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Last active April 29, 2022 07:08
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latest version
"timeZone": "America/New_York",
"dependencies": {
"webapp": {
"access": "ANYONE",
"executeAs": "USER_ACCESSING"
"exceptionLogging": "STACKDRIVER",
"runtimeVersion": "V8",
"sheets": {
"macros": [{
"menuName": "SP prepare sheet",
"functionName": "SPpreparesheet",
"defaultShortcut": "Ctrl+Alt+Shift+1"
//Choose which columns to hide in the Record Sheet for easier visualization of the resulting sheet
let colsToHide = [1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27, 28, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45];
let newBidBackgroundColor = "#D8E271"; //Choose the background color of the adjusted bids. For getting the hex of other colors, visit:
let newBidFormatting = "€##0.00" //Sets currency formatting to Bids
//Sets Custom Menu
function onOpen() {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
// Or DocumentApp or FormApp.
.addItem('Optimize Bids for [Sponsored Products]', 'optimizeBid')
*It gets parameters set in Config Tab and compares with the data coming in the Sponsored Products Campaigns tab
*so that the it can run the calculations and adjust the Max Bid column with the suggested values.
*It creates a copy of the tab for analysis purposes.
function optimizeBid() {
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();//Gets the current file
const configSheet = ss.getSheetByName('config'); //Maps the sheet where threshold and other paramters are
const spcSheet = ss.getSheetByName('Sponsored Products Campaigns'); //Maps the sheet where the values coming from Amazon are
//Gets the values from sheet Config
const configData = configSheet.getRange(1, 1, configSheet.getLastRow(), configSheet.getLastColumn()).getValues();
//Gets the positions of the columns names in the config tab.
const configTabHeaders = configData[0]; //Gets the first row of config tab to check where the columns' positions are
let configSearchTermColPosition = configTabHeaders.indexOf('Search Term');
let configMatchTypeColPosition = configTabHeaders.indexOf('Match Type');
let clickThresholdColPosition = configTabHeaders.indexOf('Click Threshold');
let targetAcosColPosition = configTabHeaders.indexOf('Target Acos');
let rankingColPosition = configTabHeaders.indexOf('Ranking');
let targetRankingColPosition = configTabHeaders.indexOf('Target Ranking');
let campaignIdColPosition = configTabHeaders.indexOf('Campaign ID');
//Sets the default values, in case the Search Terms don't match with the ones listed in Config tab
var defaultClickThreshold = configData.filter(e => e[0] == 'default').map(e => e[clickThresholdColPosition]);
var defaultTargetAcos = configData.filter(e => e[0] == 'default').map(e => e[targetAcosColPosition]);
var defaultTargetRanking = configData.filter(e => e[0] == 'default').map(e => e[targetRankingColPosition]);
//Identifies the position of the Keywork or Product Targeting column
let spcTabHeaders = spcSheet.getRange(1, 1, 1, spcSheet.getLastColumn()).getValues().flat();//Converts 2D into a 1D array for getting the Search term col position
let spcSearchTermColPosition = spcTabHeaders.indexOf('Keyword Text');
//Adds new Columns, if they don't exist yet
let newColumns = ['Calculation Record', 'New Bid'];//Columns' names to be checked and added
for (let newColumn = 0; newColumn < newColumns.length; newColumn++) {//Iterates over the newColumns elements
if (spcTabHeaders.indexOf(newColumns[newColumn]) === -1) { //Checks if each of them exists in the spreadsheet header row
let newcolPosition = spcSearchTermColPosition + 1;//Gets 01 position on the left to the column Search Terms
spcSheet.insertColumnsBefore(newcolPosition, 1);//Inserts the column
spcSheet.getRange(1, newcolPosition).setValue(newColumns[newColumn]);//Names the column added
newcolPosition++;//Increments the iteration to go through the next word in the array (newColumns), if any
//Gets the UPDATED header values from Sponsored Product Campaigns tabd
spcTabHeaders = spcSheet.getRange(1, 1, 1, spcSheet.getLastColumn()).getValues().flat();
*Columns that come in the Sponsored Product Campaigns tab and whose names are to match, so the script can get their positions.
