Save liuran001/5ca84f7def53c70b554d3f765ff86a33 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# mihomo (Clash Meta) 懒人配置 | |
# 版本 V1.12-241024 | |
# https://gist.github.com/liuran001/5ca84f7def53c70b554d3f765ff86a33 | |
# https://obdo.cc/meta | |
# 作者: 笨蛋ovo (bdovo.cc) | |
# Telegram: https://t.me/baka_not_baka | |
# 关注我的 Telegram 频道谢谢喵 https://t.me/s/BDovo_Channel | |
# 修改自官方示例规则 https://wiki.metacubex.one/example/#meta | |
# 转载请保留此注释 | |
# 尽量添加了较为详尽的注释,不理解的地方建议对照 虚空终端 (Clash Meta) Docs 进行理解 | |
# 虚空终端 (Clash Meta) Docs 地址: https://wiki.metacubex.one | |
# 不理解的地方不要乱动,如果你是小白,请按下 `Ctrl + F` 搜索 `基础配置`,只修改此部分 | |
# true 是启用 | |
# false 是禁用 | |
# 分组 | |
pr: | |
&pr { | |
type: select, | |
proxies: | |
[ | |
节点选择, | |
香港, | |
台湾, | |
日本, | |
新加坡, | |
美国, | |
其它地区, | |
全部节点, | |
自动选择, | |
], | |
} | |
# 延迟检测 URL | |
p: &p | |
type: http | |
# 自动更新订阅时间,单位为秒 | |
interval: 3600 | |
health-check: | |
enable: true | |
url: https://cp.cloudflare.com | |
# 节点连通性检测时间,单位为秒 | |
interval: 300 | |
# 节点超时延迟,单位为毫秒 | |
timeout: 1000 | |
# 节点自动切换差值,单位为毫秒 | |
tolerance: 100 | |
# 基础配置 | |
# -------------------------------------------------- | |
# 如果你是小白,那么你只需要修改分割线以内的内容 | |
# 其他部分保持不动即可 | |
# 也可以把分割线以内的内容粘贴到您使用代理工具的「覆写」功能,然后在覆写中进行修改 | |
# 使用覆写时可以直接将此配置文件作为订阅链接进行订阅 | |
# https://ghp.ci/https://gist.githubusercontent.com/liuran001/5ca84f7def53c70b554d3f765ff86a33/raw/c1d33956db7097252b88a6c06ed76f32526747c4/config.yaml | |
# 如果你需要使用大于两个机场,在下方 `use` 处添加 `订阅三` (名字可以自己取),然后在 `proxy-providers` 照例添加订阅链接即可 | |
# 反之,如果你只需要使用一个,那么将 `订阅二` 前添加 `#` 进行注释即可 | |
# 订阅名,记得修改成自己的 | |
# 添删订阅在这里和下方订阅链接依葫芦画瓢就行 | |
use: &use | |
# 如果不希望自动切换请将下面两行注释对调 | |
# type: select | |
type: url-test | |
use: | |
- 订阅一 | |
- 订阅二 | |
# - 本地配置 | |
# 订阅链接 | |
# 对于订阅来说,path 为选填项,但建议启用 | |
# 本地配置可以只填 path | |
proxy-providers: | |
订阅一: | |
<<: *p | |
# path: ./proxy_provider/订阅一.yaml | |
url: "https://example.com/airport?type=clashmeta&protocol=shadowsocks&rule=default" | |
订阅二: | |
<<: *p | |
# path: ./proxy_provider/订阅二.yaml | |
url: "https://example.com/api/v1/client/subscribe?token=ilovechina" | |
# 本地配置: | |
# <<: *p | |
# path: ./proxy_provider/本地配置.yaml | |
# 小白请不要继续随意修改以下设置 | |
# 若需修改请参阅文档 https://wiki.metacubex.one | |
# -------------------------------------------------- | |
# 规则订阅 | |
rule-providers: | |
# 秋风广告拦截规则 | |
# https://awavenue.top | |
# 由于 Anti-AD 误杀率高,本项目已在 1.11-241024 版本更换秋风广告规则 | |
AWAvenue-Ads: | |
type: http | |
behavior: domain | |
format: yaml | |
# path可为空(仅限clash.meta 1.15.0以上版本) | |
path: ./rule_provider/AWAvenue-Ads.yaml | |
url: "https://ghp.ci/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TG-Twilight/AWAvenue-Ads-Rule/refs/heads/main/Filters/AWAvenue-Ads-Rule-Clash.yaml" | |
interval: 600 | |
mode: rule | |
# ipv6 支持 | |
ipv6: true | |
log-level: info | |
# 允许局域网连接 | |
allow-lan: true | |
# socks5/http 端口 | |
mixed-port: 7890 | |
