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Last active March 7, 2024 18:03
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Solve sudoku in haskell
import Data.Char (ord)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
data CellValue = CellValue { index :: Int
, row :: Int
, col :: Int
, box :: Int
, value :: Int
toCellValue :: Int -> Int -> CellValue
toCellValue index = CellValue index row col box
where (row, col) = quotRem index 9
box = 3 * (row `div` 3) + (col `div` 3)
-- Returns true if the given CellValues can be part of the same sudoku grid
compatible :: CellValue -> CellValue -> Bool
compatible (CellValue i a b c m) (CellValue j p q r n)
| i == j = m == n
| a == p || b == q || c == r = m /= n
| otherwise = True
-- Take all options (729) and keep the ones compatible with given values
-- Important: The options are sorted by cell index
-- Note: Randomizing the order of options while keeping the list sorted by
-- cell index might give a better worst case performance because it would
-- make it impossible to design a puzzle that exploits the deterministic
-- backtracking strategy current employed by this solver.
cellOptions :: [Int] -> [CellValue]
cellOptions values = foldr (filter . compatible) options given
where options = [toCellValue i n | i <- [0..80], n <- [1..9]]
given = filter ((/= 0) . value) $ zipWith toCellValue [0..] values
-- Find a consistent set of 81 CellValues
backtrack :: Int -> [CellValue] -> [CellValue] -> Maybe [CellValue]
backtrack 81 chosen _ = Just (reverse chosen)
backtrack _ _ [] = Nothing
backtrack n chosen (o:os)
| n /= index o = Nothing
| isJust use_o = use_o
| otherwise = backtrack n chosen os
where use_o = backtrack (n + 1) (o:chosen) (filter (compatible o) os)
solve :: [Int] -> Maybe [Int]
solve sudoku = map value <$> backtrack 0 [] (cellOptions sudoku)
sudokuToString :: [Int] -> String
sudokuToString = unlines . map unwords . chunksOf 9 . map show
where chunksOf :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
chunksOf _ [] = []
chunksOf n xs = take n xs : chunksOf n (drop n xs)
parseInput s
| any (\d -> d < 0 || d > 9) digits = error "Unexpected character in input"
| otherwise = digits
where digits = if length s /= 81
then error "Input must contain exactly 81 characters"
else map (\c -> if c == '.' then 0 else ord c - ord '0') s
-- Input format: a string of integers, missing values replaced with .
main = interact $ \input ->
let solution = solve $ parseInput (take 81 input) in
maybe "No solution found\n" sudokuToString solution
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