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Last active December 5, 2019 01:09
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Advent of code 2019
open! Core
let meets_criteria criteria n = List.for_all criteria ~f:(fun criterion -> criterion n)
let solve_criteria criteria (lower, upper) =
List.range lower upper |> List.count ~f:(meets_criteria criteria)
let to_char_list n = Int.to_string n |> String.to_list
let to_int_list n =
to_char_list n |> ~f:String.of_char |> ~f:Int.of_string
let has_double n =
let rec loop list =
match list with
| [] | [ _ ] -> false
| a :: (b :: _ as rest) ->
(match Char.equal a b with
| true -> true
| false -> loop rest)
to_char_list n |> loop
let monotonically_increasing n =
let rec loop list =
match list with
| [] | [ _ ] -> true
| a :: (b :: _ as rest) ->
(match a <= b with
| false -> false
| true -> loop rest)
to_int_list n |> loop
let solve_part_1 = solve_criteria [ has_double; monotonically_increasing ]
let has_strict_double n =
let rec loop list run =
match list with
| [] ->
(match run with
| Some (_, 2) -> true
| _ -> false)
| hd :: tl ->
(match run with
| None -> loop tl (Some (hd, 1))
| Some (current_element, count) ->
(match count, Char.equal current_element hd with
| 2, false -> true
| _, true -> loop tl (Some (hd, count + 1))
| _, false -> loop tl (Some (hd, 1))))
let list = to_char_list n in
loop list None
let solve_part_2 = solve_criteria [ has_strict_double; monotonically_increasing ]
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