# Meta 内核特性 https://wiki.metacubex.one/config/general | |
# 统一延迟 | |
# 更换延迟计算方式,去除握手等额外延迟 | |
unified-delay: true | |
# TCP 并发 | |
# 同时对所有ip进行连接,返回延迟最低的地址 | |
tcp-concurrent: true | |
# 外部控制端口 | |
external-controller: :9090 | |
geodata-mode: true | |
# Geo 数据库下载地址 | |
# 使用 FastGit 代理 (https://fgit.cf) | |
# 源地址 https://github.com/MetaCubeX/meta-rules-dat | |
# 可以更换镜像站但不要更换其他数据库,可能导致无法启动 | |
geox-url: | |
geoip: "https://ghp.ci/https://github.com/MetaCubeX/meta-rules-dat/releases/download/latest/geoip.dat" | |
geosite: "https://ghp.ci/https://github.com/MetaCubeX/meta-rules-dat/releases/download/latest/geosite.dat" | |
mmdb: "https://ghp.ci/https://github.com/MetaCubeX/meta-rules-dat/releases/download/latest/country.mmdb" | |
# 进程匹配模式 | |
# 路由器上请设置为 off | |
# always 开启,强制匹配所有进程 | |
# strict 默认,由 Clash 判断是否开启 | |
# off 不匹配进程,推荐在路由器上使用此模式 | |
find-process-mode: strict | |
# 缓解移动设备耗电问题 | |
# https://github.com/vernesong/OpenClash/issues/2614 | |
keep-alive-interval: 1800 | |
# 全局客户端指纹 | |
global-client-fingerprint: random # 随机指纹 | |
# 缓存 | |
profile: | |
store-selected: true | |
store-fake-ip: true | |
# 自动同步时间以防止时间不准导致无法正常联网 | |
ntp: | |
enable: true | |
# 是否同步至系统时间,需要 root/管理员权限 | |
write-to-system: false | |
server: time.apple.com | |
port: 123 | |
interval: 30 | |
# 域名嗅探 | |
sniffer: | |
enable: true | |
sniff: | |
TLS: | |
ports: [443, 8443] | |
HTTP: | |
ports: [80, 8080-8880] | |
override-destination: true | |
# tun 模式 | |
tun: | |
enable: false # enable 'true' | |
stack: system # or 'gvisor' | |
dns-hijack: | |
- "any:53" | |
- "tcp://any:53" | |
auto-route: true | |
auto-detect-interface: true | |
# dns 设置 | |
# 已配置 ipv6 | |
dns: | |
enable: true | |
listen: :1053 | |
ipv6: true | |
# 路由器个人建议使用 redir-host 以最佳兼容性 | |
# 其他设备可以使用 fake-ip | |
enhanced-mode: redir-host | |
fake-ip-range: | |
fake-ip-filter: | |
- '*' | |
- '+.lan' | |
- '+.local' | |
default-nameserver: | |
- | |
- | |
- | |
- '[2402:4e00::]' | |
- '[2400:3200::1]' | |
nameserver: | |
- 'tls://' | |
- 'tls://' | |
- 'tls://[2001:4860:4860::8844]#dns' | |
- 'tls://[2606:4700:4700::1001]#dns' | |
proxy-server-nameserver: | |
- https://doh.pub/dns-query | |
nameserver-policy: | |
"geosite:cn,private": | |
- https://doh.pub/dns-query | |
- https://dns.alidns.com/dns-query | |
"geosite:!cn,!private": | |
- "tls://dns.google" | |
- "tls://cloudflare-dns.com" | |
# 多入站端口设置 | |
# listeners: | |
# - name: hk | |
# type: mixed | |
# port: 12991 | |
# proxy: 香港 | |
# - name: tw | |
# type: mixed | |
# port: 12992 | |
# proxy: 台湾 | |
# - name: sg | |
# type: mixed | |
# port: 12993 | |
# proxy: 新加坡 | |
proxies: | |
# - name: "WARP" | |
# type: wireguard | |
# server: engage.cloudflareclient.com | |
# port: 2408 | |
# ip: "" | |
# ipv6: "2606::1/128" # 自行替换 | |
# private-key: "private-key" # 自行替换 | |
# public-key: "public-key" # 自行替换 | |
# udp: true | |
# reserved: "abba" # 自行替换 | |
# mtu: 1280 | |
# dialer-proxy: "WARP前置" | |
# remote-dns-resolve: true | |
# dns: | |
# - https://dns.cloudflare.com/dns-query | |
proxy-groups: | |
