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Last active November 29, 2017 21:34
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const benchmark = ({theContestants, howManyTimes, forThisWork, barSettings, asText, logInConsole, seedInit}) => {
const timestamp = () => {
const hrTime = process.hrtime();
return hrTime[0] * 1000000 + hrTime[1] / 1000
const asNumbers = (name, duration) => `[${name.padStart(20)}]: ${`${(duration).toFixed(5)}`.padStart(15)} µs, ${`${((duration) / 1000).toFixed(0)}`.padStart(5)} ms, ${`${((duration) / 1000000).toFixed(2)}`.padStart(5)} s`
const asBar = (between0And1, histogramDisplay = barSettings) => {
const peak = between0And1 * histogramDisplay.width
const interval = histogramDisplay.width / histogramDisplay.gradient.length
return => {return {color,
threshold: histogramDisplay.gradient.indexOf(color) / histogramDisplay.gradient.length * histogramDisplay.width
}}).filter(oneLevel => oneLevel.threshold <= peak)
.map(oneLevel => oneLevel.color + (new Array(Math.min(Math.round(peak - oneLevel.threshold), interval)).fill(' ').join('')) + '\x1B[0m').join('')}
const measureThemAll = (contestants, {howManyTimes, forThisWork}) => {
const generatedSeeds = new Array(howManyTimes).fill(0).map(x => seedInit ? seedInit() : {})
return new Array(howManyTimes)
.reduce((acc, value) => acc.concat(value), [])
.map(([name, contestant]) =>
previouslyFoundData => Promise.resolve(timestamp()).then(startTime =>
new Promise(resolve => resolve(forThisWork(contestant, (generatedSeeds[(previouslyFoundData[name]||[]).length]))))
.catch(e => console.error(`[${name.padStart(20)}]: ERROR (${e})`))
.then(() => timestamp())
.then(endTime => Promise.resolve({
[name]: [...(previouslyFoundData[name] || []), endTime - startTime].sort()
.reduce((acc, value) => acc.then(value), Promise.resolve({}))
.then(data => Object.entries(data).map(([key, value]) => {
return {[key]: value[Math.round(howManyTimes / 2)]}
}).reduce((acc, value) => {
return {...acc, ...value}
const outputTheResultsAsHistogram = data => !asText ? data : Object.entries(data).sort((a, b) => a[1] - b[1])
.map(([name, duration], i, data) => asNumbers(name, duration) + ' ' + asBar(duration / data[data.length - 1][1]))
const logThat = data => !logInConsole ? data : console.log(data)
//ok, now that we are ready :
return measureThemAll(theContestants, {howManyTimes, forThisWork}).then(outputTheResultsAsHistogram).then(logThat)
export {benchmark}
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