geth --identity GlowPrivateEthereumTestNet --verbosity 4 --miner.etherbase 0x25c0bb1A5203AF87869951AEf7cF3FEdD8E330fC --nodiscover --maxpeers 0 --nousb --networkid 17 --nat any --vmdebug --unlock 0x25c0bb1A5203AF87869951AEf7cF3FEdD8E330fC account import --password /dev/null /tmp/croesus-tmp-WYZhrO.prv ; geth --datadir /home/noel/.local/share/glow/geth --identity GlowPrivateEthereumTestNet --verbosity 4 --miner.etherbase 0x25c0bb1A5203AF87869951AEf7cF3FEdD8E330fC --nodiscover --maxpeers 0 --nousb --networkid 17 --nat any --vmdebug --unlock 0x25c0bb1A5203AF87869951AEf7cF3FEdD8E330fC account import --password /dev/null /tmp/croesus-tmp-WYZhrO.prv) < /dev/null >> /home/noel/.local/share/glow//log/geth/geth.log 2>&1
Gerbil-ethereum v0.0-260-gb151403 on Gerbil-persist v0.0-19-g75d4c45, Gerbil-crypto ef0ef55, Gerbil-poo 5b2290f, Gerbil-utils v0.0-316-g3c748ed, Gerbil v0.16-178-g17fbcb95, Gambit v4.9.3-1389-g55b21ed9
In th
kwannoel / buffer.c
Created April 11, 2021 10:11
Increment trigger until you see output upon program crash.
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int *ip = NULL; //just a convenient way to crash a program :-)
int i, trigger;
printf("Trigger at (positive int): ");
scanf("%d", &trigger);
(module test-module (quote #%builtin-kernel)
(#%require /libs/racket/base)
(#%provide test-result)
(#%require /libs/racket/private/syntax-case)
(define-syntax defun
(#%plain-lambda (stx)
(#%variable-reference console-log)
(#%variable-reference stx)
#lang racket
(define a 1)
(define b 2)
; quote
'(+ a b) ; '(+ a b)
; quasiquote
`(+ a ,b) ; '(+ a 2)
; nested quasi-quote expr