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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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ki port of the official React tutorial: See ki at
ki -o react_ki.out.js react_ki.js
<title>Hello React</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="mori.js"></script>
<div id="content"></div>
<script src="react_ki.out.js"></script>
// A few macros for writing React components concisely using s-expressions instead of JSX
ki macro (defcomp $name $render_body)
(def $name ((js React.createClass)
{$ 'render' (fn [] $render_body)}))
ki macro (defcomp $name {$kv ...} $render_body)
(def $name ((js React.createClass)
{$kv ... 'render' (fn [] $render_body)}))
ki macro (dom $tag {$kv ...} $children ...)
((js React.DOM.$tag) {$kv ...} $children ...)
ki macro (dom $tag $children ...)
((js React.DOM.$tag) (js {}) $children ...)
// Tutorial code starts here
// The CommentBox component just does a fake async request using setTimeout.
// State is stored in a persistent data structure within React state in CommentBox.
// In another version global state could be moved to an atom using atom callbacks
// to trigger a re-rendering.
ki require core
ki (do
(def data [{:author "Pete Hunt" :text "This is one comment"}
{:author "Jordan Walke" :text "This is another comment"}])
(defcomp Comment
(dom div {$ :className 'comment'}
(dom h2 {$ :className 'commentAuthor'}
(defcomp CommentList
(dom div {$ :className 'commentList'}
(map (fn [comment i]
(Comment {$ :author (get comment :author)} (get comment :text)))
(defcomp CommentForm
{$ :handleSubmit
(fn []
(let [author (js
text (js this.refs.text.getDOMNode().value.trim())]
(this.props.onCommentSubmit {:author author :text text})
(js = '')
(js this.refs.text.getDOMNode().value = '')
(dom form {$ :className 'commentForm' :onSubmit this.handleSubmit}
(dom input {$ :type 'text' :placeholder 'Your name' :ref 'author'})
(dom input {$ :type 'text' :placeholder 'Say something...' :ref 'text'})
(dom input {$ :type 'submit' :value 'Post'})))
(defcomp CommentBox
{$ :getInitialState
(fn []
{$ :data [{:author "Pete Hunt" :text "This is one comment"}]})
(fn []
(setTimeout (fnth [] (this.setState {$ :data data})) 1000))
(fn [comment]
(this.setState {$ data (conj comment)}))}
(dom div {$ :className 'commentBox'}
(dom h1 'Comments')
(CommentList {$ :data})
(CommentForm {$ :onCommentSubmit this.handleCommentSubmit})))
(React.renderComponent (CommentBox) (document.getElementById 'content'))
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