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Created November 19, 2017 06:19
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winograd convolution in numpy
# Copyright 2015-2016 Nervana Systems Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from struct import pack, unpack
from neon import logger as neon_logger
def ceil_div(x, y):
return -(-x // y)
def out_dim(S, X, padding, strides):
return ceil_div(X - S + 1 + 2 * padding, strides)
def strip_mantissa(val):
i = unpack('I', pack('f', val))[0] & 0x7f800000
f = unpack('f', pack('I', i))[0]
return f
def quantize(ary, bits):
maxval = float(np.max(np.absolute(ary)))
scale = strip_mantissa(maxval) / float(1 << bits - 2)
ary = np.around(ary * (1.0 / scale)).astype(np.int64)
return ary, np.float32(scale)
######### Direct Convolution #########
def fconv_slice(q, S, X, padding, strides):
f1 = 0
f2 = S - 1
x1 = q * strides - padding
x2 = x1 + f2
if x1 < 0:
f1 = -x1
x1 = 0
if x2 >= X:
dif = x2 - X + 1
f2 -= dif
x2 -= dif
return (slice(f1, f2 + 1), slice(x1, x2 + 1), f2 - f1 + 1)
def bconv_slice(x, S, Q, padding, strides):
qs = x - (S - padding - 1)
firstF = None
for s in range(S): #TODO remove loop logic here.
q = qs + s
if q % strides == 0:
q //= strides
if q >= 0 and q < Q:
if firstF is None:
firstF = s
firstE = q
lastF = s
lastE = q
if firstF is None:
return (slice(0,0,1), slice(0,0,1), 0)
return (slice(firstF,lastF + 1,strides), slice(firstE,lastE + 1,1), 0)
def xprop_direct(I, F, O, padding, strides, backward=False):
if all(x == 1 for x in F.shape[1:3]):
C = F.shape[0]
if backward:
# CxHWN = CxK . KxHWN
O[:] = F.reshape((C, -1)), I.reshape((C, -1)) ).reshape((O.shape))
# KxHWN = CxK.T . CxHWN
O[:] = F.reshape((C, -1)).T, I.reshape((C, -1)) ).reshape((O.shape))
if backward:
# C <=> K and mirror R,S
F = np.transpose(F[:,::-1,::-1,:], (3,1,2,0)).copy()
xconv_slice = bconv_slice
xconv_slice = fconv_slice
C, Y, X, N = I.shape
C, R, S, K = F.shape
K, P, Q, N = O.shape
qSlice = [ xconv_slice(q, S, X, padding[0], strides[0]) for q in range(Q) ]
for p in range(P):
sliceR, sliceY, _ = xconv_slice(p, R, Y, padding[1], strides[1])
for q in range(Q):
sliceS, sliceX, _ = qSlice[q]
slicedF = F[:,sliceR,sliceS,:].reshape((-1, K))
slicedI = I[:,sliceY,sliceX,:].reshape((-1, N))
O[:,p,q,:] = slicedF.T, slicedI )
def updat_direct(I, E, U, padding, strides):
C, Y, X, N = I.shape
K, P, Q, N = E.shape
C, R, S, K = U.shape
if all(x == 1 for x in (R, S)):
# CxK = CxHWN . KxHWN.T
U[:] = I.reshape((C, -1)), E.reshape((K, -1)).T ).reshape((U.shape))
qSlice = [ fconv_slice(q, S, X, padding[0], strides[0]) for q in range(Q) ]
for p in range(P):
