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Kyle Barron kylebarron

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xhochy / Arrow in xeus-cling.ipynb
Last active February 27, 2018 04:14
Apache Arrow in Jupyter with xeus-cling
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bquistorff /
Last active April 4, 2018 13:51
Generates a makefile keep Stata module installed files up-to-date with changes to the installation files
#make a package-specific makefile
# Requirement: set the environment variable STATA_PLATFORM
# The platform names are:
# WIN (32-bit x86) and WIN64A (64-bit x86-64) for Windows;
# MACINTEL (32-bit Intel, GUI), OSX.X86 (32-bit Intel, console), MACINTEL64 (64-bit Intel, GUI), OSX.X8664 (64-bit Intel, console), MAC (32-bit PowerPC), and OSX.PPC (32-bit PowerPC), for Mac;
# LINUX (32-bit x86), LINUX64 (64-bit x86-64), SOL64, and SOLX8664 (64-bit x86-64) for Unix.
# To do: generate this automatically
import mercantile
from shapely.geometry import box, shape
from supermercado import burntiles
minzoom = 7
maxzoom = 12
maximum_items_per_tile = 20
def stac_to_mosaicJSON(data):
dataset = data["features"]
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* zipObject.js
* tags: { JavaScript, Array, Object }
* Given an array of valid property identifiers and an array of values,
* return an object associating the properties to the values.
* Since an object can have undefined values but not undefined property
* pointers, the array of properties is used to decide the structure of
* the resulting object using Array.prototype.reduce().


DO NOT USE VSCODE terminal and make sure uname -m returns arm64

  1. First Install Xcode command line tool
xcode-select --install
  1. Create and change /opt directories owner
zhm / gist:2005158
Last active February 28, 2022 17:11
Building GDAL 1.9 with ESRI FileGDB support on OS X Lion

Building GDAL 1.9.x with ESRI FileGDB support on OS X Lion

  • Download the SDK from ESRI's website
  • Extract the SDK, and put the contents of the directory in a known location, I used ~/local/filegdb. Here's an example path to one of the files: ~/local/filegdb/lib/libFileGDBAPI.dylib
  • I use ~/local/filegdb so it can stay isolated in it's own place. You can put it anywhere, but the next few steps might be different.
  • Go into the directory containing the FileGDB SDK, e.g. ~/local/filegdb
  • ESRI built these dylib's using @rpath's, so to avoid needing to mess with DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH, I updated the @rpath's using install_name_tool. There might be a more elegant way to handle this. If so, comments are welcome!
  • Here are the commands I used to patch the dylibs, this is not required if you want to use DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH yourself:
animeshtrivedi /
Last active March 8, 2022 12:04
Example program to convert Apache Parquet data to Apache Arrow
/* This code snippet is a part of the blog at
import org.apache.arrow.memory.RootAllocator;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.*;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.dictionary.DictionaryProvider;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.types.FloatingPointPrecision;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.types.pojo.ArrowType;
bquistorff / makefile
Created November 20, 2014 03:55
Makefile for a Stata project
# If you don't list all dependencies for code (because maybe it varies programmatically) then you can force a remake by doing 'make -B <target>. Note that it will remake all dependencies!
#nice-ness. Uncomment a line to enable. Default is +10
#nice_prefix := nice
#nice_prefix := nice -n10
############################# Project-specific Entries ####################
# which entries use parallel and need a windows gateway
# from $grep -r eval_synth . --include="*.do"
madchap /
Last active April 11, 2022 18:52
Unwatch all github repos from organization (unsubscribe)
# get api token with proper perms, ensure full "repos" for private repo access.
$ export auth="Authorization: token 123345465hfghfghfghgfhgfhfg"
$ export org="your_org"
# get the last page in the Link header. github API limits per_page to 100. Anything over this will require pagination.
$ curl -I -H "$auth"$org/repos
# go over all pages. Put this in a script, and save it.