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Created September 24, 2008 08:12
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simply.scm) gauche module to write code simply
(define-module simply.json
(use simply)
(export make-json)
(select-module simply.json)
(define (collect-data start end data)
(string-join data ",")
(define (hash->json hs)
"{" "}"
hs (lambda (key value res)
(string-append (data->json key) ":" (data->json value))
) '())
(define (list->json ls)
"[" "]"
(r fold (lambda (data res)
(cons (data->json data) res)
) '() ls)
(define (data->json data)
[(list? data) (list->json data)]
[(hash-table? data) (hash->json data)]
[(hash-table*? data) (hash->json (data))]
[(boolean? data) (if data "true" "false")]
[(number? data) (number->string data)]
[(string? data) (string-append "\"" (to-utf8 data) "\"")]
[(symbol? data) (data->json (symbol->string data))]
[(keyword? data) (data->json (keyword->string data))]
[else data]
(define (make-json data . options)
(let-keywords options ((callback '()))
(let1 res (data->json data)
(if (null? callback) res (string-append callback "(" res ")"))
(provide "simply/json")
(define-module simply.notify
(use simply)
(select-module simply.notify)
(define (notify-send title text . options)
(let-keywords options ((icon '())
(time '())
(level '())
(category '())
(append (list "notify-send" #`"\",title\"" #`"\",text\"")
(if (null? icon) '() (list #`"-i ,icon"))
(if (null? time) '() (list #`"-t ,time"))
(if (null? level) '() (list #`"-u ,level"))
(if (null? category) '() (list #`"-c ,category"))
" "
(provide "simply/notify")
; gauche module to write code simply
(define-module simply
(use srfi-1)
(use srfi-13)
(use rfc.http) (use rfc.uri) (use rfc.base64) (use file.util)
(use gauche.charconv) (use gauche.process)
(select-module simply)
(define *simply-version* "0.17")
(define *get-lambda-tag* '__get-lambda-tag)
; #r
; ------------------------------------------
(define-syntax r
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ ls) (reverse ls) ]
[(_ fn ...) (reverse (fn ...))]
; #!
; ------------------------------------------
(define-syntax !
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ bool) (not bool) ]
[(_ fn ...) (not (fn ...))]
; #p
; ------------------------------------------
(define-syntax p
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ str) (print str)]
[(_ expr ...) (print (expr ...))]
; #list-receive
; ------------------------------------------
(define-syntax list-receive
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ vals ls e ...)
(receive vals (apply values ls) e ...)
; #block
; ------------------------------------------
(define-syntax block
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ tag e ...)
(call/cc (lambda (tag) e ...))
; #cache-function
; ------------------------------------------
(define-syntax cache-function
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ (fn expr ...))
(let ((cached-result '()) (is-cached? #f))
(lambda ()
[is-cached? (cached-result)]
(receive tmp (fn expr ...)
(set! is-cached? #t)
(case (length tmp)
; normal variable
[(1) (set! cached-result (lambda () (car tmp)))
; values
[else (set! cached-result (lambda () (apply values tmp)))
(apply values tmp)]
; #cl (connect list)
; ------------------------------------------
(define-syntax cl
(syntax-rules (_res)
[(_ expr1 expr2)
(let1 _res expr1
(eval (append 'expr2
(list (if (list? _res) (cons 'list _res) _res))
[(_ expr1 expr2 expr3 ...)
(cl (cl expr1 expr2) expr3 ...)
; #uses
; ------------------------------------------
(define-syntax uses
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ m) (use m)]
[(_ m1 m2 ...)
(begin (use m1) (uses m2 ...))
; #lambda/tag
; make lambda which has TAG
; ------------------------------------------
(define-syntax lambda/tag
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ tag args expr ...)
(lambda _args_
[(and (= (length _args_) 1)
(symbol? (car _args_))
(eq? (car _args_) *get-lambda-tag*))
(values #t tag)
(receive args (apply values _args_)
expr ...
; =lambda/tag?
