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Created April 7, 2021 21:15
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import "lib/"
-- We'll need a random number generator. We don't need any good guarantees,
-- so we use the fastest one.
module dist = uniform_real_distribution f32 minstd_rand
-- Let's define some aliases for readability.
let split = minstd_rand.split_rng
let from_seed x = minstd_rand.rng_from_seed [x]
let sample rng = dist.rand (0,1) rng
-- Now we can generate a random grid!
let randGrid (x: i64) (y: i64) (rng: minstd_rand.rng): [y][x]f32 =
let y_rngs = split y rng
let grid_rngs = map (\rng -> split x rng) y_rngs
in map (map (\rng -> (sample rng).1)) grid_rngs
-- > :img randGrid 100i64 100i64 (from_seed 10)
-- However, we probably want something nicer. First, some math utilities.
type vec = (f32, f32)
let v0: vec = (0.0, 0.0)
let frac (x: f32): f32 = x - f32.floor x
let floori (x: f32): i64 = i64.f32 (f32.floor x)
let dot (x: vec) (y: vec): f32 = x.0 * y.0 + x.1 * y.1
let sub (x: vec) (y: vec): vec = (x.0 - y.0, x.1 - y.1)
let len (x: vec): f32 = f32.sqrt (x.0 * x.0 + x.1 * x.1)
let norm (x: vec): vec = (x.0 / len x, x.1 / len x)
-- This perlin noise function returns a closure which takes a pair of values
-- between 0 and 1, and gives the value of the perlin noise.
let interpolate (a0: f32) (a1: f32) (w: f32) = (a1 - a0) * (3.0 - w * 2.0) * w * w + a0
type perlin_noise [n] = {
vecs: [n][n]vec,
subdivs: i64
-- This function allows us to store an array with element type perlin_noise.
-- To do that, we need to have them all be the same size. Expand pads the perlin
-- noise arrays with zero vectors.
-- The type system is not expressive enough to track the size changes to nested
-- arrays in this function. Therefore, we have to use dynamic size assertions
let expand [n] (to: i64) (from: perlin_noise [n]): perlin_noise [to] =
let extended_rows: [n][to]vec = map (\arr -> concat arr (replicate (n - to) v0) :> [to]vec) from.vecs
let extra_rows = replicate to (replicate to v0)
in {subdivs = n, vecs = concat extended_rows extra_rows :> [to][to]vec}
let gen_perlin_noise (subdivs: i64) (rng: minstd_rand.rng): perlin_noise [subdivs] =
let rngs = split 2 rng
let xss = randGrid subdivs subdivs rngs[0]
let yss = randGrid subdivs subdivs rngs[1]
-- We need to zip the x components of the vectors with the y components, and while
-- we do this, we should also shift and normalize the vectors.
let vecs = map
(\(xs, ys) -> map (\(x,y) -> norm (x-0.5, y-0.5)) (zip xs ys))
(zip xss yss)
in { vecs, subdivs }
let sample_perlin_noise [n] (noise: perlin_noise [n]) (pt: (f32, f32)): f32 =
let x = pt.0 * f32.i64 (noise.subdivs - 1)
let y = pt.1 * f32.i64 (noise.subdivs - 1)
let pts = [
(f32.floor x, f32.floor y),
(f32.floor x, f32.floor y + 1),
(f32.floor x + 1, f32.floor y),
(f32.floor x + 1, f32.floor y + 1)
let pt_vecs = [
noise.vecs[floori x, floori y],
noise.vecs[floori x, floori y + 1],
noise.vecs[floori x + 1, floori y],
noise.vecs[floori x + 1, floori y + 1]
let dxs = map (sub (x, y)) pts
let dots = map2 dot pt_vecs dxs
let x0 = interpolate dots[0] dots[1] (frac y)
let x1 = interpolate dots[2] dots[3] (frac y)
in (1.0 + interpolate x0 x1 (frac x)) / 2.0
let sample_grid (x: i64) (y: i64) (f: (f32, f32) -> f32): [y][x]f32 =
map (\yi ->
map (\xi ->
f (f32.i64 xi / f32.i64 x, f32.i64 yi / f32.i64 y)
(iota x)
(iota y)
let example = sample_grid 500i64 500i64 (sample_perlin_noise (gen_perlin_noise 20 (from_seed 12)))
-- > :img example
-- Now we can combine perlin noise at different scales to get the rough looking
-- perlin noise we're all used to!
type perlin_octaves [o] [n] = {
octaves: [o](perlin_noise [n])
let gen_perlin_octaves (start_amplitude: i64) (num_amplitudes: i64) (rng: minstd_rand.rng)
: perlin_octaves [num_amplitudes] [] =
let maxsize = start_amplitude * 2 ** (num_amplitudes -1)
let rngs = split num_amplitudes rng
let vecs: [num_amplitudes](perlin_noise [maxsize]) = map2
(\freq rng ->
expand maxsize (gen_perlin_noise freq rng)
(map (\i -> start_amplitude * 2 ** i) (iota num_amplitudes))
in {octaves = vecs}
let sample_perlin_octaves [n] [m] (octaves: perlin_octaves [n] [m]) (persistence: f32) (pt: (f32, f32)): f32 =
(loop (r, m, p) = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0) for perlin_noise in octaves.octaves do
(r + p * sample_perlin_noise perlin_noise pt, r + p, p * persistence)).0
let example2 = sample_grid 500i64 500i64 (sample_perlin_octaves (gen_perlin_octaves 2 5 (from_seed 12)) 1.0)
-- > :img example2
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