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Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
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Some groovy scripts for running jobs which executed time is longer than expected, also waiting time in queue
import groovy.json.JsonBuilder
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.*
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.*
import hudson.model.Queue.Executable
int WARNING_DURATION_IN_SECONDS = 100 * 2 // 6 hours
def busyExecutors = Jenkins.instance.computers
.collect {
c -> c.executors.findAll { it.isBusy() }
.flatten() // reminder: transforms list(list(executor)) into list(executor)
// check estimated remaining time is less than 0
// & running over 2 hours
println "Busy Executors list"
def longDuration = [:]
busyExecutors.each { e ->
println e ;
println e.getCurrentExecutable()
println("estimated time is " + e.getEstimatedRemainingTimeMillis()/1000.0 + " seconds" )
int durationInSeconds = (System.currentTimeMillis() - e.executable.getTimeInMillis())/1000.0
println "duration=$durationInSeconds seconds"
println "getEstimatedRemainingTimeMillis()="
println e.getEstimatedRemainingTimeMillis()
if(durationInSeconds > WARNING_DURATION_IN_SECONDS && e.getEstimatedRemainingTimeMillis() < 0 )
longDuration[e.getCurrentExecutable().toString()] = durationInSeconds/60
println longDuration
// construct dashing widget request
def data = [
auth_token: "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN",
items: longDuration.collect { name, minutes ->
"arrow": "icon-warning-sign",
"color": "red",
"value": minutes,
label: name + " => " + minutes.toString() + " mins"
def json = new JsonBuilder(data)
println("JSON data:" + json.toPrettyString())
// send to dashing
def post = new PostMethod(dashing_url)
try {
new StringRequestEntity(json.toPrettyString(),
"application/json; charset=UTF-8")
def httpclient = new HttpClient()
int status_code = httpclient.executeMethod(post)
println "INFO: Response status code: ${status_code}"
if(status_code != 204){
throw new IOException("Dashing push failure, status: ${status_code}")
} finally {
import hudson.model.*
import groovy.time.TimeCategory
import groovy.time.TimeDuration
import groovy.json.JsonBuilder
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.*
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.*
def queues = Hudson.instance.queue
println "Queue contains ${queues.items.length} items"
// get the queue list from jenkins instance , [name: waitingminutes]
start = new Date()
def longQueues = [:]
for(queue in queues.items) {
println(new Date(((long)queue.getInQueueSince())))
TimeDuration td = TimeCategory.minus( start,new Date(((long)queue.getInQueueSince())) )
longQueues[] = td.getMinutes() + 1
// construct dashing widget request
def data = [
auth_token: "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN",
items: longQueues.collect { name, minutes ->
"arrow": "icon-warning-sign",
"color": "red",
"value": minutes,
label: name + " => " + minutes.toString() + " mins"
def json = new JsonBuilder(data)
// send to dashing
def post = new PostMethod(dashing_url)
try {
println("JSON data:" + json.toPrettyString())
new StringRequestEntity(json.toPrettyString(),
"application/json; charset=UTF-8")
def httpclient = new HttpClient()
int status_code = httpclient.executeMethod(post)
println "INFO: Response status code: ${status_code}"
if(status_code != 204){
throw new IOException("Dashing push failure, status: ${status_code}")
} finally {
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