; ------------------------------------------
(define (lambda/tag? obj)
(guard (e (else #f))
(receive (flag tag) (obj *get-lambda-tag*)
(if flag #t #f)
; =get-lambda-tag
; ------------------------------------------
(define (get-lambda-tag obj)
(if (lambda/tag? obj)
(receive (flag tag) (obj *get-lambda-tag*) tag)
; =to-s
; ------------------------------------------
(define-method to-s ((a <string>)) a)
(define-method to-s ((a <char>)) (string a))
(define-method to-s ((a <number>)) (number->string a))
(define-method to-s ((a <symbol>)) (symbol->string a))
(define-method to-s ((a <symbol>)) (symbol->string a))
(define-method to-s ((a <keyword>)) (keyword->string a))
(define-method to-s ((a <list>)) (list->string a))
; =+
; ------------------------------------------
(define-method + ((a <char>) . b)
(apply + (cons (string a) b))
(define-method + ((a <string>) . b)
(string-append a (fold (lambda (x res) (string-append res (to-s x))) "" b))
(define-method + ((a <list>) . b)
(append a
(fold (lambda (x res)
(let1 c (class-of x)
(if (or (eq? <pair> c) (eq? <list> c))
(append x res)
) '() b)
; =/
; ------------------------------------------
(define-method / ((base <string>) del)
(string-split base del)
(define-method / ((base <list>) del-con)
(list-split base del-con)
; ===?
; ------------------------------------------
(define-method ==? ((a <integer>) (b <integer>)) (= a b))
(define-method ==? ((a <rational>) (b <rational>)) (= a b))
(define-method ==? ((a <real>) (b <real>)) (= a b))
(define-method ==? ((a <list>) (b <list>)) (equal? a b))
(define-method ==? ((a <string>) (b <string>)) (string=? a b))
(define-method ==? ((a <char>) (b <char>)) (char=? a b))
(define-method ==? ((a <string>) (b <char>))
(if (= 1 (string-length a)) (char=? (string-ref a 0) b) #f))
(define-method ==? ((a <char>) (b <string>))
(if (= 1 (string-length b)) (char=? (string-ref b 0) a) #f))
(define-method ==? ((a <boolean>) (b <boolean>)) (eq? a b))
(define-method ==? ((a <symbol>) (b <symbol>)) (eq? a b))
(define-method ==? ((a <keyword>) (b <keyword>)) (eq? a b))
; =len
; ------------------------------------------
(define-method len ((str <string>)) (string-length str))
(define-method len ((ls <list>)) (length ls))
(define-method len ((ht <hash-table>)) (hash-table-num-entries ht))
; =trim
; faster than string-trim-both in srfi-13
; ------------------------------------------
(define (trim original-str)
(if (string=? original-str "") original-str
(let1 tmp (let loop((str original-str))
(case (string-ref str 0)
[(#\space #\tab #\newline #\return)
(loop (substring str 1 (string-length str)))]
(let loop((str tmp))
(let1 len (- (string-length str) 1)
(case (string-ref str len)
[(#\space #\tab #\newline #\return)
(loop (substring str 0 len))
[else str]
; =to-lower
; ------------------------------------------
(define to-lower string-downcase)
; =to-upper
; ------------------------------------------
(define to-upper string-upcase)
; =puts
; ------------------------------------------
(define (puts . strs)
(for-each print strs)
; =index-of
; ------------------------------------------
(define (index-of ls obj)
(list-index (cut ==? <> obj) ls)
; =hash-table-wrap {{{
; ------------------------------------------
(define (hash-table-wrap hs)
(lambda args
(let1 len (length args)
[(= len 0) hs ]
[(= len 1)
(if (hash-table-exists? hs (car args))
(hash-table-get hs (car args))
[(= len 2)
(hash-table-put! hs (car args) (cadr args))
[(= len 3)
(let1 comm (cadr args)
[(eq? comm 'delete)
(hash-table-delete! hs (caddr args))
[(eq? comm 'exists?)
(hash-table-exists? hs (caddr args))
(error 'unknown_command)
[(= len 4) #t] ;hash-table-wrap check
; =make-hash-table-wrap
; ------------------------------------------
(define (make-hash-table-wrap)
(hash-table-wrap (make-hash-table))
; =hash-table-wrap?
