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Created May 29, 2012 23:31
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define [
], ({}, {ColourFilter}) ->
# tint helper
# pass in r,g,b or a HEX value
# HEX value in this form: 0xFFFFFF
# red : 0 - 255
# green : 0 - 255
# blue : 0 - 255
# strength : 0 - 1
tint = (red, green = 1, blue = null, strength = null) ->
if (red != null && blue == null)
if green == null then green = 1
strength = green
console.log strength
b = (red&0xFF) * strength
g = (red>>8&0xFF) * strength
r = (red>>16&0xFF) * strength
r = red*strength
g = green*strength
b = blue*strength
t = 1 - strength
console.log r, g, b, strength
cf = new ColourFilter(t, t, t, 1, r, g, b, 0)
return cf
# This fills the entire object with a solid colour, as opposed to simply tinting it.
# Usage: object = FillColour(object, "0xFF0000")
# Best done before the addChild call.
fillColour = (object, red, green, blue, strength) ->
console.log "FillColour(#{object}) called"
colourFilter = tint(red, green, blue, strength)
object2 = object.clone()
object2.filters = [colourFilter]
img = object2.image
object2.cache(0, 0, img.width, img.height)
return object2
tint: tint
fillColour: fillColour
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