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Created May 5, 2014 06:57
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--- a/spray-util/src/main/scala/spray/util/pimps/PimpedRegex.scala
+++ b/spray-util/src/main/scala/spray/util/pimps/PimpedRegex.scala
@@ -20,12 +20,9 @@ import java.util.regex.Pattern
import scala.util.matching.Regex
class PimpedRegex(regex: Regex) {
def groupCount = {
try {
- val field = classOf[Pattern].getDeclaredField("capturingGroupCount")
- field.setAccessible(true)
- field.getInt(regex.pattern) - 1
+ regex.pattern.matcher("").groupCount()
} catch {
case t: Throwable ⇒
throw new RuntimeException("Could not determine regex group count: " + regex.pattern.pattern
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lihaoyi commented Dec 2, 2014

case class StringLiteral(str: String, holes: Seq[Hole], start: Int)
case class Hole(tree: Tree, start: Int, end: Int)

class QuasiquoteParser(val input: String, holes: Seq[Hole]) extends Parser{
  val holeMap = => h.start -> h).toMap
  def MaybeHole = 
    if (!holeMap.contains(cursor)) rule( MISMATHCH ) 
    else rule( ANY.times(holeMap(cursor).end - holeMap(cursor).start ~ push(holeMap(cursor)) 

  ... use MaybeHole elsewhere in the grammar anywhere a hole could possibly appear ...

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