; ------------------------------------------
(define (hash-table-wrap? obj)
(if (and (procedure? obj) (! eq? obj print))
(guard (e (else #f))
(hash-table? (obj))
; =list->hash-table-wrap
; ------------------------------------------
(define (list->hash-table-wrap ls)
(hash-table-wrap (list->hash-table ls))
; }}}
; =list->hash-table
; ------------------------------------------
(define (list->hash-table original-ls)
(let1 hs (make-hash-table)
(let loop((ls original-ls))
(when (> (length ls) 1)
(let ((key (car ls)) (value (cadr ls)))
hs key
(if (and (list? value) (eq? (car value) '@hash))
(list->hash-table (cadr value)) value)
(loop (cddr ls))
; =hash-table*
; new version of hash-table-wrap
; ------------------------------------------
(define (hash-table* . init)
(let1 ht (cond
[(and (= (length init) 1) (hash-table? (car init))) (car init)]
[(> (length init) 1)
(list->hash-table init)
[else (make-hash-table)]
'hash-table* args
(case (length args)
[(0) ht]
(let1 cmd (car args)
[(symbol? cmd)
; get
(let1 res (hash-table-get ht cmd)
(if (hash-table? res) (hash-table* res) res)
[(string? cmd)
; get
(let1 res (hash-table-get ht (string->symbol cmd))
(if (hash-table? res) (hash-table* res) res)
[(and (keyword? cmd) (eq? cmd :length))
; length
(hash-table-num-entries ht)
[(and (keyword? cmd) (eq? cmd :clear))
; clear
(hash-table-clear! ht)
(let ((key (car args)) (value (cadr args)))
[(symbol? key)
; put
(hash-table-put! ht key
(if (hash-table? value) (hash-table* value) value))
[(string? key)
; put
(hash-table-put! ht (string->symbol key)
(if (hash-table? value) (hash-table* value) value))
[(and (keyword? key) (eq? key :delete))
; delete
(hash-table-delete! ht value)
[(and (keyword? key) (eq? key :exists?))
; exists?
(hash-table-exists? ht value)
[(and (keyword? key) (eq? key :each))
; each
(hash-table-for-each ht value)
; =make-hash-table*
; new version of make-hash-table-wrap
; ------------------------------------------
(define (make-hash-table* . init)
(hash-table* (if (null? init) (list (make-hash-table)) init))
; =hash-table*?
; ------------------------------------------
(define (hash-table*? obj)
(if (and (lambda/tag? obj) (eq? (get-lambda-tag obj) 'hash-table*)) #t #f)
; =list-replace
; ------------------------------------------
(define (list-replace ls comp to)
(map (lambda (from)
[(list? from)
(list-replace from comp to)
(if (comp from) to from)
) ls)
; =list-replace-all
; ------------------------------------------
(define (list-replace-all ls . args)
[(= 0 (modulo (length args) 2))
(let loop((rules args) (result ls))
[(null? rules)
(loop (cddr rules) (list-replace result (car rules) (cadr rules)))
[else ls]
; =list-split
; ------------------------------------------
(define (list-split original-ls con)
(let loop((ls original-ls) (tmp '()) (res '()))
[(null? ls)
(r if (! null? tmp)
(cons (r tmp) res)
[(con (car ls))
(loop (cdr ls) '() (cons (r tmp) res))
(loop (cdr ls) (cons (car ls) tmp) res)
; =regexp-match
; ------------------------------------------
(define (regexp-match reg-str target-str)
(let1 r (string->regexp reg-str)
(values (r target-str) r)
; =file-each
; ------------------------------------------
(define (file-each filename . fn)
(define (original-file-each input-fn expr-fn)
(lambda ()
(let loop((_line (input-fn)))
(when (! eof-object? _line)
(expr-fn _line)
(loop (input-fn))
[(and (= 1 (length fn)) (procedure? (car fn)))
(original-file-each read-line (car fn))
[(and (= 2 (length fn)) (procedure? (car fn)) (procedure? (cadr fn)))
(original-file-each (car fn) (cadr fn))
; =http-get
; ------------------------------------------
(define _http-get http-get)
(define (http-get uri . options)
; ----
(define (make-auth-list user pass)
[(and (string? user) (string? pass))
(list :Authorization
"Basic "
(string-append user ":" pass))))
[else '()]
; /---
(let-keywords options ((user '())
(password '()))
(let1 basic-auth (make-auth-list user password)
(receive (scheme user-info hostname port path query fragment)
(uri-parse uri)
(let ((server (string-append hostname (if port #`":,port" "")))
(path (string-append (if path path "/") (if query #`"?,query" "")))
