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Created May 1, 2014 03:25
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Boston Marathon Runners Chloropleth by Country 2001-2014

This map attempts to summarize the countries of origin of Boston Marathon runners from 2001-2014. I was surprised by how global the race is, with runners from 103 different countries over the course of those 13 races.

"512": {
"population": 3957000,
"name": "Oman",
"three": "OMN"
"4": {
"population": 25500100,
"name": "Afghanistan",
"three": "AFG"
"520": {
"population": 9945,
"name": "Nauru",
"three": "NRU"
"12": {
"population": 38700000,
"name": "Algeria",
"three": "DZA"
"16": {
"population": 55519,
"name": "American Samoa",
"three": "ASM"
"20": {
"population": 76098,
"name": "Andorra",
"three": "AND"
"533": {
"population": 101484,
"name": "Aruba",
"three": "ABW"
"24": {
"population": 20609294,
"name": "Angola",
"three": "AGO"
"516": {
"population": 2113077,
"name": "Namibia",
"three": "NAM"
"540": {
"population": 258958,
"name": "New Caledonia",
"three": "NCL"
"31": {
"population": 9477100,
"name": "Azerbaijan",
"three": "AZE"
"32": {
"population": 41660096,
"name": "Argentina",
"three": "ARG"
"36": {
"population": 23405803,
"name": "Australia",
"three": "AUS"
"40": {
"population": 8504850,
"name": "Austria",
"three": "AUT"
"860": {
"population": 30183400,
"name": "Uzbekistan",
"three": "UZB"
"554": {
"population": 4516830,
"name": "New Zealand",
"three": "NZL"
"44": {
"population": 351461,
"name": "Bahamas",
"three": "BHS"
"178": {
"population": 67514000,
"name": "Congo",
"three": "COG"
"558": {
"population": 6071045,
"name": "Nicaragua",
"three": "NIC"
"48": {
"population": 1234571,
"name": "Bahrain",
"three": "BHR"
"8": {
"population": 2821977,
"name": "Albania",
"three": "ALB"
"50": {
"population": 152518015,
"name": "Bangladesh",
"three": "BGD"
"51": {
"population": 3017000,
"name": "Armenia",
"three": "ARM"
"52": {
"population": 285000,
"name": "Barbados",
"three": "BRB"
"566": {
"population": 173615000,
"name": "Nigeria",
"three": "NGA"
"56": {
"population": 11132269,
"name": "Belgium",
"three": "BEL"
"60": {
"population": 64237,
"name": "Bermuda",
"three": "BMU"
"64": {
"population": 744910,
"name": "Bhutan",
"three": "BTN"
"608": {
"population": 99235900,
"name": "Philippines",
"three": "PHL"
"578": {
"population": 5109056,
"name": "Norway",
"three": "NOR"
"68": {
"population": 10027254,
"name": "Bolivia",
"three": "BOL"
"70": {
"population": 3791622,
"name": "Bosnia And Herzegovina",
"three": "BIH"
"583": {
"population": 101351,
"name": "Micronesia",
"three": "FSM"
"584": {
"population": 56086,
"name": "Marshall Islands",
"three": "MHL"
"585": {
"population": 20901,
"name": "Palau",
"three": "PLW"
"586": {
"population": 185841000,
"name": "Pakistan",
"three": "PAK"
"76": {
"population": 201032714,
"name": "Brazil",
"three": "BRA"
"591": {
"population": 3405813,
"name": "Panama",
"three": "PAN"
"84": {
"population": 349728,
"name": "Belize",
"three": "BLZ"
"598": {
"population": 7398500,
"name": "Papua New Guinea",
"three": "PNG"
"600": {
"population": 6783374,
"name": "Paraguay",
"three": "PRY"
"72": {
"population": 2024904,
"name": "Botswana",
"three": "BWA"
"90": {
"population": 581344,
"name": "Solomon Islands",
"three": "SLB"
"604": {