# 使用 WARP 的用户需要手动在下方的 proxies 字段内添加 WARP | |
# 例如 [WARP, 全部节点, 自动选择, 香港, 台湾, 日本, 新加坡, 美国, 其它地区, DIRECT], | |
- { | |
name: 节点选择, | |
type: select, | |
proxies: | |
[全部节点, 自动选择, 香港, 台湾, 日本, 新加坡, 美国, 其它地区, DIRECT], | |
} | |
# 这里的 dns 指海外解析 dns 走的节点,一般跟随节点选择即可 | |
- { name: dns, <<: *pr } | |
# WARP 配置链式出站 | |
# - { name: WARP前置, <<: *pr, exclude-type: "wireguard" } | |
- { name: 广告拦截, type: select, proxies: [REJECT, DIRECT, 节点选择] } | |
- { name: OpenAI, <<: *pr } | |
# Apple 推荐走全局直连 | |
- { name: Apple, <<: *pr } | |
- { name: Google, <<: *pr } | |
- { name: Telegram, <<: *pr } | |
- { name: Twitter, <<: *pr } | |
- { name: Pixiv, <<: *pr } | |
- { name: ehentai, <<: *pr } | |
# 下面两个看需求启用,打开之后会代理全站流量,可能导致部分版权视频反而无法播放或视频播放速度缓慢 | |
# 下面 rules 两条也要启用 | |
# - {name: 哔哩哔哩, <<: *pr} | |
# - {name: 哔哩东南亚, <<: *pr} | |
- { name: 巴哈姆特, <<: *pr } | |
- { name: YouTube, <<: *pr } | |
- { name: NETFLIX, <<: *pr } | |
- { name: Spotify, <<: *pr } | |
- { name: Github, <<: *pr } | |
- { name: Steam, <<: *pr } | |
- { name: OneDrive, <<: *pr } | |
- { name: 微软服务, <<: *pr } | |
- { | |
name: 国内, | |
type: select, | |
proxies: | |
[ | |
节点选择, | |
香港, | |
台湾, | |
日本, | |
新加坡, | |
美国, | |
其它地区, | |
全部节点, | |
自动选择, | |
], | |
} | |
# 其他就是所有规则没匹配到的 | |
# 可以理解为 ACL4SSR 配置里的 漏网之鱼 | |
# 换言之,其他走代理就是绕过中国大陆地址,不走就是 GFWList 模式 | |
- { name: 其他, <<: *pr } | |
# 分隔,下面是地区分组 | |
- { name: 香港, <<: *use, filter: "(?i)港|hk|hongkong|hong kong" } | |
- { name: 台湾, <<: *use, filter: "(?i)台|tw|taiwan" } | |
- { name: 日本, <<: *use, filter: "(?i)日本|jp|japan" } | |
- { name: 美国, <<: *use, filter: "(?i)美|us|unitedstates|united states" } | |
- { name: 新加坡, <<: *use, filter: "(?i)(新|sg|singapore)" } | |
- { | |
name: 其它地区, | |
<<: *use, | |
filter: "(?i)^(?!.*(?:🇭🇰|🇯🇵|🇺🇸|🇸🇬|🇨🇳|港|hk|hongkong|台|tw|taiwan|日|jp|japan|新|sg|singapore|美|us|unitedstates)).*", | |
} | |
- { name: 全部节点, <<: *use } | |
- { name: 自动选择, <<: *use, tolerance: 2, type: url-test } | |
rules: | |
# 若需禁用 QUIC 请取消注释 QUIC 两条规则 | |
# 防止 YouTube 等使用 QUIC 导致速度不佳, 禁用 443 端口 UDP 流量(不包括国内) | |
# - AND,(AND,(DST-PORT,443),(NETWORK,UDP)),(NOT,((GEOSITE,cn))),REJECT # quic | |
- RULE-SET,AWAvenue-Ads,广告拦截 | |
# - GEOSITE,biliintl,哔哩东南亚 | |
# - GEOSITE,bilibili,哔哩哔哩 | |
- GEOSITE,openai,OpenAI | |
- GEOSITE,apple,Apple | |
- GEOSITE,apple-cn,Apple | |
- GEOSITE,ehentai,ehentai | |
- GEOSITE,github,Github | |
- GEOSITE,twitter,Twitter | |
- GEOSITE,youtube,YouTube | |
- GEOSITE,google,Google | |
- GEOSITE,google-cn,Google # Google CN 不走代理会导致香港等地区节点 Play Store 异常 | |
- GEOSITE,telegram,Telegram | |
- GEOSITE,netflix,NETFLIX | |
- GEOSITE,bahamut,巴哈姆特 | |
- GEOSITE,spotify,Spotify | |
- GEOSITE,pixiv,Pixiv | |
- GEOSITE,steam@cn,DIRECT | |
- GEOSITE,steam,Steam | |
- GEOSITE,onedrive,OneDrive | |
- GEOSITE,microsoft,微软服务 | |
- GEOSITE,geolocation-!cn,其他 | |