(receive (status header body) (apply _http-get (append (list server path) basic-auth))
(values body status header)
; =file->list
; ------------------------------------------
(define-method file->list ((filename <string>) . options)
(define (_delete-comment ls comment-str)
(r fold (lambda (line res)
(let1 index (string-scan line comment-str)
(if (and (number? index) (= 0 index)) res (cons line res)))
) '() ls)
(define (_split-line ls del)
(r fold (lambda (line res)
(cons (string-split line del) res)
) '() ls)
(let1 ls (file->list read-line filename)
(let-keywords options ((split #f)
(comment #f)
(let1 tmp (if comment (_delete-comment ls comment) ls)
(if split (_split-line tmp split) tmp)
; =file->string
; ------------------------------------------
(define file->string file->string)
(define (file->list-each filename fn)
;(cl (file->list filename) (for-each fn))
(for-each fn (file->list filename))
; =charconv
; ------------------------------------------
; =to-utf8
(define (to-utf8 str) (ces-convert str '*JP 'UTF8))
; =to-sjis
(define (to-sjis str) (ces-convert str '*JP 'SJIS))
; =to-euc
(define (to-euc str) (ces-convert str '*JP 'EUCJP))
; =char->symbol
; ------------------------------------------
(define (char->symbol c) (string->symbol (string c)))
; =sysmbol->char
; ------------------------------------------
(define (symbol->char s) (string-ref (symbol->string s) 0))
; =args->hash
; usage: (args->hash (cdr args) '(a (b 1 "default") c))
; ------------------------------------------
(define (args->hash args rules)
(define (parse-args)
(let loop((ls args) (options '()))
[(null? ls) (values (r options) '())]
[(! string? (car ls)) (values (r options) ls)]
[(char=? (string-ref (car ls) 0) #\-)
(loop (cdr ls)
(fold (lambda (x res)
(cons (char->symbol x) res)
) options (string->list (string-drop (car ls) 1)))
[else (values (r options) ls)]
; body ----
(receive (options rest-args) (parse-args)
(let1 hs (make-hash-table-wrap)
(let loop((ls rules) (param rest-args))
[(null? ls) (values hs param)]
[(symbol? (car ls))
; booleanの場合
(let1 r (car ls)
(hs r (if (list-index (lambda (o) (eq? o r)) options) #t #f))
(loop (cdr ls) param)
[(list? (car ls))
; 引数を取る場合
(let* ((x (car ls))
(r (car x))
(num (cadr x))
(default (if (> (length x) 2) (caddr x) '()))
[(and (list-index (lambda (o) (eq? o r)) options) (>= (length param) num))
; 2つ以上ならリストで返す
(hs r (if (= num 1) (list-ref (take param num) 0) (take param num)))
(loop (cdr ls) (drop param num))
; 必要な引数がない場合はデフォルト値
(hs r default)
(loop (cdr ls) param)
; =has-args?
; ------------------------------------------
(define (has-args? args)
(>= (length args) 2)
; =standard-input?
; ------------------------------------------
(define (standard-input?)
(char-ready? (standard-input-port))
; =with-standard-input
; ------------------------------------------
(define (with-standard-input fn)
(when (standard-input?)
(fn (port->string (standard-input-port)))
; =execute
; ------------------------------------------
(define (execute command)
(call-with-input-process command port->string)
; =map*
; ------------------------------------------
(define (map* fn ls)
(map (lambda (x)
[(pair? x) (map* fn x)]
[else (fn x)]
) ls)
; =inc dec
; ------------------------------------------
(define (++ i) (+ i 1))
(define (-- i) (- i 1))
(provide "simply")
(define-module simply.stack
(use srfi-1)
(use simply)
(select-module simply.stack)
; =_stack-pop
; -------------------------------
(define (_stack-pop ls)
(if (> (length ls) 0)
(let1 res (last ls)
(values res (take ls (- (length ls) 1)))
(values #f ls)
; =_stack-shift
; -------------------------------
(define (_stack-shift ls)
(if (> (length ls) 0)
(let1 res (car ls)
(values res (drop ls 1))
(values #f ls)
; =make-stack
; -------------------------------
(define (make-stack . init-ls)
(let1 ls (if (null? init-ls) '() (car init-ls))
(lambda/tag 'stack arg
(case (length arg)
(case (car arg)
[(pop shift)
(receive (res new-ls) ((if (eq? (car arg) 'pop)
_stack-shift) ls)
(set! ls new-ls) res
(when (number? (car arg))
(list-ref ls (car arg))
(case (car arg)
[(push unshift)
(set! ls (if (eq? (car arg) 'push)
(append ls (list (cadr arg)))
(cons (cadr arg) ls)
(cadr arg)
[else ls]
; =stack?
