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Created October 24, 2017 23:31
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node js load music from vk
var querystring = require('querystring');
var https = require('https');
var iconv = require('iconv-lite');
const readline = require('readline-sync');
var my_id = parseInt(readline.question("Enter your ID: "));
var COOKIE = readline.question("Enter your cookies: ");
var USER_AGENT = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/61.0.3163.100 Safari/537.36';
function httpsRequest(params, postData) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var req = https.request(params, function (res) {
// reject on bad status
if (res.statusCode < 200 || res.statusCode >= 300) {
return reject(new Error('statusCode=' + res.statusCode));
// cumulate data
var body = [];
res.on('data', function (chunk) {
// resolve on end
res.on('end', function () {
try {
body = Buffer.concat(body);
} catch (e) {
// reject on request error
req.on('error', function (err) {
// This is not a "Second reject", just a different sort of failure
if (postData) {
var r = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMN0PQRSTUVWXYZO123456789+/=",
l = {
v: function (t) {
return t.split("")
r: function (t, e) {
t = t.split("");
for (var i, o = r + r, a = t.length; a--;)
i = o.indexOf(t[a]), ~i && (t[a] = o.substr(i - e, 1));
return t.join("")
s: function (t, e) {
var i = t.length;
if (i) {
var o = s(t, e),
a = 0;
for (t = t.split(""); ++a < i;)
t[a] = t.splice(o[i - 1 - a], 1, t[a])[0];
t = t.join("")
return t
x: function (t, e) {
var i = [];
return e = e.charCodeAt(0),
each(t.split(""), function (t, o) {
i.push(String.fromCharCode(o.charCodeAt(0) ^ e))
function getRealLink(t) {
if (~t.indexOf("audio_api_unavailable")) {
var e = t.split("?extra=")[1].split("#"),
o = "" === e[1] ? "" : a(e[1]);
if (e = a(e[0]),
"string" != typeof o || !e)
return t;
o = o ? o.split(String.fromCharCode(9)) : [];
for (var s, r, n = o.length; n--;) {
if (r = o[n].split(String.fromCharCode(11)),
s = r.splice(0, 1, e)[0], !l[s])
return t;
e = l[s].apply(null, r)
if (e && "http" === e.substr(0, 4))
return e
return t
function a(t) {
if (!t || t.length % 4 == 1)
return !1;
for (var e, i, o = 0, a = 0, s = ""; i = t.charAt(a++);)
i = r.indexOf(i), ~i && (e = o % 4 ? 64 * e + i : i,
o++ % 4) && (s += String.fromCharCode(255 & e >> (-2 * o & 6)));
return s
function s(t, e) {
var i = t.length,
o = [];
if (i) {
var a = i;
for (e = Math.abs(e); a--;)
o[a] = (e += e * (a + i) / e) % i | 0
return o
async function audio_api(payload, callback) {
// Build the post string from an object
var post_data = querystring.stringify(
var post_options = {
host: '',
scheme: 'https',
port: '443',
path: '/al_audio.php',
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Content-Length': Buffer.byteLength(post_data),
'Cookie': COOKIE,
'user-agent': USER_AGENT
let result = await httpsRequest(post_options, post_data);
return result;
function parseJSONList(x) {
return {
'track_id': x[0],
'user_id': x[1],
'src': x[2],
'title': x[3],
'author': x[4]
async function buildPlaylist() {
let playlist = []
let pd = {
'al': 1,
'act': 'load_section',
'owner_id': my_id,
'type': 'playlist',
'playlist_id': '-1',
'offset': 0
let res = await audio_api(pd);
res = prepare(res);
list = => {
return {
'track_id': x[0],
'user_id': x[1],
'src': x[2],
'title': x[3],
'author': x[4]
playlist = list;
while (res.hasMore != 0) {
pd.offset = res.nextOffset;
res = await audio_api(pd);
res = prepare(res);
list =;
playlist = playlist.concat(list);
async function getSources(playlist) {
console.log('getting sources');
let pd = {
'act': 'reload_audio',
'al': '1',
'ids': ''
let ids = [];
playlist.forEach((val, index, arr) => {
if (!val.src)
playlist = playlist.filter(x => {
if (x.src)
return true;
else {
return false;
for (let i = 0; i * 9 < ids.length; i++) {
console.log(`\n ON ITERATION ${i}. from ${9*i} to ${9*(i+1)} \n`);
pd.ids = ids.slice(9 * i, 9 * (i + 1))
try {
res = await audio_api(pd);
} catch (e) {
res = prepare(res)
playlist = playlist.concat(res);
function prepare(data) {
let res = iconv.decode(data, 'win1251');
let json_data = res.split('<!>')[5];
json_data = JSON.parse(json_data.slice(7));
return json_data;
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lgg commented Oct 24, 2017

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