# - AND,(AND,(DST-PORT,443),(NETWORK,UDP)),(NOT,((GEOIP,CN))),REJECT # quic | |
- GEOIP,google,Google | |
- GEOIP,netflix,NETFLIX | |
- GEOIP,telegram,Telegram | |
- GEOIP,twitter,Twitter | |
- GEOSITE,CN,国内 | |
- GEOIP,CN,国内 | |
# 绕过局域网地址 | |
- MATCH,其他 |
使用 clash meta 作为 kernel, 开启 TUN mode 之后, 可以正常访问 github, 但是 git pull/push 异常, 只要关闭 TUN mode 就可以正常 pull/push, 这个是不是分流规则需要修改一下 ?
$ git clone git@github.com:buzzxI/distribute-system-labs.git Cloning into 'distribute-system-labs'... Connection closed by port 22 fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. $ git push ssh: connect to host github.com port 22: Connection timed out fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.TUN mode, DNS, 分流规则相关的配置
# 规则订阅 rule-providers: # anti-AD 广告拦截规则 # https://github.com/privacy-protection-tools/anti-AD # 如果误杀率高请自行更换 anti-AD: type: http behavior: domain format: yaml # path可为空(仅限clash.meta 1.15.0以上版本) path: ./rule_provider/anti-AD.yaml url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/privacy-protection-tools/anti-AD/master/anti-ad-clash.yaml?" interval: 600 # anti-AD 白名单规则 anti-AD-white: type: http behavior: domain format: yaml # path可为空(仅限clash.meta 1.15.0以上版本) path: ./rule_provider/anti-AD-white.yaml url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/privacy-protection-tools/dead-horse/master/anti-ad-white-for-clash.yaml?" interval: 600 # 和 GEOIP/GEOSITE 轮换 reject: type: http behavior: domain url: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules@release/reject.txt" path: ./ruleset/reject.yaml interval: 86400 icloud: type: http behavior: domain url: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules@release/icloud.txt" path: ./ruleset/icloud.yaml interval: 86400 apple: type: http behavior: domain url: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules@release/apple.txt" path: ./ruleset/apple.yaml interval: 86400 google: type: http behavior: domain url: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules@release/google.txt" path: ./ruleset/google.yaml interval: 86400 proxy: type: http behavior: domain url: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules@release/proxy.txt" path: ./ruleset/proxy.yaml interval: 86400 direct: type: http behavior: domain url: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules@release/direct.txt" path: ./ruleset/direct.yaml interval: 86400 private: type: http behavior: domain url: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules@release/private.txt" path: ./ruleset/private.yaml interval: 86400 gfw: type: http behavior: domain url: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules@release/gfw.txt" path: ./ruleset/gfw.yaml interval: 86400 tld-not-cn: type: http behavior: domain url: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules@release/tld-not-cn.txt" path: ./ruleset/tld-not-cn.yaml interval: 86400 telegramcidr: type: http behavior: ipcidr