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Created April 19, 2020 16:26
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Failed attempt to thoroughly analyze the Stalk Market with Z3
from z3 import *
from ctypes import c_float
import random
import math
import time
def roll(a, b, c, d):
n = a ^ ((a << 11) & 0xffffffff)
return n ^ (n >> 8) ^ d ^ (d >> 19)
def rollmany(a, b, c, d, steps):
for i in range(steps):
a, b, c, d = b, c, d, roll(a, b, c, d)
return a, b, c, d
def rollvar(a, b, c, d):
n = a ^ (a << 11)
return n ^ LShR(n, 8) ^ d ^ LShR(d, 19)
# buyprice: int
# sellprices: a list of int (12x)
# returns a list of steps: (lo, hi) or None
def mksteps(buyprice, sellprices, prevpat, pat):
def randbool(actual):
if actual: return 0x80000000, 0x100000000
else: return 0, 0x80000000
def randint(min, max, actuallo, actualhi):
# ((next() * (max - min + 1)) >> 32) + min = [actuallo, actualhi)
# (next() * (max - min + 1)) >> 32 = [actuallo, actualhi) - min
# next() * (max - min + 1) = [(actuallo - min) << 32, (actualhi - min) << 32)
# next() * s = [lo, hi)
# next() = [ceil(lo / s), ceil(hi / s))
s = max - min + 1
lo = (actuallo - min) << 32
hi = (actualhi - min) << 32
return (lo + s - 1) // s, (hi + s - 1) // s
def randfloat(a, b, actuallo, actualhi):
# assuming a < b: (which is not always the case)
# a + ((next() >> 9) * 2^-23) * (b - a) = [actuallo, actualhi)
# (next() >> 9) * 2^-23 = [roundup(actuallo / (b - a)) - a, roundup(actualhi / (b - a)) - a)]
# XXX not accurate
actuallo = max(actuallo, min(a, a + (b - a)))
actualhi = min(actualhi, max(a, a + (b - a)))
lo = actuallo / (b - a) - a
hi = actualhi / (b - a) - a
if lo > hi: lo, hi = hi, lo
return max(int(lo * 0x800000) << 9, 0), min((int(hi * 0x800000) + 1) << 9, 0x100000000)
def intceilrate(sellprice, buyprice):
# int(rate * buyprice + 0.99999f) = sellprice
# rate * buyprice = [sellprice - 0.99999f, sellprice + (1 - 0.99999f))
# rate = [roundup((sellprice - 0.99999f) / buyprice),
# roundup((sellprice + (1 - 0.99999f)) / buyprice))
# XXX not accurate, should account for binary32 rounding
return (sellprice - 0.99999) / buyprice, (sellprice + 0.00001) / buyprice
steps = []
steps.append(randint(90, 110, buyprice, buyprice + 1))
table = {
PAT_RANDOM: (0, 20, 50, 65, 100),
PAT_BIGSPIKE: (0, 50, 55, 75, 100),
PAT_DECREASING: (0, 25, 70, 75, 100),
PAT_SMALLSPIKE: (0, 45, 70, 85, 100),
steps.append(randint(0, 99, table[pat], table[pat + 1]))
ratelo, ratehi = intceilrate(sellprices[0], buyprice)
steps.append(randfloat(0, 0.05, 0.9 - ratehi, 0.9 - ratelo))
for sellprice in sellprices[1:]:
oldratelo = ratelo
oldratehi = ratehi
ratelo, ratehi = intceilrate(sellprice, buyprice)
steps.append(randfloat(0, 0.02, oldratelo - ratehi - 0.03, oldratehi - ratelo - 0.03))
assert False, 'not yet implemented'
return steps
class Sequence:
def __init__(self):
self.seq = BitVecs('a b c d', 32)
self.solver = SolverFor('QF_BV')
self.nsteps = 0
self.ncumulbits = 0
self.lastmodels = None # (initial state, last state)
self.starttime = time.time()
# hi is exclusive
def step(self, lo, hi):
next = rollvar(*self.seq[-4:])
nextvar = BitVec(f's{len(self.seq)}', 32)
self.solver.add(next == nextvar)
self.solver.add(ULE(lo, nextvar), ULE(nextvar, hi - 1)) # hi can overflow!
self.nsteps += 1
self.ncumulbits += 32 - math.log(hi - lo, 2)
# keep models from the last step if they satisfy new constraint
models = []
for initial, (a, b, c, d) in self.lastmodels or []:
a, b, c, d = b, c, d, roll(a, b, c, d)
if lo <= d < hi:
models.append((initial, (a, b, c, d)))
nretained = len(models)
if nretained < MAX_SOLUTIONS and (not self.lastmodels or len(self.lastmodels) >= MAX_SOLUTIONS):
# try to find more models unless we know there won't be no more
vars = self.seq[:4]
for initial, _ in models:
self.solver.add(Or(*[i != val for i, val in zip(vars, initial)]))
while len(models) < MAX_SOLUTIONS:
ret = self.solver.check()
if ret == unknown:
print(f'\n{self.header}unknown error, most possibly aborted.')
raise SystemExit(1)
if ret != sat: break
model = self.solver.model()
initial = [model[i].as_long() if model[i] is not None else 0 for i in vars]
self.solver.add(Or(*[i != val for i, val in zip(vars, initial)]))
models.append((initial, rollmany(*initial, self.nsteps)))
a, b, c, d = initial
f'{self.header}at least {len(models)} solution(s) found ' +
f'({nretained} retained), e.g. {a:08X} {b:08X} {c:08X} {d:08X}', end='\r')
print(f'\x1b[2K\r{self.header}', end='')
if len(models) == 0:
print('no solution possible.')
(a, b, c, d), _ = models[0]
if len(models) >= MAX_SOLUTIONS:
print('at least ', end='')
f'{len(models)} solution(s) found ({nretained} retained), ' +
f'e.g. {a:08X} {b:08X} {c:08X} {d:08X}')
self.lastmodels = models
return len(models)
def header(self):
elapsed = int(time.time() - self.starttime)
hm, s = divmod(elapsed, 60)
h, m = divmod(hm, 60)
return f'[{self.nsteps}/{self.ncumulbits:.2f}/{h}:{m:02d}:{s:02d}] '
def ground_truth():
a, b, c, d = [random.randint(0, 0xffffffff) for i in range(4)]
#a, b, c, d = [int(i, 16) for i in '2B71BDF9 73681330 E2A8E331 5E1AF65F'.split()]
print(f'ground truth: {a:08X} {b:08X} {c:08X} {d:08X}')
while True:
a, b, c, d = b, c, d, roll(a, b, c, d)
yield d
if __name__ == '__main__':
if False:
seq = Sequence()
for value in ground_truth():
mult = random.randint(3, 20)
quantized = (value * mult) >> 32
lo = (quantized << 32) // mult
hi = ((quantized + 1) << 32) // mult
nsolutions = seq.step(lo, hi)
if nsolutions <= 1: break
# ./TurnipPrices 3 12
steps = mksteps(91, [79, 75, 71, 67, 63, 59, 56, 53, 50, 46, 43, 39], PAT_SMALLSPIKE, PAT_DECREASING)
seq = Sequence()
for lo, hi in steps:
nsolutions = seq.step(lo, hi)
if nsolutions <= 1: break
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