*Calculations will run based on these columns and, therefore, their names cannot change.
spcSearchTermColPosition = spcTabHeaders.indexOf('Keyword Text');//Gets its updated position after new column(s) has been added
let entityColPosition = spcTabHeaders.indexOf('Entity');
let spcMatchTypeColPosition = spcTabHeaders.indexOf('Match Type');
let spcOrdersColPosition = spcTabHeaders.indexOf('Orders');
let spcAcosColPosition = spcTabHeaders.indexOf('Acos');
let spcClicksColPosition = spcTabHeaders.indexOf('Clicks');
let spcNewBidColPosition = spcTabHeaders.indexOf('New Bid');
spcNewBidColPosition = spcNewBidColPosition + 1;//Adds to get the column to receive the calculated value below
let spcCalcRecordColPosition = spcTabHeaders.indexOf('Calculation Record');
let spcCPCColPosition = spcTabHeaders.indexOf('CPC');
let spcBidColPositition = spcTabHeaders.indexOf('Bid');
let spcCampaignIdColPosition = spcTabHeaders.indexOf('Campaign Id');
let spcOperationColPosition = spcTabHeaders.indexOf('Operation');
let productTargetingExColPosition = spcTabHeaders.indexOf('Product Targeting Expression');
//Populated Operation Column with: Update per new Amazon's requirement
//spcSheet.getRange(2, spcOperationColPosition + 1, spcSheet.getLastRow() - 1, 1).setValue('Update');
//Record Types to be checked on SPC tab and then and run calculations for rows related to them
let recordTypesAccepted = ['Keyword', 'Product Targeting'];//If need be, more types can be added like so (e.g.: ['Keyword', 'Product Targeting',' Another Type'])
//Makes sure column formats are set to numbers
formatColumn(spcSheet, spcBidColPositition + 1, 'decimalNumber');// Format which will be applied: 0.00
formatColumn(spcSheet, spcAcosColPosition + 1, 'percentage'); // Format which will be applied: 0.00%
formatColumn(spcSheet, spcCPCColPosition + 1, 'decimalNumber'); // Format which will be applied: 0.00
formatColumn(spcSheet, spcClicksColPosition + 1, 'number');// Format which will be applied: 00
formatColumn(spcSheet, spcOrdersColPosition + 1, 'number');// Format which will be applied: 00
//Gets SPC updated data
let spcData = spcSheet.getRange(1, 1, spcSheet.getLastRow(), spcSheet.getLastColumn()).getValues();
//Gets New Bid Columns' values and formatting so that they can get updated and set back at once, after getting adjusted
let newBidRng = spcSheet.getRange(1, spcNewBidColPosition, spcSheet.getLastRow(), 1);
let newBidValues = newBidRng.getValues();
let newBidBackgrounds = newBidRng.getBackgrounds();
let newBidFormats = newBidRng.getNumberFormats();
//Gets the Calculation Record column's values
let calcRecordsRng = spcSheet.getRange(1, spcCalcRecordColPosition + 1, spcSheet.getLastRow(), 1);
let calcRecords = calcRecordsRng.getValues();
let operationRng = spcSheet.getRange(1, spcOperationColPosition + 1, spcSheet.getLastRow(), 1);
let operationsValues = operationRng.getValues();
//Goes through each row of both Config and SPC tabs
for (let spcRow = 0; spcRow < spcData.length; spcRow++) {
for (let configRow = 0; configRow < configData.length; configRow++) {
//Gets search terms values from both SPC and config tabs by accessing the row being iterated over
//and Search Term columns' positions to get the values for comparisons
let configSearchTerm = configData[configRow][configSearchTermColPosition];
let spcSearchTerm = spcData[spcRow][spcSearchTermColPosition];
//Checks if the Entity contains Product Targeting and get Product Targeting Expression as the Search Term
let entity = spcData[spcRow][entityColPosition];
if (entity == 'Product Targeting') {
spcSearchTerm = spcData[spcRow][productTargetingExColPosition]
//Gets Match Type terms values of both SPC and config tabs
let configMatchType = configData[configRow][configMatchTypeColPosition];
let spcMatchType = spcData[spcRow][spcMatchTypeColPosition];