sliceR, sliceY, rlen = fconv_slice(p, R, Y, padding[1], strides[1])
for q in range(Q):
sliceS, sliceX, slen = qSlice[q]
slicedI = I[:,sliceY,sliceX,:].reshape((-1, N))
slicedE = E[:,p,q,:]
U[:,sliceR,sliceS,:] += slicedI, slicedE.T ).reshape((C, rlen, slen, K))
######### Winograd Convolution #########
I_2x2_3x3 = np.array([
[ 1.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0 ],
[ 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ],
[ 0.0, -1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ],
[ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0 ]])
F_2x2_3x3 = np.array([
[ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ],
[ 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 ],
[ 0.5, -0.5, 0.5 ],
[ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ]])
O_2x2_3x3 = np.array([
[ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ],
[ 0.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0 ]]) #, dtype=np.float32
half = np.float(0.5)
quarter = np.float(0.25)
def trans_I_2x2_3x3(Iw, I, minimal=False):
if minimal:
T0 = np.empty((4,4))
T1 = np.empty((4,4))
for O, I in ((T0, I), (T1, T0.T)):
O[0,:] = I[0,:] - I[2,:]
O[1,:] = I[1,:] + I[2,:]
O[2,:] = I[2,:] - I[1,:]
O[3,:] = I[1,:] - I[3,:]
Iw[:] = T1.T
# TI00 = I[0,0] - I[2,0]
# TI01 = I[0,1] - I[2,1]
# TI02 = I[0,2] - I[2,2]
# TI03 = I[0,3] - I[2,3]
# TI30 = I[1,0] - I[3,0]
# TI31 = I[1,1] - I[3,1]
# TI32 = I[1,2] - I[3,2]
# TI33 = I[1,3] - I[3,3]
# TI10 = I[1,0] + I[2,0]
# TI11 = I[1,1] + I[2,1]
# TI12 = I[1,2] + I[2,2]
# TI13 = I[1,3] + I[2,3]
# TI20 = I[2,0] - I[1,0]
# TI21 = I[2,1] - I[1,1]
# TI22 = I[2,2] - I[1,2]
# TI23 = I[2,3] - I[1,3]
# Iw[0,0] = TI00 - TI02
# Iw[0,3] = TI01 - TI03
# Iw[3,0] = TI30 - TI32
# Iw[3,3] = TI31 - TI33
# Iw[1,0] = TI10 - TI12
# Iw[2,0] = TI20 - TI22
# Iw[1,3] = TI11 - TI13
# Iw[2,3] = TI21 - TI23
# Iw[2,1] = TI21 + TI22
# Iw[2,2] = TI22 - TI21
# Iw[0,1] = TI01 + TI02
# Iw[0,2] = TI02 - TI01
# Iw[1,1] = TI11 + TI12
# Iw[1,2] = TI12 - TI11
# Iw[3,1] = TI31 + TI32
# Iw[3,2] = TI32 - TI31
Iw[:] =, I), I_2x2_3x3.T )
def trans_F_2x2_3x3(Fw, F, minimal=False):
if minimal:
T0 = np.empty((4,3))
T1 = np.empty((4,4))
for O, I in ((T0, F), (T1, T0.T)):
t0 = (I[0,:] + I[2,:]) * 0.5
O[0,:] = I[0,:]
O[1,:] = t0 + I[1,:] * 0.5
O[2,:] = t0 - I[1,:] * 0.5
O[3,:] = I[2,:]
Fw[:] = T1.T
