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Amani lambdahands

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anonymous / Gemfile
Created August 16, 2013 01:03
Guard + LiveReload + Compass + Foundation = <3
source ""
group :development do
gem 'sass'
gem 'compass'
gem 'compass-validator'
gem 'css_parser'
gem 'guard'
gem 'guard-compass'
gem 'guard-shell'
CmdrDats / cqrs.clj
Last active January 2, 2016 04:44
Simple foray into Clojure CQRS/ES example. Now with Datomic.
(ns server.db.cqrs
[datomic-schema.schema :only [schema fields part]])
[datomic.api :as d]
[datomic.function :as df]
[datomic-schema.schema :as s]))
;; Some simple helper functions:
(defn error [^String msg]
(ns interop.core
(:require [cljs.nodejs :as nodejs]))
(def Immutable (js/require "immutable"))
(extend-type Immutable.List
(-seq [coll]
jackrusher / rhyming-and-scheming.clj
Created January 26, 2014 22:42
Finding rhymes with clojure and CMU's pronunciation dictionary. Tested with this file, minus comments, as 'cmudict.txt':
(def rhyme-txt
(map #(string/split % #"[ ]+") (string/split-lines (slurp "cmudict.txt"))))
(def word-to-rhyme
(reduce (fn [m [word & rhyme]]
(assoc m
(string/lower-case word)
(mapv #(keyword (string/replace %1 #"[0-9]" "")) (reverse rhyme))))
{} rhyme-txt))
Sh4pe /
Last active April 11, 2018 05:39
Pretty-print methods of a Java class in Clojure. Useful inside the REPL.

The function print-methods is intended to be used inside a REPL. Just copy and paste it to your REPL and enjoy:

main=> ; paste print-methods
main=> (print-methods 1)
class java.lang.Long
bitCount(long) -> int
byteValue() -> byte
compare(long, long) -&gt; int
malyn / vim-fireplace-figwheel.diff
Created February 20, 2015 21:12
vim-fireplace patches/hack for compatibility with Figwheel
diff --git a/plugin/fireplace.vim b/plugin/fireplace.vim
index 6c32caa..a415bf8 100644
--- a/plugin/fireplace.vim
+++ b/plugin/fireplace.vim
@@ -232,7 +232,9 @@ function! s:repl.piggieback(arg, ...) abort
let arg = ' :repl-env ' . a:arg
- let response = connection.eval('(cemerick.piggieback/cljs-repl'.arg.')')
+ "let response = connection.eval('(cemerick.piggieback/cljs-repl'.arg.')')
mrb /
Last active October 4, 2020 18:45
"Programs that eat programs" Works cited/bibliography
;; # Maria for Experts
;; This is a short tour of abstractions we've made in the process of building Maria, which are also available while using the system. It is meant for people with experience using functional programming languages who already know how to evaluate forms in Maria. If you're a beginner to Maria or to programming in general, I recommend starting [here](
;; (For the impatient, Command-Enter — Control-Enter on a PC — within a code block with evaluate the code before the cursor.)
;; ## Notebook interface
;; In the notebook tradition exemplified by iPython Notebooks, one has a mix of prose and code with the ability to visualize the results of evaluating a particular piece of code.
gorsuch / gist:1418850
Created December 1, 2011 18:37
clojure uuid
(defn uuid [] (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)))