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Last active March 30, 2018 10:49
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HM+HigherKindedPoly+KindPoly in 25 lines of hacky Prolog
%%%% Hindley Milner + type constructor polymorphism + rank-1 kind poly
:- set_prolog_flag(occurs_check,true).
:- op(500,yfx,$).
kind(KC,var(Z),K1) :- first(Z:K,KC), instantiate(K,K1).
kind(KC,F $ G, K2) :- kind(KC,F,K1 -> K2), kind(KC,G,K1).
kind(KC,A -> B,o) :- kind(KC,A,o), kind(KC,B,o).
type(KC,C,var(X), T1,G,G ) :- first(X:T,C), instantiate(T,T1).
type(KC,C,lam(X,E), A->B,G,G1) :- type(KC,[X:mono(A)|C],E,B,G0,G1),
G0 = [kind(KC,A->B,o) | G]. % delay kind goal
type(KC,C,X $ Y, B,G,G1) :- type(KC,C,X,A->B,G, G0),
type(KC,C,Y,A, G0,G1).
type(KC,C,let(X=E0,E1),T,G,G1) :- type(KC,[X:mono(A) |C],E0,A,G, G0),
%%%% TODO when we have constructors we need patterm matching expression
instantiate(poly(C,T),T1) :- copy_term(t(C,T),t(C,T1)).
first(X:T,[X1:T1|Zs]) :- X = X1 -> T = T1 ; first(X:T, Zs).
variablize(var(X)) :- gensym(t,X).
infer_type(KC,C,E,T) :-
type(KC,C,E,T,[],Gs0), %%% handle delayed kind sanity check below
findall(Ty, member(kind(_,Ty,_),Gs), Tys),
free_variables(Tys,Xs), maplist(variablize,Xs), % replace free tyvar to var(t)
findall(A:K,member(var(A),Xs),KC1), appendKC(Gs,KC1,Gs1), % extend with KC1 for new vars
maplist(call,Gs1), % run all goals in Gs1
%% debugging output
% writef("T = "), write(T), nl,
% writef("C = "), write(C), nl,
% writef("KC1 = "), write(KC1), nl,
% writef("Gs1 = "), write(Gs1), nl,
appendKC([kind(KC,X,K)|Gs],KC1,[kind(KC2,X,K)|Gs1]) :-
append(KC1,KC,KC2), appendKC(Gs,KC1,Gs1).
ctx0([ 'Nat':mono(o)
, 'List':mono(o->o)
[ 'Zero':mono(Nat)
, 'Succ':mono(Nat -> Nat)
, 'Nil' :poly([] %% ['Z':mono(Nat), 'S':mono(Nat -> Nat)]
, 'Cons':poly([] %%['Z':mono(Nat), 'S':mono(Nat -> Nat)]
:- Nat = var('Nat'), List = var('List').
main(T) :- ctx0(KC,C),
X = var(x), Y = var(y), Z = var(z),
Zero = var('Zero'), Succ = var('Succ'),
Cons = var('Cons'), Nil = var('Nil'),
TM_id = lam(x,X),
TM_S = lam(x,lam(y,lam(z,(X$Z)$(Y$Z)))),
TM_bad = lam(x,X$X),
TM_e1 = let(id=TM_id,var(id)$var(id)),
TM_e2 = lam(y,let(x=lam(z,Y),X$X)),
% tested on SWI-Prolog version 6.6.6
%%%% TODO test some poly kinded type consturctors
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