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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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module Keymap =
type Modifier = Ctrl = 1 | Alt = 2 | Win = 4 | Shift = 8 | None = 0
type KeyStroke = Key of Modifier * string
type Keyseq = KeyStroke list
type CommandFn = Keyseq -> Unit
type KeymapItem = Command of CommandFn | Keymap of TKeymap
and TKeymap = Map<KeyStroke, KeymapItem>
// Sicuramente c'e' un modo migliore di fare questo :V
let rec to_mods ss =
let f (s2:string) =
match s2 with
| "C" -> Modifier.Ctrl
| "A" -> Modifier.Alt
| "W" -> Modifier.Win
| "S" -> Modifier.Shift
| x -> failwith (sprintf "%A invalid modifier" x)
match ss with
| x :: xs -> (f x) ||| (to_mods xs)
| [] -> Modifier.None
let to_keystroke (s2:string) =
let modsAndKey = Array.toList (s2.Split '-')
let mods, k = match modsAndKey with
| x :: y :: xs ->
let len = List.length modsAndKey
let mods = List.take (len - 1) modsAndKey
let key = List.last modsAndKey
((to_mods mods), key)
| [x] -> (Modifier.None, x)
Key(mods, k)
// takes a string like "C-x C-c" and transforms it to a Keyseq
let string_to_keyseq (s:string) : Keyseq =
(s.Split ' ')
|> Array.toList
|> to_keystroke
type InterpretResult = Fail | PartialMatch | Match of CommandFn
let rec interpret (keyseq:Keyseq) (keymap:TKeymap) =
match keyseq with
| x :: xs ->
match Map.tryFind x keymap with
| Some(Keymap km) ->
match xs with
| y :: ys -> interpret xs km
| [] -> PartialMatch
| Some(Command f) -> Match f
| None -> Fail
| [] -> PartialMatch
let rec interpret_string (keyseq:string) (keymap:TKeymap) =
interpret (string_to_keyseq keyseq) keymap
let rec define_key2 (keyseq:Keyseq) (a:CommandFn) (keymap:TKeymap) =
match keyseq with
| [k] -> Map.add k (Command a) keymap
| k :: ks ->
match Map.tryFind k keymap with
| Some (Keymap km) -> Map.add k (Keymap (define_key2 ks a km)) keymap
| _ -> define_key2 keyseq a (Map.add k (Keymap Map.empty) keymap)
let define_key (keyseq:string) (a:CommandFn) (keymap:TKeymap) =
define_key2 (string_to_keyseq keyseq) a keymap
let eval_keyseq (keyseq:Keyseq) (keymap:TKeymap) =
match interpret keyseq keymap with
| PartialMatch -> printfn "More"
| Fail -> printfn "Fail"
| Match f -> f keyseq
let eval (keyseq:string) (keymap:TKeymap) =
eval_keyseq (string_to_keyseq keyseq) keymap
let m1 = Keymap.define_key "C-f" (fun x -> printfn "foobar") Map.empty
let m2 =
|> Keymap.define_key "C-f" (fun x -> printfn "forward-key")
|> Keymap.define_key "C-b" (fun x -> printfn "backward-key")
|> Keymap.define_key "C-x C-c" (fun x -> printfn "exit")
let exitseq = Keymap.string_to_keyseq "C-x C-c"
Keymap.eval_keyseq exitseq m2
Keymap.eval "C-f" m2
Keymap.eval "C-b" m2
Keymap.eval "C-x C-c" m2
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