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laojala /
Last active March 24, 2023 10:47
Print order of participants and talking points for a daily team meeting
Daily Generator
Prints a random order of the ATTENDEES and QUESTIONS for daily.
import sys
from random import shuffle
# Modidy this list for attendees
laojala / is_boolean_argument.robot
Last active November 14, 2022 06:07
Evaluates if variable passed from command line is Boolean type
*** Settings ***
Documentation Evaluates if variable passed from command line is Boolean type
... Requires Robot Framework version 3.2 or newer
... Arguments are passed for a test like this:
... robot --variable MY_BOOLEAN:False path/to/this/file
... Tests pass both for "True" and "False" and should fail for any other inputs.
*** Variables ***
${MY_BOOLEAN} not boolean - tests fail with this
*** Settings ***
Library BuiltIn
Library AppiumLibrary
*** Keywords ***
Capture Screen Recording
Run Keyword And Ignore Error Start Screen Recording
*** Settings ***
Documentation Saves screen recording for failing tests.
... iPhone: requires ffmpeg installed on Mac where phones are conneted. Run: brew install ffmpeg
... Android: recording is not working in all phones (does not cause test failures if recording is not supported)
Library BuiltIn
Library OperatingSystem
Library AppiumLibrary
*** Keywords ***
Capture Screen Recording
*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary
Suite Setup Open Browser Chrome
Suite Teardown Close Browser
*** Test Cases ***
Verify Header Text Exists