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Last active August 7, 2022 18:32
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Tool to find GIT stashes containing changes to specified file(s)
#!/usr/bin/env rdmd
// Get rdmd from (or brew, nix, apt, yum)
// Copyright Lionello Lunesu. Placed in the public Domain.
import std.stdio : writeln;
int main(string[] args) {
import std.process : pipeProcess, wait, Redirect;
if (args.length < 2) {
return usage(args[0]);
// FIXME: support proper command line arguments
const filenames = args[1..$];
auto extraArgs = detectTerminal() ? ["--color=always"] : [];
foreach (arg; filenames) {
if (arg == "--") break;
if (arg == "-h" || arg == "--help") return usage(args[0]);
if (arg.length >= 2 && arg[0] == '-') extraArgs ~= arg;
auto pipes = pipeProcess(["git", "stash", "list", "-p"] ~ extraArgs, Redirect.stdout);
enum STASH = "stash@{";
enum DIFF = "diff --git a/";
string lastStash = null;
bool dump = false;
foreach (line; pipes.stdout.byLine) {
if (line.length > 10) {
// Find the start of the filenames by skipping ANSI color and the diff prefix
const start = line[0] == '\x1b' ? 4 : 0;
const end = start + DIFF.length;
if (line.length > end && line[start..end] == DIFF) {
// Encountered a new diff; stop dumping and check filenames
dump = false;
if (anyMatch(filenames, line[end..$])) {
// Found a match; print stash header if not yet printed
if (lastStash) {
lastStash = null;
dump = true;
} else if (line[0..7] == STASH) {
// Encountered a new stash; stop dumping but save header in case a file matches
dump = false;
lastStash = line.idup;
if (dump) {
return wait(;
@nogc @safe pure nothrow
private bool anyMatch(in char[][] names, in char[] line) {
import std.string : indexOf;
foreach (name; names) {
if (line.indexOf(name) >= 0) {
return true;
return false;
private int usage(string arg0) {
import std.path : baseName;
writeln("Usage: ", arg0.baseName, " [<diff options>] [--] filename...");
return 129;
// Inspired by DMD's src/dmd/console.d
private bool detectTerminal() {
import std.process : environment;
import core.sys.posix.unistd : isatty, STDOUT_FILENO;
const term = environment.get("TERM");
return isatty(STDOUT_FILENO) && term && term != "dumb";
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lionello commented Jun 11, 2019

You can use nix-shell -p ldc dtools to get the #dlang tools rdmd and ldc, or nix-shell -p ldc --run "ldc2 stashd.d" to build the executable. More options at

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Updated to use indexOf for matching parts of paths and using detectTerminal to decide whether or not to print ANSI color codes.

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Now passing command line options to git stash list and handling -h and --help.

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