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Created August 21, 2012 17:32
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Save lemoinem/3417595 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
PoC hunchentoot/usocket is exhausting our available file descriptors
;; v1 ::
;; neither
;; nor
;; are fixed in this version.
(cl:in-package :cl-user)
(defpackage usocket-debug
(:nicknames ud)
(:shadow #:timeout)
(:use #:cl #:usocket #:alexandria #:bordeaux-threads))
(in-package :ud)
(declaim (optimize debug))
(defvar *max-processing*)
(defvar *max-accepted*)
(defvar *timeout*)
(defvar *use-thread*)
(defvar *current-accepted*)
(defvar *wait-lock*)
(defvar *count-lock*)
(defvar *condition-variable-wait*)
(defun start (&key (port 8080) (timeout .5) (max-processing 100) (max-accepted nil max-accepted-supplied-p) (use-thread t))
(with-server-socket (listener (socket-listen *wildcard-host* port :reuse-address t))
(setf *use-thread* use-thread
*timeout* timeout
*current-accepted* 0
*max-processing* max-processing
*max-accepted* (if max-accepted-supplied-p
(or max-accepted *max-processing*) ;; If explicit nil: equals *max-processing*
(+ *max-processing* 20)) ;; else *max-processing* + 20
*count-lock* (make-lock "cond-lock")
*wait-lock* (make-lock "wait-lock")
*condition-variable-wait* (make-condition-variable))
(when (> *max-processing* *max-accepted*)
(error "*max-accepted* must be greater than or equal to *max-processing*."))
(when (wait-for-input listener :ready-only t)
(when-let (socket (handler-case (socket-accept listener)
(connection-aborted-error ())))
(handle-incoming-connection socket))))))
(defun my-make-thread (function &key name)
(if *use-thread*
(make-thread function :name name)
(funcall function)))
(defun handle-incoming-connection (socket)
(cond ((not *use-thread*)
(create-request-handler-thread socket))
((>= *current-accepted* *max-accepted*)
(too-many-requests-not-closing-stream socket))
((>= *current-accepted* *max-processing*)
(create-request-handler-thread socket))
(create-request-handler-thread socket))))
(defun create-request-handler-thread (socket)
((error (lambda (c)
(format t "Error while creating thread for connection: ~A~%" c)
(return-from create-request-handler-thread))))
(let ((name (format nil "Client thread ~A:~A~%"
(get-peer-address socket)
(get-peer-port socket))))
(lambda ()
;; abort if there's an error which isn't caught inside
(lambda (c)
(format t "Error while processing connection: ~A~%" c)))
;; log all warnings which aren't caught inside
(lambda (c)
(format t "Warning while processing connection: ~A~%" c))))
(with-mapped-conditions ()
(let ((stream (socket-stream socket)))
(sleep *timeout*)
(format stream "OK~%"))
(when stream
(close stream :abort t))))))
:name name))))
(defun too-many-requests-not-closing-stream (socket)
(format t "Too many connections~%")
(format (socket-stream socket) "Too many connections~%"))
(defun too-many-requests (socket)
(format t "Too many connections~%")
(let ((stream (socket-stream socket)))
(format stream "Too many connections~%")
(when stream
(close stream :abort t)))))
(defun increment-request-count ()
(with-lock-held (*count-lock*)
(incf *current-accepted*)))
(defun decrement-request-count ()
(with-lock-held (*count-lock*)
(decf *current-accepted*))
(when (< *current-accepted* *max-processing*)
(defun note-free-connection ()
(with-lock-held (*wait-lock*)
(condition-notify *condition-variable-wait*)))
(defun wait-for-free-connection ()
"Wait for a connection to be freed up"
(with-lock-held (*wait-lock*)
(loop until (< *current-accepted* *max-processing*)
do (condition-wait *condition-variable-wait* *wait-lock*))))
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