; -------------------------------
(define (stack? obj)
(if (and (lambda/tag? obj) (eq? (get-lambda-tag obj) 'stack)) #t #f)
(provide "simply/stack")
(use simply)
(use srfi-13)
(use binary.pack)
; style color maps {{{
(define style-color-map
'bold "[1m" 'underline "[4m"
'fg-black "[30m" 'fg-red "[31m"
'fg-green "[32m" 'fg-yellow "[33m"
'fg-blue "[34m" 'fg-purple "[35m"
'fg-aqua "[36m" 'fg-white "[37m"
'bg-black "[40m" 'bg-red "[41m"
'bg-green "[42m" 'bg-yellow "[43m"
'bg-blue "[44m" 'bg-purple "[45m"
'bg-aqua "[46m" 'bg-white "[47m"
'normal "[0m"
)) ; }}}
(define (_mypack val) (pack "a" (list val) :to-string? #t))
(define (_make-escape str) (list (_mypack "\x1B") str))
(define (make-style-list str . options)
(fold (lambda (key res)
(if (style-color-map :exists? key)
(append (_make-escape (style-color-map key)) res)
(cons str (_make-escape (style-color-map 'normal))) options
(define (display/style str . options)
(for-each display (apply make-style-list (cons str options)))
(define (make-style-list/regexp str . rules)
(define (make-result-list match-obj styles) ; {{{
(append (if (string=? (match-obj 'before) "") '() (list (match-obj 'before)))
(apply make-style-list (cons (match-obj 0) styles))
) ; }}}
(define (rule-matched? s) ; {{{
(let loop((ls rules))
[(null? ls) (list #f '() '())]
[(>= (length ls) 2)
(let* ((regexp (car ls)) (styles (cadr ls))
(m (if (regexp? regexp)
((string->regexp (string-append "^" (regexp->string regexp))) s)
(if m (break (list #t m styles)) (loop (cddr ls)))
(list #f '() '())
) ; }}}
; body ----------------------------
(define (make-style-list/regexp-body s res)
[(string=? s "") res]
(list-receive (result matched-obj styles) (rule-matched? s)
(matched-obj 'after)
(append res (make-result-list matched-obj styles))
(string-drop s 1) (append res (list (string-take s 1))))
; main ----------------------------
(make-style-list/regexp-body str '())
(define (screen-clear)
(for-each display (_make-escape "[2J"))
(screen-goto 0 0)
(define (screen-clear-below)
(for-each display (_make-escape "[0J"))
(define (screen-goto y x)
(let ((x2 (+ x 1)) (y2 (+ y 1)))
(for-each display (_make-escape #`"\[,|x2|;,|y2|H"))
(provide "simply/style")
(define-module simply.sxml
(use sxml.ssax) (use sxml.sxpath)
(use (use sxml.serializer)
(use sxml.tree-trans)
(use srfi-1) (use srfi-13)
(use simply)
(select-module simply.sxml)
; =sxml class
; ---------------------------------
(define-class <sxml> ()
(body :init-keyword :body :init-value '()
:getter sxml:body)
(namespace :init-keyword :namespace :init-value '()
:getter sxml:namespace
(ignore-case :init-keyword :ignore-case :init-value #t)
(delete-ns-prefix :init-keyword :delete-ns-prefix :init-value #t)
; input
(file :init-keyword :file :init-value #f)
(uri :init-keyword :uri :init-value #f)
(string :init-keyword :string :init-value #f)
(port :init-keyword :port :init-value #f)
; =constructor
; ---------------------------------
(define-method initialize ((self <sxml>) init-args)
; set body
(when (null? (sxml:body self))
(slot-ref self'body)
; from uri
[(slot-ref self'uri)
(ssax:xml->sxml (open-input-string
(to-utf8 (http-get (slot-ref self'uri)))) '())
; from file
[(slot-ref self'file)
(slot-ref self'file)
(lambda (port)
(if port (ssax:xml->sxml port '()) '())
:if-does-not-exist #f
; from string
[(slot-ref self'string)
(ssax:xml->sxml (open-input-string (to-utf8 (slot-ref self'string))) '())
; from port
[(slot-ref self'port)
(ssax:xml->sxml (slot-ref self'port) '())
[else '()]
; get namespace
(when (null? (slot-ref self'namespace))
(let1 root (sxml:root self :no-wrap #t)
[(null? root)
(set! (slot-ref self'namespace) '())
