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Last active October 22, 2018 15:20
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# Add to your profile so you can run `Cleanup-VS` from any PS prompt
Function Cleanup-VS
$script = (Split-Path -parent $PSCommandPath) + "\vscleanup.ps1"
#Requires -RunAsAdministrator
$instances = &"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe" -format json -prerelease | convertfrom-json
write-host 'Installed instances: '
# Grab longest version to pad properly.
$editionLength = ($instances | select -expand displayName | sort { $_.length } | select -last 1).length
$versionLength = ($instances | select -expand catalog | select -expand productDisplayVersion | sort { $_.length } | select -last 1).length
$instances | % { $i = 0 } { "[$i] {0} - {1} (id {3}) at {2}" -f $_.displayName.padright($editionLength, ' '), $_.catalog.productDisplayVersion.padright($versionLength, ' '), $_.installationPath, $_.instanceId; $i++ }
$index = read-host 'Enter index of instance to cleanup: '
if ($index -ne '')
$instance = $instances | select -skip $index -first 1
if ($instance)
if (test-path $instance.installationPath)
write-progress -activity "Deleting $instance.installationPath ..."
remove-item -force -recurse $instance.installationPath
$instancePath = "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages\_Instances\" + $instance.instanceId
if (test-path $instancePath)
write-progress -activity "Deleting $instancePath ..."
remove-item -force -recurse $instancePath
$instancePath = "C:\PackageCache\_Instances\" + $instance.instanceId
if (test-path $instancePath)
write-progress -activity "Deleting $instancePath ..."
remove-item -force -recurse $instancePath
$hivePath = $env:LocalAppData + "\Microsoft\VisualStudio\" + $instance.installationVersion.substring(0, 2) + ".0_" + $instance.instanceId
if (test-path $hivePath)
write-progress -activity "Deleting $hivePath ..."
remove-item -force -recurse $hivePath
$hivePath = $env:LocalAppData + "\Microsoft\VisualStudio\" + $instance.installationVersion.substring(0, 2) + ".0_" + $instance.instanceId + "Exp"
if (test-path $hivePath)
write-progress -activity "Deleting $hivePath ..."
remove-item -force -recurse $hivePath
write-progress -activity "Done" -completed -status "All done."
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