url: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules@release/telegramcidr.txt" path: ./ruleset/telegramcidr.yaml interval: 86400 cncidr: type: http behavior: ipcidr url: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules@release/cncidr.txt" path: ./ruleset/cncidr.yaml interval: 86400 lancidr: type: http behavior: ipcidr url: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules@release/lancidr.txt" path: ./ruleset/lancidr.yaml interval: 86400 applications: type: http behavior: classical url: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules@release/applications.txt" path: ./ruleset/applications.yaml interval: 86400 geodata-mode: true # Geo 数据库下载地址 # 使用 FastGit 代理 (https://fgit.cf) # 源地址 https://github.com/MetaCubeX/meta-rules-dat # 可以更换镜像站但不要更换其他数据库,可能导致无法启动 geox-url: geoip: "https://hub.gitmirror.com/https://github.com/MetaCubeX/meta-rules-dat/releases/download/latest/geoip.dat" geosite: "https://hub.gitmirror.com/https://github.com/MetaCubeX/meta-rules-dat/releases/download/latest/geosite.dat" mmdb: "https://hub.gitmirror.com/https://github.com/MetaCubeX/meta-rules-dat/releases/download/latest/country.mmdb" # tun 模式 tun: enable: false # enable 'true' stack: system # or 'gvisor' dns-hijack: - "any:53" - "tcp://any:53" auto-route: true auto-detect-interface: true # dns 设置 # 已配置 ipv6 dns: enable: true listen: :1053 ipv6: true # 路由器个人建议使用 redir-host 以最佳兼容性 # 其他设备可以使用 fake-ip enhanced-mode: redir-host fake-ip-range: fake-ip-filter: - '*' - '+.lan' - '+.local' default-nameserver: - - - - '[2402:4e00::]' - '[2400:3200::1]' nameserver: - 'tls://' - 'tls://' - 'tls://[2001:4860:4860::8844]#dns' - 'tls://[2606:4700:4700::1001]#dns' proxy-server-nameserver: - https://doh.pub/dns-query nameserver-policy: "geosite:cn,private": - https://doh.pub/dns-query - https://dns.alidns.com/dns-query rules: # 若需禁用 QUIC 请取消注释 QUIC 两条规则 # 防止 YouTube 等使用 QUIC 导致速度不佳, 禁用 443 端口 UDP 流量(不包括国内) # github push - DOMAIN-KEYWORD,github,PROXY # rule-set 与 GEOIP/GEOSITE 轮换 - RULE-SET,applications,DIRECT - DOMAIN,clash.razord.top,DIRECT - DOMAIN,yacd.haishan.me,DIRECT - RULE-SET,private,DIRECT - RULE-SET,reject,REJECT - RULE-SET,icloud,DIRECT - RULE-SET,apple,DIRECT - RULE-SET,google,PROXY - RULE-SET,proxy,PROXY - RULE-SET,direct,DIRECT - RULE-SET,lancidr,DIRECT - RULE-SET,cncidr,DIRECT - RULE-SET,telegramcidr,PROXY - GEOIP,LAN,DIRECT - GEOIP,CN,DIRECT # - AND,(AND,(DST-PORT,443),(NETWORK,UDP)),(NOT,((GEOSITE,cn))),REJECT # quic - AND,((RULE-SET,anti-AD),(NOT,((RULE-SET,anti-AD-white)))),广告拦截 # 感谢 Telegram @nextyahooquery 提供的建议 # - GEOSITE,biliintl,哔哩东南亚 # - GEOSITE,bilibili,哔哩哔哩 - GEOSITE,openai,OpenAI - GEOSITE,apple,Apple - GEOSITE,apple-cn,Apple - GEOSITE,ehentai,ehentai - GEOSITE,github,Github - GEOSITE,twitter,Twitter - GEOSITE,youtube,YouTube - GEOSITE,google,Google - GEOSITE,google-cn,Google # Google CN 不走代理会导致香港等地区节点 Play Store 异常 - GEOSITE,telegram,Telegram - GEOSITE,netflix,NETFLIX - GEOSITE,bahamut,巴哈姆特 - GEOSITE,spotify,Spotify - GEOSITE,pixiv,Pixiv - GEOSITE,steam@cn,DIRECT - GEOSITE,steam,Steam - GEOSITE,onedrive,OneDrive - GEOSITE,microsoft,微软服务 - GEOSITE,geolocation-!cn,其他 # - AND,(AND,(DST-PORT,443),(NETWORK,UDP)),(NOT,((GEOIP,CN))),REJECT # quic - GEOIP,google,Google - GEOIP,netflix,NETFLIX - GEOIP,telegram,Telegram - GEOIP,twitter,Twitter - GEOSITE,CN,国内 - GEOIP,CN,国内 # - MATCH,其他 - MATCH,PROXY
你机场屏蔽了 22 端口吧