let configCampaignId = configData[configRow][campaignIdColPosition];
let spcCampaignId = spcData[spcRow][spcCampaignIdColPosition];
var spcRanking = configData.filter(e => e[configSearchTermColPosition] == spcSearchTerm);//Based on Search term, finds the ranking in configData
spcRanking = => x[rankingColPosition]);//Sets the ranking to spc Search Term based on what is in the config file
//Gets rows' values to be tested prior to calculations
var spcClicks = spcData[spcRow][spcClicksColPosition];
var spcOrders = spcData[spcRow][spcOrdersColPosition];
var spcAcos = spcData[spcRow][spcAcosColPosition];
var cpc = spcData[spcRow][spcCPCColPosition];
var bid = spcData[spcRow][spcBidColPositition];
let clickThreshold = configData[configRow][clickThresholdColPosition] == '' ? defaultClickThreshold : configData[configRow][clickThresholdColPosition];
let targetAcos = configData[configRow][targetAcosColPosition] == '' ? defaultTargetAcos : configData[configRow][targetAcosColPosition];
let targetRanking = configData[configRow][targetRankingColPosition] == '' ? defaultTargetRanking : configData[configRow][targetRankingColPosition];
if (recordTypesAccepted.indexOf(entity) > -1 && configSearchTerm == spcSearchTerm && configMatchType == spcMatchType && configCampaignId == spcCampaignId) {
//Calls a function spcAcosMinusTargetAcos that calculates rows' data passed in each loop
var acosMinusTargetAcos = spcAcosMinusTargetAcos(spcAcos, targetAcos);
//Calculates New Bids based on sets of criteria and places that new bid into the newly created column (New Bid);
if (spcClicks >= clickThreshold && spcOrders >= 1 && acosMinusTargetAcos > 0 && acosMinusTargetAcos <= 0.2) {
let newBid = cpc * (1 - acosMinusTargetAcos);
newBidValues[spcRow][0] = newBid;
newBidBackgrounds[spcRow][0] = newBidBackgroundColor;
newBidFormats[spcRow][0] = newBidFormatting;
calcRecords[spcRow][0] = 'Keyword, Match Type, Search Term, Campaing ID match. 1st if: Clicks > Threshold, Orders >=1, Acos - Target > 0 and < 0.2 then CPC * (1 - ' + acosMinusTargetAcos + ')';
operationsValues[spcRow][0] = 'Update';
} else if (spcClicks >= clickThreshold && spcOrders >= 1 && acosMinusTargetAcos > 0.2) {
let newBid = cpc * 0.8;
newBidValues[spcRow][0] = newBid;
newBidBackgrounds[spcRow][0] = newBidBackgroundColor;
newBidFormats[spcRow][0] = newBidFormatting;
calcRecords[spcRow][0] = 'Keyword, Match Type, Search Term, Campaing ID match. 2nd if: Clicks > Threshold, Order >=1, Acos - Target > 0.2 then CPC * 0.80';
operationsValues[spcRow][0] = 'Update';
} else if (spcClicks >= clickThreshold && spcOrders >= 1 && acosMinusTargetAcos < 0 && acosMinusTargetAcos > -0.05) {
let newBid = cpc * (1 - acosMinusTargetAcos);
newBidValues[spcRow][0] = newBid;
newBidBackgrounds[spcRow][0] = newBidBackgroundColor;
newBidFormats[spcRow][0] = newBidFormatting;
calcRecords[spcRow][0] = 'Keyword, Match Type, Search Term, Campaing ID match. 3rd if: Click > Threshold, Orders >= 1, Acos-Target < 0 and > -0.05 then CPC * (1 - ' + acosMinusTargetAcos + ')';
operationsValues[spcRow][0] = 'Update';
} else if (spcClicks >= clickThreshold && spcOrders >= 1 && acosMinusTargetAcos < -0.05) {
let newBid = cpc * 1.075;
newBidValues[spcRow][0] = newBid;
newBidBackgrounds[spcRow][0] = newBidBackgroundColor;
newBidFormats[spcRow][0] = newBidFormatting;
calcRecords[spcRow][0] = 'Keyword, Match Type, Search Term, Campaing ID match. 4th if: Clicks > Threshold, Orders >=1, Acos - Target < -0.05 then CPC * 1.075';
operationsValues[spcRow][0] = 'Update';
} else if (spcClicks >= clickThreshold && spcOrders == 0 && spcClicks < (clickThreshold + (clickThreshold * 0.50))) {
let newBid = cpc * 0.90;
newBidValues[spcRow][0] = newBid;
newBidBackgrounds[spcRow][0] = newBidBackgroundColor;
newBidFormats[spcRow][0] = newBidFormatting;
