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Created May 3, 2021 16:16
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import Graphics.Dynamic.Plot.R2
import Data.Function
main :: IO ()
main = do
plotWindow $
[ plotLatest
[ signalPlot (fmap (*μ) $ initSignal) & legendName "clean"
, signalPlot (lp12 20 . distortion . fmap (*μ) $ initSignal)
& legendName "distortion" ]
| μ <- (/2) . (1.5-) . cos <$> [0, 0.1 ..] ]
, timeRange, amplitudeRange]
return ()
type Signal = [Double]
sRate = 441
fuzz :: Signal -> Signal
fuzz = fmap $ (\u -> if abs u<1 then u else signum u) . (*6)
tubeOD :: Signal -> Signal
tubeOD = fmap $ (\u -> tanh u - 0.1/(0.6+u^2)) . (*6)
distortion :: Signal -> Signal
distortion = fuzz . hp6 20
lp6 :: Double -> Signal -> Signal
lp6 ν₀ = go 0
where go _ [] = []
go uSvf (u:us) = uSvf : go (uSvf + c₀*(u-uSvf)) us
c₀ = pi * ν₀ / sRate
hp6 :: Double -> Signal -> Signal
hp6 ν₀ sig = zipWith (-) sig $ lp6 ν₀ sig
lp12 :: Double -> Signal -> Signal
lp12 ν₀ = go (0,0)
where go _ [] = []
go (uSvf,uS') (u:us) = uSvf : go (uSvf + uS'*c₀, uS'*c₁ + (u-uSvf)*c₀) us
c₀ = sqrt $ ν₀ / sRate
c₁ = 1 - 2*c₀
initSignal :: Signal
initSignal = [ sum [ μ*sin (n*f₀*2*pi*t + φ)
| (n,(μ,φ)) <- zip [1..]
[(0.6, 0), (0.1, 1), (0.1, 2), (0.1, 1), (0.06, 0), (0.06, 5)]
| t <- timeDomain ]
where f₀ = 5
timeDomain :: [Double]
timeDomain = [0, 1/sRate .. 2]
signalPlot :: Signal -> DynamicPlottable
signalPlot = lineSegPlot . zip timeDomain
timeRange = forceXRange (t₀ + l/3, t₁ - l/3)
where t₀ = minimum timeDomain
t₁ = maximum timeDomain
l = t₁ - t₀
amplitudeRange = yInterval (-1, 1)
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