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laike9m laike9m

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pdm run pytest [23:39:33]
================================================================== test session starts ==================================================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.7.12, pytest-6.2.5, py-1.10.0, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: /Users/laike9m/Dev/Python/pdir2
plugins: hypothesis-6.21.0, mypy-0.8.1
collected 0 items / 1 error
======================================================================== ERRORS =========================================================================
_____________________________________________________________ ERROR collecting test session _____________________________________________________________
__pypackages__/3.7/lib/_pytest/config/ in _importconftest
class Solution {
bool isLetter(char c) {
return c >= 'a' && c <= 'z';
string minRemoveToMakeValid(string s) {
stack<pair<char, int>> sta;
string ans = "";
string buffer;
laike9m /
Created May 31, 2020 23:55
Checks whether the current Python interpreter has computed gotos enabled
# This file is for detecting whether the current interpreter has enabled computed gotos.
# See for details.
import sys
def global_tracer(frame, event_type, arg):
assert event_type == "call"
print(f"computed gotos enabled: {frame.f_back.f_lasti == 40}") # Win: 38, Mac, Linux: 40
laike9m /
Last active September 15, 2023 09:34
Mili - sustain++; (ending ver.) / Ghost In The Shell: SAC_2045 Ending
* The goal of this program is to obtain a HEALTHY
* and SUSTAINABLE relationship, darling.
* @author Cassie Wei from Mili
public class sustainPlusPlus {
public static void main(String[] args) {
World world = new World();
Life me = new Ghost();
laike9m /
Created November 18, 2019 02:07
Basic Calculator III
class Solution:
@param s: the expression string
@return: the answer
def calculate(self, s):
i = 0
left_brac_indexes = []
while i < len(s):
Raw string 是个通用概念。即 escape 不生效的 string,既然不生效,也无法 escape 掉 ending sequence。
所有语言的 raw string 都面临一个问题,即如何处理 ending sequence
staring sequence: “ or '
ending sequence: “ or '
Python 的做法是允许 ‘, “ 出现,但需要用 \ escape 掉它们(相当于在 Python raw string里有唯一生效的escape就是\”和\’),并且 \ 依然会出现
digraph "Cyberbrain Output" {
graph [forcelabels=true];
node [label="\N"];
subgraph "cluster_(0, 0, 0)" {
graph [color=lightgrey,
label="(0, 0, 0)",
node [color=white,
# Tests how EXTENDED_ARG works
import bytecode
import dis
import sys
from bytecode import ConcreteInstr, ConcreteBytecode
CONST_ARG = 0x1234567 # The real argument we want to set.
cbc = bytecode.ConcreteBytecode()
cbc.consts = [None] * (CONST_ARG + 1) # Make sure co_consts is big enough.
laike9m /
Created May 28, 2019 05:27
Record call arguments by manually recording VM stack.
import dis
import sys
def g(x, y):
# Code that analyzes outer frame to get passed in arguments.
outer_frame = sys._getframe(1)
instructions = list(dis.get_instructions(outer_frame.f_code))
call_start_offset = None
def xxxx(ph, sin_id):
with OracleConnect(xxxx) as db_oracle:
sql = u"xxxxx"
has_data, sql_data = db_oracle.get_one(sql)
if has_data:
return sql_data.get("task_id", ""), "rollback"
return sin_id, "calculate"