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Last active December 7, 2020 19:46
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LaLa Theme 4 Development Summary

LaLa Theme 4 Development

  • The LLT4 development systems are in place to achieve a number of goals in order to:
    • Expedite the creation, update, and management of both parent and child theme sets,
    • Facilitate and utilize powerful development tools and structured systems,
    • Minimize frontend asset size and volume, and
    • Simplify the process of deploying changes to live sites

I. Setup and Environments

A. The Dev Server

  • Development should occur on a specified "dev" environment and never on the production server itself
  • A dev environment could be a remotely-hosted server, a local setup, or anywhere the developer feels confortable
  • LLT4 uses the following technologies/utilities; the following should be available on the development environment:
  • Depending on your OS and machine the installation process could vary; be sure to follow the instructions based on your specific requirements
  • Any web server technology compatible with WordPress can be used (Apache, NGINX preferred)
  • Once the above technologies are set up, a clone of the master repository should be made
    • Clone the repo: git clone{repo_name].git
    • Install the required modules npm install

B. Version Control

  • LLT4 uses Git version control with GitHub as a source for push/pulling
  • Before pulling down the latest repository for development, the developer needs to set up SSH keys for in order to access the repository

C. Asset Bundles

  • LLT4 uses two sets of asset bundles to isolate dev and production environments
    • Production-level bundles are located in .../public/css and .../public/cs
    • Similarly, dev-level bundles are located in .../public/dev/css and .../public/dev/js
  • Two sets of bundles are used to that production-level assets can only be explicitly overwritten with npm run prod
  • When first setting up (and for every repo pull thereafter), npm run dev should be run in both the parent and child theme so that dev-level assets are available
    • npm run dev and npm run watch will produce the same asset files
    • npm run watch will listen for any changes in the theme and automatically run npm run dev

II. Development Timeline & Notes

Development occurs in blocks of tasks as defined by both the project manager on a macro scale and you as the developer on a local scale. An example of a full cycle of development is summarized below:

  1. Development begins
  2. Navigate to the proper directory on a dev environment
  3. Make sure your repository is updated: git pull origin master
  4. Start up the webpack bundler to start building the dev bundle: npm run watch
  5. Complete required tasks through development
  6. Test new features and ensure changes are production-ready
  7. Fire up the prodution bundle: npm run prod
  8. Update the version number in style.css
  9. Add your changes to a new commit: git add .
  10. Create a new commit with a meaningful message: git commit -m "Made changes to ..."
  11. Generate a new tag that matches the new version number in style.css: git tag v1.0.1 -m "What is new in this version..."
  12. Push your changes up to the master repository: git push origin master
  13. Make sure you are in the master branch and push your new tags: git push origin --tags
  14. Navigate to the wp-admin backend fo the relevant site(s)
  15. Go to Appearance -> Themes and run the automatic updater

A. Tickets

  • The impetus for development could be a number of things including but not limited to:
    • A new feature is requested
    • Refactoring is required on existing code
    • Errors or bugs need to be resolved
  • Requests usually come in as a ticket covering the need for changes to a specific code base
  • Each development session (and subsequent commits to the master repository) should only cover the scope of the work requested
    • This is both keep development intentions and purposes organized and ease in historical analyses and potential rollback capabilities

B. Using WebPack

  • The WebPack asset bundler takes all of the relevant files for each theme, processes them, and smushes and minimizes them into a single asset
  • This allows to call in a single app.css and app.js file on the frontend with any and all changes
  • Themes are set up to use the Stylus CSS framework

C. Using NPM Scripts

  • The NPM scripts defined in package.json are used to speed up the boring parts of development such as bundling and compilation
  • By running npm run watch, WebPack will be initialized and keep watch for any changes you make to asset files, rebundling each time it sees one
    • This creates a development-level bundle that will aid in troubleshooting and testing
  • When changes are ready for production, running npm run prod will run a routine that will produce a production-level bundle
    • This is similar to the development bundle but removes debug information and minimizes content more effectively

D. Updating with GitHub

  • Themes and production sites are equipped to use automatic update checkers to match changes with the master repository
  • The themes will compare the version value in style.css with the latest tag in GitHub
  • If the installed version is behind the GitHub version, an update can be made
  • When pushing changes to GitHub, it is important to create a new tag when new changes are ready for production

III. Theme Organization and Structure

  • LLT4 uses the standard WordPress parent -> child theme inheritance feature
  • Each new child theme is forked from the template theme, which is updated with the latest and greatest child theme initializing features
  • All of the required hooks (for both parent and child themes) are implemented in the parent theme to keep the child themes as light and flexible as possible
    • E.g., asset enqueueing for child themes occur in the parent theme by checking if a child theme is being used

A. Resource Structures

  • In LLT4, resources are considered any partial piece of display, style, or layout asset that is used to render the site
  • Here, template partials, styles, and scripts all fall under the "resources" umbrella
  • A vast majority of changes and alterations made to themes will be made to resources

B. Partial Templating and Inheritance

1. Partial Views

  • LLT4 uses template partials to build a full, rendered view
  • Partial views are all contained in the /resources/views folder
  • The parent and child theme each have their own set of asset bundles
    • "Assets" are files that have to be enqueued, such as stylesheets and scripts
  • Partials can be overwritten in the child by mimicking the partial path
    • E.g., the {child_dir}/.../header/banner.php will be used instead of the {parent_dir}/.../header/banner.php if the file exists
  • The ll4_view() function can be used to call in partial views with the inheritance logic already baked in

2. Stylesheets

  • While the styles contained in /resources/(sass|stylus|css) share a similar structure to views, it is only for organizational purposes
    • Child theme styles files will not overwrite parent files (since they use different asset bundles)
  • In addition, the /resources/img files are the source for any theme images, but are used mostly for background images and other CSS-releated needs

3. Scripts

  • Scripts are split up by functionality with each folder representing an enclosed function
    • E.g., "Smooth Scroll" and "Google Map" functions are all contained in their own directories
  • Different scripts are explicitly called in by the /resources/js/app.js file
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