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Created November 15, 2018 11:51
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# Bellman-Ford implementation from MIT 6006 course lesson #17
import math
import networkx as nx
# utility: Graph
class Graph:
def __init__(self, vertices):
self.V = vertices
self.edges = []
def add_edge(self, edge):
def __str__(self):
result = ''
for edge in self.edges:
result += f'{v}: {str(edge)}, \n'
return result
def bellmanFord(graph, s):
Idea behind bellman-ford vs dijkstra:
They both can be used to find shortest path. But their approach is different.
Dijkstra is a greedy algorithm, which means it makes 'best optimal answer' for each given step.
But it fails when it encounters negative weights. Why? Because you can improve the weight by adding
one more iteration of relaxing all the edges.
However, Bellman-Ford is not a greedy algorithm. It just inspects for all the possible improvements
simply by looping over edges |V| - 1 times to get the best weight for 'shortest simple path'(SSP).
Then why |V| - 1 times? The length of the longest simple path(path w/o cycle) would be |V| - 1.
For example, you need 2 edges to connect 3 vertices, otherwise, there exists a negative cycle.
d = dict.fromkeys(graph.V, math.inf) # distance pair
# will have default value of Infinity
pi = dict.fromkeys(graph.V, None) # map of parent vertex
# initialize
d[s] = 0
def relax(u, v, w):
if d[v] > d[u] + w:
d[v] = d[u] + w
pi[v] = u
# The length of the longest simple path(path w/o cycle) would be |V| - 1.
# For example, you need 2 edges to connect 3 vertices.
# Otherwise, there exists a negative cycle.
for i in graph.V[:-1]:
for u, v, w in graph.edges:
relax(u, v, w)
for u, v, w in graph.edges:
# even after relaxing all the edges for |V| - 1 times,
# we still have the posibillity to improve the existing path
# this means there are negative cycles
if d[v] > d[u] + w:
return f'there exists a negetive cycle!'
return d, pi
def shortest_path(s, t):
d, pi = bellmanFord(g, s)
except ValueError:
return 'you can\'t find shortest path if the graph has negative cycle!'
path = [t]
current = t
# if parent pointer is None,
# then it's the source vertex
while pi[current]:
path.insert(0, pi[current])
# set current to parent
current = pi[current]
if s not in path:
return f'unable to find shortest path staring from "{s}" to "{t}"'
return f'{" > ".join(path)}'
g = Graph(['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'])
# graph with negative cycle
nc_edges = [('A', 'B', 5), ('B', 'C', -1), ('C', 'D', 2), ('D', 'B', -2), ('C', 'E', 4)]
# w/o negative cycles
edges = [\
('A', 'B', 10), ('A', 'C', 3), ('B', 'C', 1), ('C', 'B', 4), \
('B', 'D', 2), ('C', 'D', 8), ('D', 'E', 7), ('E', 'D', 9), ('C', 'E', 2)]
# used for both finding shortest path and drawing graph
current_edge_group = edges
for edge in current_edge_group:
print( shortest_path('A', 'E') )
G = nx.DiGraph()
nx.draw(G, with_labels = True, node_color='b', font_color='w')
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