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Last active March 1, 2021 20:12
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MongoDB, Motor, Tornado web server, all in Python; for testing
# In order to test an upgrade from Motor 1.x to Motor 2.1, we want to have
# automated tests verifying our existing MongoDB scaffolding isn't using any of
# the deprecated/removed features of PyMongo/Motor. Since Python is dynamic,
# and Motor is ESPECIALLY dynamic, using simple static analysis (such as with
# Vulture) can't give us accurate results. So instead, we must write unit tests
# which exercise the methods of common_python.mongo.Client, and by exercising
# them, verify that the fields/methods of the underlying MotorClient are being
# called correctly.
# However, we also want our unit tests to be _truly_ idempotent AND to test
# against a real instance of MongoDB. To get both of these things, we can use
# the nifty pymongo_inmemory library.
# This file acts as a sketch/outline showing how (using only Python) we can
# have a test Tornado server make requests against a temporary MongoDB server
# of our choosing.
# Run this file, then run:
# $ curl localhost:8888/
# [{"_id": 1, "name": "zap", "value": "pow"}]
from pprint import pprint
import json
import os
from pymongo import MongoClient
from motor.motor_tornado import MotorClient
from pymongo_inmemory import Mongod
import tornado.httpserver
import tornado.ioloop
import tornado.options
import tornado.web
from tornado.gen import coroutine
from tornado.options import define, options
define("port", default=8888, help="run on the given port", type=int)
class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def initialize(self, motor_client):
self.motrcl = motor_client
self.db = motor_client.get_database('example')
def get(self):
col = self.db.get_collection('foo')
cursor = col.find({})
documents = list()
while (yield cursor.fetch_next):
document = cursor.next_object()
def main():
os.environ['PYMONGOIM__MONGO_VERSION'] = '4.0.10'
with Mongod() as dbp:
# insert some temporary resources
mc = MongoClient(dbp.connection_string)
db = mc.get_database('example')
col = db.get_collection('foo')
res = col.replace_one({'_id': 1}, {'_id': 1, 'name': 'zap', 'value': 'pow'}, upsert=True)
motrcl = MotorClient(dbp.connection_string)
application = tornado.web.Application([(r"/", MainHandler, dict(motor_client=motrcl))])
http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(application)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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