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49fl lf94

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Theorem andb_eq_orb :
forall (b c : bool),
(andb b c = orb b c) ->
b = c.
intros b c.
destruct b eqn:Eb.
- destruct c eqn:Ec.
+ reflexivity.
lf94 / z-strings.adoc
Created June 5, 2020 16:09

"Strings" form a group

By the end of this, we will have defined insert, delete, find and replace operations.

Talking about polymorphism with someone in the context of JS, the following example came up:

.intel_syntax noprefix
.include "std.macro"
.include "curl.const"
.section .data
curl: .quad 0
.section .rodata
url_google: .asciz ""
lf94 / fib.s
Last active March 29, 2020 20:42
.intel_syntax noprefix
.include "std.macro"
.section .text
fib: op1 = rdi; op2 = rsi; iterations = rcx
xadd op2, op1
loop fib
// Propositional logic implemenation
const True = a => b => a;
const False = a => b => b;
const If = x => x;
const Not = a => a(False)(True);
const And = a => b => a(True)(False)(b(True)(False))(False);
const Or = a => b => a(True)(b(True)(False));
const Xor = a => b => And(Or(a)(b))(Not(And(a)(b)));
// SKI calculus implementation
lf94 /
Created June 17, 2018 00:16
zmap to ply converter
def toAddress(bytes):
return int.from_bytes(bytes, byteorder='big')
class Map:
# Map structure is tied to a file
def __init__(self, fileHandle):
self.fileHandle = fileHandle
self.header = self.Header(fileHandle)[-1].data))
self.mesh = Mesh(fileHandle)
lf94 /
Created December 16, 2017 21:50
trait Component {
fn draw(&self, ctx: &mut Context) -> ();
fn get_children(&self) -> Vec<Component>;
struct Label {
children: Vec<Component>,
text: graphics::Text,
color: graphics::Color,
position: graphics::Point,
lf94 / flip.lisp
Last active December 11, 2017 02:13
Essentially a coin flip smart contract, written in LLL.
{ (include './contract.lll'
(def 'enough-paid (>= callvalue required-amount))
(def 'enough-betters (>= number-of-betters required-betters))
(def 'is-paying-out (= paying-out 1))
(def 'minimum-bet-amount 10) ; Wei
(def 'required-betters 10)
(init {
pub fn nth(n: usize) -> Result<u64, &'static str> {
if n <= 0 { Err("No primes below 1") }
else {
match (2..).filter(|&x| is_prime(x)).nth(n - 1) {
Some(n) => Ok(n),
None => Err("Iteration error")
lf94 /
Created October 23, 2017 17:51
pub fn reply(message: &str) -> &str {
let chrs = || message.trim().chars();
let has_text = chrs().any(|c| c.is_alphanumeric());
let has_letters = chrs().any(|c| c.is_alphabetic());
let has_lowercase = chrs().any(|c| c.is_alphabetic() && !c.is_uppercase());
if has_letters && has_text && !has_lowercase { "Whoa, chill out!" }
else if chrs().as_str().ends_with("?") { "Sure." }
else if !has_text { "Fine. Be that way!" }
else { "Whatever." }