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Created September 21, 2016 19:14
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#Linlin Cheng
#Proj.5 Main Script
#loading packages:
#Preprocessing on the traing dataset:
#import dataset. Original data can be found on this link:
water_train <- read.csv("~/Desktop/water_well.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
label <- read.csv("~/Desktop/label.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#import test dataset:
water_test <- read.csv("~/Desktop/water_test.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
dim(water_train) #[1] 59400 40
dim(label) #[1] 59400 2
dim(water_test) #[1] 14850 40
sum(water_train$id!=label$id) #check for direct column bind conditions
#[1] 0, suggest that the id columns in water_train and label are identical
#thus suitable for concatenation
water_train$label = as.factor(label$status_group)
dim(water_train) #[1] 59400 41
#check for missingness:
#impute 0 for all missing values to prepare for Modeling
#Feature inspections:
###features to delete based on Missingness, non-variation,and duplication:
#num_private all NAs
#recorded_by, same entry
#extraction,identical with extraction_type, extraction_type_group
#quantity_group, identical with quantity
#water_quality, same as quality group
#source_type, identical with source
#waterpoint_type_group, indentical with waterpoint_type
#payment_type, identical with payment
#lga, ward, subvillage, region(may keep), basin (keep) are both indicators for geographical locations, keep basin
#scheme_name, empty strings removed for calculations
#date_recorded, assume not relevant
#check for time range of construction year
na.rm= T)
#[1] 1960 2013
#change strings back to factors:
water_train[,c(4, 6, 9:17, 19:41)]<-lapply(water_train[,c(4, 6, 9:17, 19:41)], as.factor)
sapply(water_train, levels)
#generate a new variable to categorize funders:
f_gov<-c('danida', 'A/co germany', 'belgian', 'british', 'england', 'german', 'germany',
'china', 'egypt', 'European Union', 'finland', 'japan', 'france', 'greec',
'netherlands', 'holland', 'holand', 'nethe', 'nethalan', 'netherla', 'netherlands',
'iran', 'irish', 'islam','italy', 'U.S.A', 'usa', 'usaid', 'swiss', 'swedish','korea', 'niger'
) #'Jica',
NGO<-c('World Bank', 'Ngo', "Ngos", "Un","Un Habitat", "Un/wfp", "Undp", "Undp/aict", "Undp/ilo", "Unesco",
"Unhcr", "Unhcr/government", "Unice", "Unice/ Cspd", "Unicef", "Unicef/ Csp", "Unicef/african Muslim Agency",
"Unicef/central", "Unicef/cspd", "Uniceg", "Unicet", "Unicrf", "Uniseg", "Unp/aict", "wwf", "wfp")
local_commu <- unique(c(agrep('commu', water_train$funder, value=TRUE), #includes commu for community, vill for village
agrep('vill', water_train$funder, value=TRUE)))
tanz_gov<- unique(c(agrep('Government of Tanzania', water_train$funder, value=TRUE), #includes commu for community, vill for village
agrep('wsdp', water_train$funder, value=TRUE)))
unique(fun[agrep('wsdp', fun)])
water_train$funder = as.character(water_train$funder)
temp = water_train$funder
for (i in 1:length(NGO)){
temp = replace(temp,
agrep(NGO[i], temp),
for (i in 1:length(f_gov)){
temp = replace(temp,
agrep(f_gov[i], temp),
for (i in 1:length(local_commu)){
temp = replace(temp,
agrep(local_commu[i], temp),
for (i in 1:length(tanz_gov)){
temp = replace(temp,
agrep(tanz_gov[i], temp),
temp = replace(temp,
temp != "UN_agencies" & temp != 'foreign_gov' & temp != 'local_community' & temp != 'Tanzania_Gov',
table(water_train$label, water_train$funder_cat)
#Plot by funder category: using ggplot
position <- c("local_community", "Tanzania_Gov", "other", "foreign_gov", "UN_agencies")
ggplot(data = water_train, aes(x=funder_cat)) + geom_bar(aes
(fill = label), position =
"fill") + scale_x_discrete(limits = position)+
xlab('')+ylab('')+ggtitle('Well Status by Funder Category')
ggsave(file = "~/Desktop/tanzania/funder_category_plot.png",width = 20, height = 20, units = "cm")
#<graph: extraction class type>
position = c("gravity", "handpump", "other", "submersible", "motorpump", "rope pump", "wind-powered")
ggplot(data = water_train, aes(x = extraction_type_class)) + geom_bar(aes
(fill = label)) + scale_x_discrete(limits = position)+
xlab('')+ylab('')+ggtitle('Well Status by Extraction Class Type')
#<graph. status by payment type>
position = c("annually", "per bucket", "monthly", "on failure", "other", "never pay", "unknown")
ggplot(data = water_train, aes(x = payment_type)) + geom_bar(aes
(fill = label), position = "fill") + scale_x_discrete(limits = position)+
xlab('')+ylab('')+ggtitle('Well Status by Payment Type')
position = c("annually", "per bucket", "monthly", "on failure", "other", "never pay", "unknown")
ggplot(data = water_train, aes(x = source_class)) + geom_bar(aes
(fill = label), position = "fill") + #scale_x_discrete(limits = position)+
xlab('')+ylab('')+ggtitle('Well Status by Source Class')
df_extract_la <-$extraction_type, water_train$label))
df_extract_cat<-data.frame(extract_type = df_extract_la$Var1[1:18], functional = df_extract_la$Freq[1:18], `functional needs repair` = df_extract_la$Freq[19:36],
`non functional` = df_extract_la$Freq[37:54])
df_extract_cat %>% mutate(functional_rate = functional /(
#restore to original dataset for modeling for agency identifiability:
water_train<-water_train %>% select(-c(funder_cat))
#design matrix manipulation:
x_design = select(, -c(num_private, recorded_by, id, date_recorded, scheme_name,
extraction_type_group, extraction_type, quantity_group, waterpoint_type_group,
payment_type, source_type, lga, ward, subvillage))
x_design$public_meeting <- as.factor(x_design$public_meeting)
##want: edit Unrecorded, impute in numeric if makes senses
x_design[] <- 0 #impute all 0s for XGboost run
#impute 0s for factor columns an revert them back to factors:
train = sample(1:nrow(x_design), 8*nrow(x_design)/10)
x_train = x_design[train, ]
x_test = x_design[-train, ]
tlabel <- as.numeric(as.factor(x_train$label))-1
#XGboost modeling:
tlabel <- as.numeric(as.factor(x_train$label))-1
x_train$label <-tlabel
xgbtrain <- xgb.DMatrix(data.matrix(select(x_train, -label)), label=tlabel, missing=NA)
xgbtest<- xgb.DMatrix(data.matrix(select(x_test, -label)))
m = xgb.train(params = list(silent = 1), data = xgbtrain, nrounds = 380,
eta = 0.07,
num_class = 3, # learning rate
max.depth = 11,
gamma = 1,
colsample_bytree = 0.6,
min_child_weight = 1,
eval_metric = "merror",
objective = "multi:softmax")
p_train = predict(m, newdata = xgbtrain) #prediction
p_test = predict(m, newdata = xgbtest)
#tabulate for accuracy:
##confusion matrix for the training dataset:
table(x_train$label, p_train)
##confusion matrix for the test dataset:
table(x_test$label, p_test)
train_error <- sum((as.numeric(x_train$label)-1)==p) / sum(table(x_train$label, p))
test_error <- sum((as.numeric(x_test$label)-1)==p_test) / sum(table(x_test$label, p_test))
#train: [1] 0.9149832
#test: [1] 0.8111111
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