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Last active May 15, 2019 18:52
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Sort a slice of strings, treating numbers by value instead of by ASCII.
package main
import (
func main() {
s := []string{
sort.Slice(s, Numerically(s))
for _, s := range s {
// Numerically is a helper for passing to sort.Slice or sorting a slice of strings numerically.
func Numerically(s []string) func(int, int) bool {
return func(si, sj int) bool {
return NumericLess(s[si], s[sj])
// NumericLess returns true if a is less than b treating numbers within the string as a group,
// rather than byte by byte. For example, "foo-9-bar" is less than "foo-10-baz".
func NumericLess(a, b string) bool {
not := func(f func(rune) bool) func(rune) bool { return func(r rune) bool { return !f(r) } }
digits := func(s string) int {
digits := strings.IndexFunc(s, not(unicode.IsDigit))
if digits == -1 {
return len(s)
return digits
ai, bi := 0, 0
for {
if aend, bend := ai >= len(a), bi >= len(b); aend != bend {
// The shorter one is less if all prior characters are equal.
return aend
} else if aend && bend {
// Neither one is less if all characters are equal.
return false
ac, bc := a[ai], b[bi]
adigit, bdigit := unicode.IsDigit(rune(ac)), unicode.IsDigit(rune(bc))
if adigit != bdigit {
// Sort numeric before non-numeric.
return adigit
} else if adigit && bdigit {
// Sort numeric portion all at once.
adigits, bdigits := digits(a[ai:]), digits(b[bi:])
if adigits != bdigits {
// The string with fewer digits is less.
return adigits < bdigits
if asub, bsub := a[ai:][:adigits], b[bi:][:bdigits]; asub != bsub {
// Lexicographic comparison works for all-digit strings.
return asub < bsub
ai += adigits
bi += bdigits
if ac != bc {
return ac < bc
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