# TF00 = F[0,0]
# TF01 = F[0,1]
# TF02 = F[0,2]
# TF30 = F[2,0]
# TF31 = F[2,1]
# TF32 = F[2,2]
# Fw[0,0] = TF00
# Fw[0,3] = TF02
# Fw[3,0] = TF30
# Fw[3,3] = TF32
# tb0 = TF00 + TF02
# tb3 = TF30 + TF32
# ta0 = F[0,0] + F[2,0]
# ta1 = F[0,1] + F[2,1]
# ta2 = F[0,2] + F[2,2]
# tb0 = tb0 * 0.5
# tb3 = tb3 * 0.5
# ta0 = ta0 * 0.5
# ta1 = ta1 * 0.5
# ta2 = ta2 * 0.5
# Fw[0,1] = tb0 + TF01*0.5
# Fw[0,2] = tb0 - TF01*0.5
# Fw[3,1] = tb3 + TF31*0.5
# Fw[3,2] = tb3 - TF31*0.5
# TF10 = ta0 + F[1,0]*0.5
# TF20 = ta0 - F[1,0]*0.5
# TF11 = ta1 + F[1,1]*0.5
# TF21 = ta1 - F[1,1]*0.5
# TF12 = ta2 + F[1,2]*0.5
# TF22 = ta2 - F[1,2]*0.5
# Fw[1,0] = TF10
# Fw[2,0] = TF20
# Fw[1,3] = TF12
# Fw[2,3] = TF22
# tb1 = TF10 + TF12
# tb2 = TF20 + TF22
# tb1 = tb1 * 0.5
# tb2 = tb2 * 0.5
# Fw[1,1] = tb1 + TF11*0.5
# Fw[1,2] = tb1 - TF11*0.5
# Fw[2,1] = tb2 + TF21*0.5
# Fw[2,2] = tb2 - TF21*0.5
Fw[:] =, F), F_2x2_3x3.T )
def trans_O_2x2_3x3(Mw, minimal=False):
if minimal:
T0 = np.empty((2,4))
T1 = np.empty((2,2))
for O, I in ((T0, Mw), (T1, T0.T)):
t0 = I[0,:] + I[1,:]
t1 = I[1,:] - I[2,:]
O[0,:] = t0 + I[2,:]
O[1,:] = t1 - I[3,:]
return T1.T
return, Mw), O_2x2_3x3.T )
I_3x3_2x2 = np.array([
[ 1.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0 ],
[ 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ],
[ 0.0, -1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ],
[ 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ]])
F_3x3_2x2 = np.array([
[ 1.0, 0.0 ],
[ 0.5, 0.5 ],
[ 0.5, -0.5 ],
[ 0.0, 1.0 ]])
O_3x3_2x2 = np.array([
[ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ],
[ 0.0, 1.0, -1.0, 0.0 ],
[ 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]])
def trans_I_3x3_2x2(Iw, I, minimal=False):
if minimal:
T0 = np.empty((4,4))
T1 = np.empty((4,4))
for O, I in ((T0, I), (T1, T0.T)):
O[0,:] = I[0,:] - I[2,:]
O[1,:] = I[1,:] + I[2,:]
O[2,:] = I[2,:] - I[1,:]
O[3,:] = I[3,:] - I[1,:]
Iw[:] = T1.T
Iw[:] =, I), I_3x3_2x2.T )
def trans_F_3x3_2x2(Fw, F, minimal=False):
if minimal:
T0 = np.empty((4,2))
T1 = np.empty((4,4))
for O, I in ((T0, F), (T1, T0.T)):
O[0,:] = I[0,:]
O[1,:] = (I[0,:] + I[1,:]) * 0.5
O[2,:] = (I[0,:] - I[1,:]) * 0.5
O[3,:] = I[1,:]
Fw[:] = T1.T
# x0 = half*F[0,0]
# x1 = half*F[1,1]
# B0 = half*F[1,0] + x0
# B1 = half*F[0,1] + x1
# C0 = -half*F[1,0] + x0
# C1 = half*F[0,1] - x1
# x2 = half*B0
# x3 = half*C0
# Fw[0,0] = F[0,0]
# Fw[0,1] = half*F[0,1] + x0
# Fw[0,2] = -half*F[0,1] + x0
# Fw[0,3] = F[0,1]
# Fw[3,0] = F[1,0]
# Fw[3,1] = half*F[1,0] + x1
# Fw[3,2] = half*F[1,0] - x1
# Fw[3,3] = F[1,1]
# Fw[1,0] = B0
# Fw[1,1] = half*B1 + x2
# Fw[1,2] = -half*B1 + x2
# Fw[1,3] = B1
# Fw[2,0] = C0
# Fw[2,1] = half*C1 + x3
# Fw[2,2] = -half*C1 + x3
# Fw[2,3] = C1
Fw[:] =, F), F_3x3_2x2.T )
def trans_O_3x3_2x2(Mw, minimal=False):
if minimal:
T0 = np.empty((3,4))
T1 = np.empty((3,3))
for O, I in ((T0, Mw), (T1, T0.T)):
t0 = I[1,:] + I[2,:]
O[0,:] = t0 + I[0,:]
O[1,:] = I[1,:] - I[2,:]
O[2,:] = t0 + I[3,:]
return T1.T