使用 clash meta 作为 kernel, 开启 TUN mode 之后, 可以正常访问 github, 但是 git pull/push 异常, 只要关闭 TUN mode 就可以正常 pull/push, 这个是不是分流规则需要修改一下 ?
$ git clone git@github.com:buzzxI/distribute-system-labs.git Cloning into 'distribute-system-labs'... Connection closed by port 22 fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. $ git push ssh: connect to host github.com port 22: Connection timed out fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.TUN mode, DNS, 分流规则相关的配置
# 规则订阅 rule-providers: # anti-AD 广告拦截规则 # https://github.com/privacy-protection-tools/anti-AD # 如果误杀率高请自行更换 anti-AD: type: http behavior: domain format: yaml # path可为空(仅限clash.meta 1.15.0以上版本) path: ./rule_provider/anti-AD.yaml url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/privacy-protection-tools/anti-AD/master/anti-ad-clash.yaml?" interval: 600 # anti-AD 白名单规则 anti-AD-white: type: http behavior: domain format: yaml # path可为空(仅限clash.meta 1.15.0以上版本) path: ./rule_provider/anti-AD-white.yaml url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/privacy-protection-tools/dead-horse/master/anti-ad-white-for-clash.yaml?" interval: 600 # 和 GEOIP/GEOSITE 轮换 reject: type: http behavior: domain url: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules@release/reject.txt" path: ./ruleset/reject.yaml interval: 86400 icloud: type: http behavior: domain url: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules@release/icloud.txt" path: ./ruleset/icloud.yaml interval: 86400 apple: type: http behavior: domain url: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules@release/apple.txt" path: ./ruleset/apple.yaml interval: 86400 google: type: http behavior: domain url: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules@release/google.txt" path: ./ruleset/google.yaml interval: 86400 proxy: type: http behavior: domain url: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules@release/proxy.txt" path: ./ruleset/proxy.yaml interval: 86400 direct: type: http behavior: domain url: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules@release/direct.txt" path: ./ruleset/direct.yaml interval: 86400 private: type: http behavior: domain url: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules@release/private.txt" path: ./ruleset/private.yaml interval: 86400 gfw: type: http behavior: domain url: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules@release/gfw.txt" path: ./ruleset/gfw.yaml interval: 86400 tld-not-cn: type: http behavior: domain