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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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"Avrcp": {
"rc_feature": {
"RemoteControlClient": {
"BluetoothAdapterService": {
"bt_vendor": {
"regex":"CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE: .+: (\d+) -> (\d+)"
"regex":"adapterPropertyChangedCallback with type:(\d+) len:"
"regex":"Callback:discoveryStateChangeCallback with state:(\d+)"
"regex":"State =\s*(\d+)"
"regex":"Setting state to (\d+)"
"regex":".+: getState\(\). Returning (\d+)"
"regex":"Bluetooth adapter state changed: (\d+)-> (\d+)"
"regex":"Entering On State from state = (\d+)"
"regex":"setProfileState\(\): setting profile .* to state = (\d+)"
"regex":"onProfileServiceStateChanged\(\) serviceName=.*, state=(\d+)"
"regex":"updateAdapterState prevState = (\d+)newState = (\d+)"
"regex":"updateAdapterState state is (\d+)"
"regex":"isProfileEnabled\(\): profile .*, state\s?= (\d+)"
"regex":"handleMessage\(\) - Message: (\d+)"
"regex":"Enter Disconnected: (\d+)"
"regex":"Disconnected process message: (\d+)"
"regex":"Exit Disconnected: (\d+)"
"regex":"Disconnected : processConnectionEvent : (\d+)"
"regex":"Enter Pending: (\d+)"
"regex":"Pending process message: (\d+)"
"regex":"Pending : processConnectionEvent : (\d+)"
"regex":"event type: (\d+)"
"regex":"Enter Connected: (\d+)"
"regex":"Connected process message: (\d+)"
"regex":"Connected : processConnectionEvent : (\d+)"
"regex":"Enter AudioOn: (\d+)"
"regex":"AudioOn process message: (\d+)"
"type":["state", "state"],
"regex":"Connection state .+: (\d+)->(\d+)"
"type":["audio_state", "audio_state"],
"regex":"Audio state .+: (\d+)->(\d+)"
"regex":"mNumber: \d+ mType: (\d+)"
"regex":"mNumActive: \d+ mNumHeld: \d+ mCallState: (\d+)"
"regex":"isInCall : currCallState : (\d+)"
"regex":"getConnectionState is (\d+)"
"regex":"Enter Disconnected: (\d+)"
"regex":"Disconnected process message: (\d+)"
"regex":"Exit Disconnected: (\d+)"
"regex":"Enter Pending: (\d+)"
"regex":"Pending process message: (\d+)"
"regex":"Enter Connected: (\d+)"
"regex":"Connected process message: (\d+)"
"type":["state", "state"],
"regex":"A2DP Playing state : device: .*State:(\d+)->(\d+)"
"regex":"handlePendingCpReq: newState is: (\d+)"
"regex":"a2dpSinkMode : (\d+)"
"regex":"onReconfigDoneCallback status:(\d+)"
"regex":"processReconfigDone: Status = (\d+)"
"regex":"processCPType: Current CP_TYPE is (\d+)"
"regex":"A2DP Playing CP_TYPE : device: .*cp_type:(\d+)"
"type":["state", "state"],
"regex":"Connection state .*: (\d+)->(\d+)"
"type":["play_state", "play_state"],
"regex":"updatePlayPauseState, old=(\d+), state=(\d+), currentPosMs="
"type":["play_state", "play_state"],
"regex":"old state = (\d+), new state= (\d+)"
"type":["play_state", "play_state"],
"regex":"updatePlayPauseState, chagned state=(\d+) mPrevPlayStatus=(\d+)"
"regex":"remote mFeatures is : (\d+)"
"regex":"handleMessage, msg=(\d+)"
"regex":"op for (\d+)"
"regex":"OppTransfer Handler receive : (\d+)"
"regex":"receive MSG_SESSION_COMPLETE mStatus : (\d+)"
"regex":"Start OppTransfer : (\d+)"
"regex":"updateBondedBluetoothDevices : .* state:(\d+)"
"regex":"onClientRegistered() - status=(\d+)"
"regex":"onCharacteristicRead() - Device=.* UUID=.* Status=(\d+)"
"regex":"onCharacteristicWrite() - Device=.* UUID=.* Status=(\d+)"
"regex":"onReadRemoteRssi() - Device=.* rssi=.* Status=(\d+)"
"regex":"onConfigureMTU() - Device=.* mtu=.* Status=(\d+)"
"regex":"onConnectionStateChange .* state is (\d+) status is"
"type":["disc_reason", "link_type"],
"regex":"ACTION_ACL_DISCONNECTED, reason is (\d+) linktype is (\d+)"
"regex":"Headset state change, state is (\d+)"
"regex":"ACTION_BOND_STATE_CHANGED, state is (\d+)"
"type":["state", "state"],
"regex":"MESSAGE_CONNECT_STATE_CHANGED newState:(\d+), prevState:(\d+)"
"regex":"handleMessage\((\d+)\) / param"
"type":["state", "state"],
"regex":"old : (\d+), new : (\d+), numPCall : "
"regex":"CHLD Value is : (\d+)"
"regex":"Process CHLD Idx, Chld :(\d+)"
"regex":"updateHeadsetWithCallState .*, callState (\d+)"
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