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JiHan Kim laziel

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laziel / EpsilonEqual.js
Created October 26, 2015 02:24
ES6 EpsilonEqual
function isEpsilonEqual(a, b) {
return (Math.abs(a - b) < Number.EPSILON);
laziel / extend.js
Created October 27, 2015 05:07
function extend() {
var target = arguments[0] || {};
var length = arguments.length;
var prop;
for (var i = 1; i < length; i++) {
if (typeof arguments[i] === 'object') {
for (prop in arguments[i]) {
target[prop] = arguments[i][prop];
laziel / templateString.js
Created November 4, 2015 03:35
es6 template string
let a = 20;
let b = 10;
let c = ‘Test String’;
console.log(`a+b: ${a+b}, c: ${c}`);
// ‘a+b: 30, c: Test String’
laziel / cssvar.css
Created December 10, 2015 02:41
css variables
$a: 4;
$b: 3;
.slide {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: calc(50vw - #{$a/$b/2*100vh});
width: $a/$b*100vh;
height: 100vh;
laziel / github-corner.html
Created January 11, 2016 05:13
github corners
<a href="http://your-url" class="github-corner">
<svg width="80" height="80" viewBox="0 0 250 250"
style="fill:#151513; color:#fff; position: absolute; top: 0; border: 0; right: 0;">
<path d="M0,0 L115,115 L130,115 L142,142 L250,250 L250,0 Z"></path>
d="M128.3,109.0 C113.8,99.7 119.0,89.6 119.0,89.6 C122.0,82.7 120.5,78.6 120.5,78.6 C119.2,72.0 123.4,76.3 123.4,76.3 C127.3,80.9 125.5,87.3 125.5,87.3 C122.9,97.6 130.6,101.9 134.4,103.2"
fill="currentColor" style="transform-origin: 130px 106px;" class="octo-arm"></path>
d="M115.0,115.0 C114.9,115.1 118.7,116.5 119.8,115.4 L133.7,101.6 C136.9,99.2 139.9,98.4 142.2,98.6 C133.8,88.0 127.5,74.4 143.8,58.0 C148.5,53.4 154.0,51.2 159.7,51.0 C160.3,49.4 163.2,43.6 171.4,40.1 C171.4,40.1 176.1,42.5 178.8,56.2 C183.1,58.6 187.2,61.8 190.9,65.4 C194.5,69.0 197.7,73.2 200.1,77.6 C213.8,80.2 216.3,84.9 216.3,84.9 C212.7,93.1 206.9,96.0 205.4,96.6 C205.1,102.4 203.0,107.8 198.3,112.5 C181.9
laziel / leftpad.js
Created March 31, 2016 06:23
module.exports = leftpad;
function leftpad (str, len, ch) {
str = String(str);
var i = -1;
if (!ch && ch !== 0)
ch = ' ';
len = len - str.length;
while (++i < len) {
str = ch + str;
laziel /
Created April 6, 2016 07:13 — forked from marocchino/
ES6시대의 JavaScript

ES6시대의 JavaScript

안녕하세요. 사원사업부의 마루야마@h13i32maru입니다. 최근의 Web 프론트엔드의 변화는 매우 격렬해서, 조금 눈을 땐 사이에 점점 새로운 것이 나오고 있더라구요. 그런 격렬한 변화중 하나가 ES6이라는 차세대 JavaScript의 사양입니다. 이 ES6는 현재 재정중으로 집필시점에서는 Draft Rev31이 공개되어있습니다.

JavaScript는 ECMAScript(ECMA262)라는 사양을 기반으로 구현되어있습니다. 현재 모던한 Web 브라우저는 ECMAScript 5.1th Edition을 기반으로 한 JavaScript실행 엔진을 탑재하고 있습니다. 그리고 다음 버전인 ECMAScript 6th Edition이 현재 재정중으로, 약칭으로 ES6이라는 명칭이 사용되고 있습니다.

laziel / draggable.js
Created July 3, 2018 08:37
Pure JavaScript Draggable
(function () {
const wrapper = document.querySelector(`#test`);
const pos = {};
const moveDrag = evt => {
// const { scrollLeft, scrollTop } = document.scrollingElement;
const o = {
top: wrapper.offsetTop - (pos.clientY - evt.clientY),
left: wrapper.offsetLeft - (pos.clientX - evt.clientX)
laziel / youtube.js
Created November 17, 2018 10:52 — forked from max-te/youtube.js
Download Youtube-Video in node.js
var http = require('http')
var fs = require('fs')
var argv = require('optimist').argv
var rxVideoID = /v=([\]\[!"#$%'()*+,.\/:;<=>?@\^_`{|}~-\w]*)/
var link = argv._.toString()
var videoID = link.match(rxVideoID)[1]
http.get(""+videoID, function(res) {
var chunks = []
laziel / exif-orientation.js
Created May 16, 2019 10:12
EXIF image orientation
* Get image orientation from EXIF header
* Referenced:
* -
* -
* -
* @param {String} imageUrl
* @return {Promise}