(let1 tmp (string-split (symbol->string (car root)) #\:)
(set! (slot-ref self'namespace)
(string-join (take tmp (- (length tmp) 1)) ":")
; delete namespace prefix
(when (and (slot-ref self'delete-ns-prefix) (! null? (sxml:body self)))
(slot-ref self'body)
(delete-sxml-namespace (sxml:body self))
; =sxml:root
; ---------------------------------
(define-method sxml:root ((sxml <sxml>) . options)
[(null? (sxml:body sxml)) '()
(let1 root (block _break
(lambda (elem)
(if (and (list? elem) (! eq? (car elem) '*PI*))
(_break elem)
(cdr (sxml:body sxml))
(let-keywords options ((no-wrap #f) (contain-root #t))
(let1 data (if contain-root root (cdr root))
(if no-wrap data
(make <sxml> :namespace (slot-ref sxml'namespace)
:body data :delete-ns-prefix #f)
; =change-symbol
; ---------------------------------
(define (change-symbol fn . syms)
(case (length syms)
(string->symbol (fn (symbol->string (car syms))))
(map (lambda (x) (string->symbol
(fn (symbol->string x))))
; =sxpath
; ---------------------------------
(define-method sxpath ((sxml <sxml>) (path <pair>))
(let1 ls ((sxpath path) (sxml:body sxml))
(r fold
(lambda (x res)
(cons (make <sxml> :body x :ignore-case (slot-ref sxml'ignore-case)) res)
) '() ls)
; =sxml:name
; ---------------------------------
(define-method sxml:name ((sxml <sxml>) . options)
(let-keywords options ((ignore-case #t))
(if (list? (sxml:body sxml))
(if ignore-case (change-symbol string-downcase (car (sxml:body sxml))) (car (sxml:body sxml)))
(define-method sxml:name ((sxml <pair>) . options)
(apply sxml:name (cons (car sxml) options))
; =sxml:value
; ---------------------------------
(define-method sxml:value ((sxml <sxml>))
(if (>= (length (sxml:body sxml)) 2)
(cadr (sxml:body sxml))
(define-method sxml:value ((sxml <pair>))
(sxml:value (car sxml))
; =sxml:attr-names
; ---------------------------------
(define-method sxml:attr-names ((sxml <sxml>))
(let1 attrs (sxml:attr-list-node (sxml:body sxml))
(r fold (lambda (att res)
(cons (car att) res)
) '() (cdr attrs))
(define-method sxml:attr-names ((sxml <pair>))
(sxml:attr-names (car sxml))
; =sxml:attr-hash*
; ---------------------------------
(define-method sxml:attr-hash* ((sxml <sxml>))
(let ((attrs (sxml:attr-list-node (sxml:body sxml)))
(hs (make-hash-table*))
(for-each (lambda (att)
(when (= 2 (length att))
(hs (first att) (second att))
) (cdr attrs))
(define-method sxml:attr-hash* ((sxml <pair>))
(sxml:attr-hash* (car sxml))
; =sxml:attr
; ---------------------------------
(define-method sxml:attr ((sxml <sxml>) (name <symbol>) . options)
(let-keywords options ((ignore-case #t))
(let1 res (sxml:attr (sxml:body sxml) name)
(if res res (sxml:attr (sxml:body sxml) (change-symbol string-downcase name)))
(define-method sxml:attr ((sxml <pair>))
(sxml:attr (car sxml))
; =delete-sxml-namespace
; ---------------------------------
(define (delete-sxml-namespace sxml)
`((*text* . ,(lambda (trigger x) x))
(*default* . ,(lambda x
((rxmatch #/http\:\/\/\S+:(.+)/ (symbol->string (car x)))
(#f name)
(sxml:change-name x (string->symbol (string-downcase name)))
(else x)
; =file->sxml
; ---------------------------------
(define (file->sxml filename)
(make <sxml> :file filename)
; =string->sxml
; ---------------------------------
(define (string->sxml str)
(make <sxml> :string str)
; =port->sxml
; ---------------------------------
(define (port->sxml port)
(make <sxml> :port port)
; =uri->sxml
; ---------------------------------
(define (uri->sxml uri)
(make <sxml> :uri uri)
; =sxml?
; ---------------------------------
(define (sxml? obj)
(eq? (class-of obj) <sxml>)
(provide "simply/sxml")
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