return, Mw), O_3x3_2x2.T )
def image_slice(x, X, B, D, pad=0):
start = x * B - pad
stop = start + D
pad = [0,0]
if start < 0:
pad[0] = -start
start = 0
if stop - 1 >= X:
pad[1] = stop - X
return start, stop, pad
def xprop_winograd(I, F, O, padding, minimal=False, backward=False):
if backward:
# C <=> K and mirror R,S
F = np.transpose(F[:,::-1,::-1,:], (3,1,2,0)).copy()
# Invert padding
padding = [2 - p for p in padding]
C, Y, X, N = I.shape
K, P, Q, N = O.shape
B = 2
D = B + 2
Yw = ceil_div(P, B)
Xw = ceil_div(Q, B)
Fw = np.empty((D,D,C,K))
Iw = np.empty((D,D,C,Yw,Xw,N))
Mw = np.empty((D,D,K,Yw,Xw,N)) #, dtype=np.float32
# Transform Filters
for c in range(C):
for k in range(K):
trans_F_2x2_3x3(Fw[:,:,c,k], F[c,:,:,k], minimal)
# Iterate over image transform dimensions and slice out tiles of the image
for y in range(Yw):
start_y, stop_y, pad_y = image_slice(y, Y, B, D, padding[0])
for x in range(Xw):
start_x, stop_x, pad_x = image_slice(x, X, B, D, padding[1])
sliceI = I[:, start_y:stop_y, start_x:stop_x, :]
# add any zero padding if needed
if any(pad_y) or any(pad_x):
sliceI = np.pad(sliceI, ((0,0), pad_y, pad_x, (0,0)), 'constant')
# Apply the Image transform
for c in range(C):
for n in range(N):
trans_I_2x2_3x3(Iw[:,:,c,y,x,n], sliceI[c,:,:,n], minimal)
# Fw, scaleF = quantize(Fw, 8)
# Iw, scaleI = quantize(Iw, 8)
# Fw = Fw.astype(np.float32)
# Iw = Iw.astype(np.float32)
# Batched gemm for the pointwise multiplication step
for s in range(D):
for t in range(D):
# [K,Yw,Xw,N] = [C,K].T . [C,YwXwN]
Mw[s,t] = Fw[s,t].T, Iw[s,t].reshape(C, -1) ).reshape((K,Yw,Xw,N))
# Mw = Mw.astype(np.float32) * scaleF * scaleI
# Mw = Mw.astype(np.float32)
# Iterate over the convovled result in the pointwise space and apply inverse transform
for y in range(Yw):
p = y * B
plen = 2 if p + 1 < P else 1
for x in range(Xw):
q = x * B
qlen = 2 if q + 1 < Q else 1
for k in range(K):
for n in range(N):
# Toss out any points that don't fit
O[k,p:p + plen,q:q + qlen,n] = trans_O_2x2_3x3(Mw[:,:,k,y,x,n], minimal)[0:plen,0:qlen]
def updat_winograd(I, E, U, padding, minimal=False, inner=False):
C, Y, X, N = I.shape
K, P, Q, N = E.shape
B = 2
D = B + 2
Yw = ceil_div(P, B)
Xw = ceil_div(Q, B)
Iw = np.empty((D,D,N,C))
Ew = np.empty((D,D,N,K))
if inner:
Mw = np.empty((D,D,C,K))
Mw = np.zeros((D,D,C,K))
for y in range(Yw):
start_y, stop_y, pad_y = image_slice(y, Y, B, D, padding[0])
start_p, stop_p, pad_p = image_slice(y, P, B, B)
for x in range(Xw):
start_x, stop_x, pad_x = image_slice(x, X, B, D, padding[1])
start_q, stop_q, pad_q = image_slice(x, Q, B, B)
sliceI = I[:, start_y:stop_y, start_x:stop_x, :]