calcRecords[spcRow][0] = 'Keyword, Match Type, Search Term, Campaing ID match. 5th if: Clicks > Threshold, Orders = 0, Clicks < (Threshold + 0.50) then CPC * 0.90';
operationsValues[spcRow][0] = 'Update';
} else if (spcOrders == 0 && spcClicks >= (clickThreshold + (clickThreshold * 0.50))) {
let newBid = cpc * 0.80;
newBidValues[spcRow][0] = newBid;
newBidBackgrounds[spcRow][0] = newBidBackgroundColor;
newBidFormats[spcRow][0] = newBidFormatting;
calcRecords[spcRow][0] = 'Keyword, Match Type, Search Term, Campaing ID match. 6th if: Orders = 0 and Clicks >= (Threshold + 0.50) then CPC * 0.80';
operationsValues[spcRow][0] = 'Update';
} else if (spcOrders == 0 && spcClicks < clickThreshold) {
newBidValues[spcRow][0] = bid;
newBidFormats[spcRow][0] = newBidFormatting;
calcRecords[spcRow][0] = 'Keyword, Match Type, Search Term, Campaing ID match. 7th if: Orders = 0 and Clicks < Threshold then Bid is kept';
} else {
let newBid = bid;
newBidValues[spcRow][0] = newBid;
newBidFormats[spcRow][0] = newBidFormatting;
calcRecords[spcRow][0] = 'Keyword, Match Type, Search Term, Campaing ID match. 8th criteria, where Bid is kept';
} else if (recordTypesAccepted.indexOf(entity) > -1 && spcMatchType === configMatchType && spcCampaignId === configCampaignId && spcClicks > clickThreshold) {
let newBid = cpc * 0.95;
newBidValues[spcRow][0] = newBid;
newBidBackgrounds[spcRow][0] = newBidBackgroundColor;
newBidFormats[spcRow][0] = newBidFormatting;
calcRecords[spcRow][0] = 'Keyword, Match Type, Search Term, Campaing ID match. 9th if: Ranking <= TargetRanking & Click > Threshold then CPC * 0.95';
operationsValues[spcRow][0] = 'Update';
// if [Rank] <= [Target Rank] and [Match Type matches] and [Campaign ID matches]
// let newBid = newBid * 0.95;
} else if (recordTypesAccepted.indexOf(entity) > -1) {
let newBid = bid;
newBidValues[spcRow][0] = newBid;
newBidBackgrounds[spcRow][0] = newBidBackgroundColor;
newBidFormats[spcRow][0] = newBidFormatting;
calcRecords[spcRow][0] = 'It\'s Keyword or Product Targeting, but met no other criteria. Bid kept.';
operationsValues[spcRow][0] = 'Update?';
//Sets updated values and formatting to Adjusted Bids
//Sets calculation records to newly created for records purpose
//Sets Operation to Update, if that row meets criteria
//Name Adjusted Bid column for record purpose
//spcSheet.getRange(1, spcNewBidColPosition).setValue('New Bid');
//Gets a copy of the processed Sponsored Products Campaign so as to keep it as a record
//Looks for a record sheet and deletes it, so that an updated one can be created
var delSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Sponsored Products Campaigns (Record)");
if (delSheet) {
var recordSheet = spcSheet.copyTo(SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet());
recordSheet.setName('Sponsored Products Campaigns (Record)').setFrozenRows(1);
//Auto-resize all columns in the Record Sheet for better visualization
recordSheet.autoResizeColumns(1, recordSheet.getMaxColumns());
for (let col = 0; col < colsToHide.length; col++) {
//Brings user to the Record tab
//Rename New final Bid Column to Bid
spcSheet.getRange(1, spcNewBidColPosition).setValue('Bid');
//Deletes columns that won't go in to the file to be uploaded
spcSheet.deleteColumn(spcBidColPositition + 1);
ss.toast('The bids have been recalculated!');
//Gets Sponsored Product Campaign Acos minus Target Acos and outputs the result for comparisons run in the function optimizeBid
function spcAcosMinusTargetAcos(spcAcos, targetAcos) {
return spcAcos - targetAcos;
function formatColumn(sheet, columnIndex, format) {
if (format === 'number') {
format = "##0"
} else if (format === 'percentage') {
format = "##0.00%"
else if (format === 'decimalNumber') {
format = "##0.00"
sheet.getRange(2,columnIndex, sheet.getLastRow(), 1).setNumberFormat(format);
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