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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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Playing with path optimization ideas.
#include "ofMain.h"
#include "ofxCv.h"
class ofApp : public ofBaseApp {
void setup() {
bestDiff = 0;
swaps = 64 * 64;
n = 32;
for(int y = 0; y < n; y++) {
for(int x = 0; x < n; x++) {
float a = sin(ofMap(x, 0, n - 1, 0, PI));
float b = sin(ofMap(y, 0, n - 1, 0, PI));
sensitivity.push_back(a * b);
n2 = n * n;"src");
all.assign(dir.size(), vector<int>(n2));
for(int i = 0; i < dir.size(); i++) {
ofImage cur(dir.getPath(i));
cur.resize(n, n);
unsigned char* pixels = cur.getPixels();
for(int j = 0; j < n2; j++) {
all[i][j] = pixels[j];
img.allocate(n2, dir.size(), OF_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
void sort() {
sort(0, all.size());
void sort(int start, int end) {
for(int i = start; i < end - 1; i++) {
int bestDiff = 0;
int bestIndex = 0;
for(int j = i + 1; j < end; j++) {
int curDiff = dist(i, j);
if(bestDiff == 0 || curDiff < bestDiff) {
bestDiff = curDiff;
bestIndex = j;
swap(all[i + 1], all[bestIndex]);
swap(ids[i + 1], ids[bestIndex]);
void randomSwap() {
for(int i = 0; i < swaps; i++) {
int x = ofRandom(1, all.size() - 2);
int y = ofClamp(x + ofRandom(-8, +8), 1, all.size() - 2);
// int y = ofRandom(1, all.size() - 2);
int xl = x-1, xr = x+1;
int yl = y-1, yr = y+1;
int curCost = dist(x, xl) + dist(x, xr) + dist(y, yl) + dist(y, yr);
int swaCost = dist(y, xl) + dist(y, xr) + dist(x, yl) + dist(x, yr);
if(swaCost < curCost) {
swap(all[x], all[y]);
swap(ids[x], ids[y]);
void reverse() {
std::reverse(ids.begin(), ids.end());
std::reverse(all.begin(), all.end());
void rotate(int steps) {
std::rotate(ids.begin(), ids.begin()+steps, ids.end());
std::rotate(all.begin(), all.begin()+steps, all.end());
void update() {
surprisingly, using randomSwap doesn't fare better than using the naive
"sorting" (iterative nearest neighbor) approach... tsp is rough.
// best nn starting point is good
int pivot = ofGetFrameNum() % all.size();
// not bad if descent constraint is commented out
// rotate(10);
// sort(0, 100);
// experimental
// rotate(2);
// int step = 100;
// for(int i = 0; i + step < all.size(); i+=step) {
// sort(i, i + step);
// }
// very slow
// randomSwap();
int totalDiff = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < all.size() - 1; i++) {
totalDiff += dist(i, i + 1);
if(totalDiff < bestDiff || bestDiff == 0)
best = all;
bestIds = ids;
bestDiff = totalDiff;
for(int y = 0; y < all.size(); y++) {
for(int x = 0; x < n2; x++) {
img.getPixels()[y * n2 + x] = all[y][x];
else {
// could swap
all = best;
ids = bestIds;
void draw() {
img.draw(0, 0);
ofDrawBitmapStringHighlight(ofToString(bestDiff) + " " + ofToString(ofGetFrameNum()), 10, 20);
void keyPressed(int key) {
if(key == 's') {
for(int i = 0; i < bestIds.size(); i++) {
bestIds[i].copyTo("out/" + ofToString(i, 4, '0') + ".tiff", true, true);
ofDirectory dir;
vector< vector<int> > all, best;
vector< ofFile > ids, bestIds;
ofImage img;
int n, n2;
int swaps;
int bestDiff;
vector<float> sensitivity;
float dist(int i, int j) {
float diff = 0;
for(int k = 0; k < n2; k++) {
float cur = all[i][k] - all[j][k];
cur *= sensitivity[k];
diff += cur > 0 ? cur : -cur;
return diff;
int main() {
ofSetupOpenGL(800, 800, OF_WINDOW);
ofRunApp(new ofApp());
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