sliceE = E[:, start_p:stop_p, start_q:stop_q, :]
if any(pad_y) or any(pad_x):
sliceI = np.pad(sliceI, ((0,0), pad_y, pad_x, (0,0)), 'constant')
if any(pad_p) or any(pad_q):
sliceE = np.pad(sliceE, ((0,0), pad_p, pad_q, (0,0)), 'constant')
for c in range(C):
for n in range(N):
trans_I_3x3_2x2(Iw[:,:,n,c], sliceI[c,:,:,n], minimal)
# print y,x
# print Iw[:,:,0,0].reshape((16,))
# exit()
for k in range(K):
for n in range(N):
trans_F_3x3_2x2(Ew[:,:,n,k], sliceE[k,:,:,n], minimal)
# print Ew[:,:,0,0].reshape((16,))
for s in range(D):
for t in range(D):
# [C,K] += [N,C].T . [N,K]
if inner:
Mw[s,t] = Iw[s,t].T, Ew[s,t] )
Mw[s,t] += Iw[s,t].T, Ew[s,t] )
# Transform can be applied in inner or outer loop
if inner:
for c in range(C):
for k in range(K):
U[c,:,:,k] += trans_O_3x3_2x2(Mw[:,:,c,k], minimal)
# outer loop transform
if not inner:
for c in range(C):
for k in range(K):
U[c,:,:,k] = trans_O_3x3_2x2(Mw[:,:,c,k], minimal)
### Test Code ###
np.set_printoptions(threshold=8192 * 4, linewidth=600, formatter={'float':lambda x: "%6.3f" % x})
minimal = 1
ones = 0
N = 32
C, K = 32, 32
Y, X = 4, 4
R, S = 3, 3 # Fixed winograd dim
strides = 1, 1 # Fixed winograd dim
padding = 1, 1 # 0-2
P = out_dim(R, Y, padding[0], strides[0])
Q = out_dim(S, X, padding[1], strides[1])
dimI = (C,Y,X,N)
dimF = (C,R,S,K)
dimO = (K,P,Q,N)
if ones:
I = np.ones(dimI)
F = np.ones(dimF)
E = np.ones(dimO)
# for c in range(C):
# for n in range(N):
# I[c,:,:,n] = c+1 #np.arange(1+c,37+c).reshape((6,6))
# for k in range(K):
# for n in range(N):
# E[k,:,:,n] = k+1 #np.arange(1+k,17+k).reshape((4,4))
I = np.maximum(np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, dimI), 0)
F = np.random.normal(0.0, 0.1, dimF)
#F = np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, dimF)
E = np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, dimO)
Od = np.empty(dimO)
Ow = np.empty(dimO) #, dtype=np.float32
Bd = np.empty(dimI)
Bw = np.empty(dimI) #, dtype=np.float32
Ud = np.empty(dimF)
Uw = np.empty(dimF)
xprop_direct(I, F, Od, padding, strides)
xprop_winograd(I, F, Ow, padding, minimal=minimal)
xprop_direct(E, F, Bd, padding, strides, backward=True)
xprop_winograd(E, F, Bw, padding, minimal=minimal, backward=True)
updat_direct(I, E, Ud, padding, strides)
updat_winograd(I, E, Uw, padding, minimal=minimal, inner=True)
difO = Od - Ow
difB = Bd - Bw
difU = Ud - Uw
neon_logger.display(abs(difO).max() / Od.max())
neon_logger.display(abs(difB).max() / Bd.max())
neon_logger.display(abs(difU).max() / Ud.max())
# print Bd[0,:,:,0]
# print Bw[0,:,:,0]
# print Ud[0,:,:,0]
# print Uw[0,:,:,0]
# print difU[0,:,:,0]
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