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Created December 4, 2021 10:33
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import bpy
from mathutils import (Vector, Matrix)
import mathutils
class NodeTransformGizmoGroup (bpy.types.GizmoGroup):
bl_idname = "NODE_write_transform_gizmo_group"
bl_label = "Node write transform Gizmo"
bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
bl_options = {'3D'}
def get_target_operator(context):
wm = context.window_manager
op = wm.operators[-1] if wm.operators else None
if isinstance(op, bpy.types.Operator):
return op
return None
def poll(cls, context):
space = context.space_data
return space.type == 'VIEW_3D'
def setup(self, context):
def move_get_x():
op = NodeTransformGizmoGroup.get_target_operator(context)
return Vector(op.translation)[0]
def move_set_x(value):
op = NodeTransformGizmoGroup.get_target_operator(context)
vec = Vector (op.translation)
vec[0] += value
gz_arrow_x ="GIZMO_GT_arrow_3d")
gz_arrow_x.target_set_handler("offset", get=move_get_x, set=move_set_x)
gz_arrow_x.color = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
gz_arrow_x.alpha = 0.5
self.gizmo_translate_x = gz_arrow_x
def refresh(self, context):
op = NodeTransformGizmoGroup.get_target_operator(context)
gz = self.gizmo_translate_x
matrix = self.gizmo_translate_x.matrix_basis
matrix.translation = Vector(op.translation)
def draw_prepare(self, context):
op = NodeTransformGizmoGroup.get_target_operator(context)
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