url: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules@release/tld-not-cn.txt" path: ./ruleset/tld-not-cn.yaml interval: 86400 telegramcidr: type: http behavior: ipcidr url: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules@release/telegramcidr.txt" path: ./ruleset/telegramcidr.yaml interval: 86400 cncidr: type: http behavior: ipcidr url: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules@release/cncidr.txt" path: ./ruleset/cncidr.yaml interval: 86400 lancidr: type: http behavior: ipcidr url: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules@release/lancidr.txt" path: ./ruleset/lancidr.yaml interval: 86400 applications: type: http behavior: classical url: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules@release/applications.txt" path: ./ruleset/applications.yaml interval: 86400 geodata-mode: true # Geo 数据库下载地址 # 使用 FastGit 代理 (https://fgit.cf) # 源地址 https://github.com/MetaCubeX/meta-rules-dat # 可以更换镜像站但不要更换其他数据库,可能导致无法启动 geox-url: geoip: "https://hub.gitmirror.com/https://github.com/MetaCubeX/meta-rules-dat/releases/download/latest/geoip.dat" geosite: "https://hub.gitmirror.com/https://github.com/MetaCubeX/meta-rules-dat/releases/download/latest/geosite.dat" mmdb: "https://hub.gitmirror.com/https://github.com/MetaCubeX/meta-rules-dat/releases/download/latest/country.mmdb" # tun 模式 tun: enable: false # enable 'true' stack: system # or 'gvisor' dns-hijack: - "any:53" - "tcp://any:53" auto-route: true auto-detect-interface: true # dns 设置 # 已配置 ipv6 dns: enable: true listen: :1053 ipv6: true # 路由器个人建议使用 redir-host 以最佳兼容性 # 其他设备可以使用 fake-ip enhanced-mode: redir-host fake-ip-range: fake-ip-filter: - '*' - '+.lan' - '+.local' default-nameserver: - - - - '[2402:4e00::]' - '[2400:3200::1]' nameserver: - 'tls://' - 'tls://' - 'tls://[2001:4860:4860::8844]#dns' - 'tls://[2606:4700:4700::1001]#dns' proxy-server-nameserver: - https://doh.pub/dns-query nameserver-policy: "geosite:cn,private": - https://doh.pub/dns-query - https://dns.alidns.com/dns-query rules: # 若需禁用 QUIC 请取消注释 QUIC 两条规则 # 防止 YouTube 等使用 QUIC 导致速度不佳, 禁用 443 端口 UDP 流量(不包括国内) # github push - DOMAIN-KEYWORD,github,PROXY # rule-set 与 GEOIP/GEOSITE 轮换 - RULE-SET,applications,DIRECT - DOMAIN,clash.razord.top,DIRECT - DOMAIN,yacd.haishan.me,DIRECT - RULE-SET,private,DIRECT - RULE-SET,reject,REJECT - RULE-SET,icloud,DIRECT - RULE-SET,apple,DIRECT - RULE-SET,google,PROXY - RULE-SET,proxy,PROXY - RULE-SET,direct,DIRECT - RULE-SET,lancidr,DIRECT - RULE-SET,cncidr,DIRECT - RULE-SET,telegramcidr,PROXY - GEOIP,LAN,DIRECT - GEOIP,CN,DIRECT # - AND,(AND,(DST-PORT,443),(NETWORK,UDP)),(NOT,((GEOSITE,cn))),REJECT # quic - AND,((RULE-SET,anti-AD),(NOT,((RULE-SET,anti-AD-white)))),广告拦截 # 感谢 Telegram @nextyahooquery 提供的建议 # - GEOSITE,biliintl,哔哩东南亚 # - GEOSITE,bilibili,哔哩哔哩 - GEOSITE,openai,OpenAI - GEOSITE,apple,Apple - GEOSITE,apple-cn,Apple - GEOSITE,ehentai,ehentai - GEOSITE,github,Github - GEOSITE,twitter,Twitter - GEOSITE,youtube,YouTube - GEOSITE,google,Google - GEOSITE,google-cn,Google # Google CN 不走代理会导致香港等地区节点 Play Store 异常 - GEOSITE,telegram,Telegram - GEOSITE,netflix,NETFLIX - GEOSITE,bahamut,巴哈姆特 - GEOSITE,spotify,Spotify - GEOSITE,pixiv,Pixiv - GEOSITE,steam@cn,DIRECT - GEOSITE,steam,Steam - GEOSITE,onedrive,OneDrive - GEOSITE,microsoft,微软服务 - GEOSITE,geolocation-!cn,其他 # - AND,(AND,(DST-PORT,443),(NETWORK,UDP)),(NOT,((GEOIP,CN))),REJECT # quic - GEOIP,google,Google - GEOIP,netflix,NETFLIX - GEOIP,telegram,Telegram - GEOIP,twitter,Twitter - GEOSITE,CN,国内 - GEOIP,CN,国内 # - MATCH,其他 - MATCH,PROXY你机场屏蔽了 22 端口吧
确实是这个问题, 换成 443 端口后解决了
我发现这套配置访问micu.hk相关域名的时候会报错dns resolve failed: couldn't find ip
我发现这套配置访问micu.hk相关域名的时候会报错dns resolve failed: couldn't find ip
nameserver-policy 少了对国外的dns解析,无解析就找不到ip
我发现这套配置访问micu.hk相关域名的时候会报错dns resolve failed: couldn't find ip
nameserver-policy 少了对国外的dns解析,无解析就找不到ip
我发现这套配置访问micu.hk相关域名的时候会报错dns resolve failed: couldn't find ip
nameserver-policy 少了对国外的dns解析,无解析就找不到ip
反正我这样写就没问题,nameserver 换成国内的dns
- "tls://dns.alidns.com" # 阿里 DNS over TLS
- dhcp://en0 # 使用 en0 接口的 DHCP 获取 DNS
- system # 使用系统默认 DNS
- "tls://dns.google" # Google DNS over TLS
- "tls://cloudflare-dns.com" # Cloudflare DNS over TLS
我发现这套配置访问micu.hk相关域名的时候会报错dns resolve failed: couldn't find ip
nameserver-policy 少了对国外的dns解析,无解析就找不到ip
反正我这样写就没问题,nameserver 换成国内的dns
nameserver-policy: "geosite:cn,private": - "tls://dns.alidns.com" # 阿里 DNS over TLS - dhcp://en0 # 使用 en0 接口的 DHCP 获取 DNS - system # 使用系统默认 DNS "geosite:!cn,!private": - "tls://dns.google" # Google DNS over TLS - "tls://cloudflare-dns.com" # Cloudflare DNS over TLS
设置了可以了 点赞👍
我发现这套配置访问micu.hk相关域名的时候会报错dns resolve failed: couldn't find ip
nameserver-policy 少了对国外的dns解析,无解析就找不到ip
proxy-groups 各项对应的rule直接从geosite里面获取的吗?以前的配置需要给每一项提供rule list才行,不知道是不是一样的效果。谢谢
前提是你用的 Geosite 数据库中提供了这些东西才能获取到,这也是为什么我在配置中说明不要随意更换 Geosite 文件
大佬 能否添加一个 自动选择限定在指定节点或地区范围的策略,比如自动选择[香港1,香港2]
- https://dns.alidns.com/dns-query
- https://doh.pub/dns-query
- https://dns.cloudflare.com/dns-query
- https://dns.google/dns-query
问题: 如果直连的geosite那边不加上微软 apple域名
会导致他们走国外解析DNS 然后规则里面是直连
nameserver-policy: geosite:cn,private,apple,microsoft,onedrive: - https://dns.alidns.com/dns-query - https://doh.pub/dns-query "geosite:!cn,!private": - https://dns.cloudflare.com/dns-query - https://dns.google/dns-query
问题: 如果直连的geosite那边不加上微软 apple域名 会导致他们走国外解析DNS 然后规则里面是直连 最终导致国内直连国外的DNS解析记录
nameserver-policy: geosite:cn,private,apple,microsoft,onedrive: - https://dns.alidns.com/dns-query - https://doh.pub/dns-query "geosite:!cn,!private": - https://dns.cloudflare.com/dns-query - https://dns.google/dns-query
问题: 如果直连的geosite那边不加上微软 apple域名 会导致他们走国外解析DNS 然后规则里面是直连 最终导致国内直连国外的DNS解析记录
大佬 能否添加一个 自动选择限定在指定节点或地区范围的策略,比如自动选择[香港1,香港2]
使用 clash meta 作为 kernel, 开启 TUN mode 之后, 可以正常访问 github, 但是 git pull/push 异常, 只要关闭 TUN mode 就可以正常 pull/push, 这个是不是分流规则需要修改一下 ?
TUN mode, DNS, 分流规则相关的配置