"population": 30475144,
"name": "Peru",
"three": "PER"
"96": {
"population": 393162,
"name": "Brunei",
"three": "BRN"
"528": {
"population": 16841100,
"name": "Netherlands",
"three": "NLD"
"100": {
"population": 7282041,
"name": "Bulgaria",
"three": "BGR"
"616": {
"population": 38502396,
"name": "Poland",
"three": "POL"
"620": {
"population": 10487289,
"name": "Portugal",
"three": "PRT"
"174": {
"population": 743798,
"name": "Comoros",
"three": "COM"
"624": {
"population": 1704000,
"name": "Guinea-Bissau",
"three": "GNB"
"104": {
"population": 53259000,
"name": "Myanmar",
"three": "MMR"
"626": {
"population": 1066409,
"name": "Timor-Leste",
"three": "TLS"
"116": {
"population": 15135000,
"name": "Cambodia",
"three": "KHM"
"630": {
"population": 3615086,
"name": "Puerto Rico",
"three": "PRI"
"120": {
"population": 20386799,
"name": "Cameroon",
"three": "CMR"
"276": {
"population": 80619000,
"name": "Germany",
"three": "DEU"
"634": {
"population": 2045239,
"name": "Qatar",
"three": "QAT"
"191": {
"population": 4290612,
"name": "Croatia",
"three": "HRV"
"124": {
"population": 35295770,
"name": "Canada",
"three": "CAN"
"704": {
"population": 89708900,
"name": "Vietnam",
"three": "VNM"
"642": {
"population": 20121641,
"name": "Romania",
"three": "ROU"
"643": {
"population": 143700000,
"name": "Russia",
"three": "RUS"
"132": {
"population": 491875,
"name": "Cape Verde",
"three": "CPV"
"646": {
"population": 10537222,
"name": "Rwanda",
"three": "RWA"
"705": {
"population": 2061875,
"name": "Slovenia",
"three": "SVN"
"136": {
"population": 55456,
"name": "Cayman Islands",
"three": "CYM"
"108": {
"population": 10163000,
"name": "Burundi",
"three": "BDI"
"140": {
"population": 4616000,
"name": "Central African Republic",
"three": "CAF"
"144": {
"population": 20277597,
"name": "Sri Lanka",
"three": "LKA"
"659": {
"population": 54000,
"name": "Saint Kitts And Nevis",
"three": "KNA"
"148": {
"population": 12825000,
"name": "Chad",
"three": "TCD"
"662": {
"population": 180000,
"name": "Saint Lucia",
"three": "LCA"
"152": {
"population": 16341929,
"name": "Chile",
"three": "CHL"
"156": {
"population": 1360720000,
"name": "China",
"three": "CHN"
"670": {
"population": 109000,
"name": "Saint Vincent And The Grenadines",
"three": "VCT"
"112": {
"population": 9468100,
"name": "Belarus",
"three": "BLR"
"674": {
"population": 33540,
"name": "San Marino",
"three": "SMR"
"678": {
"population": 187356,
"name": "S\u00e3o Tom\u00e9 And Pr\u00edncipe",
"three": "STP"
"28": {
"population": 86295,
"name": "Antigua And Barbuda",
"three": "ATG"
"682": {
"population": 29994272,
"name": "Saudi Arabia",
"three": "SAU"
"686": {
"population": 13567338,
"name": "Senegal",
"three": "SEN"
"175": {
"population": 212645,
"name": "Mayotte",
"three": "MYT"
"688": {
"population": 7181505,
"name": "Serbia",
"three": "SRB"
"690": {
"population": 90945,
"name": "Seychelles",
"three": "SYC"
"180": {
"population": 4448000,
"name": "Republic Of The Congo",
"three": "COD"
"694": {
"population": 6190280,
"name": "Sierra Leone",
"three": "SLE"
"184": {
"population": 14974,
"name": "Cook Islands",
"three": "COK"
"188": {
"population": 4667096,
"name": "Costa Rica",
"three": "CRI"
"702": {
"population": 5399200,
"name": "Singapore",
"three": "SGP"
"703": {
"population": 5415459,
"name": "Slovakia",
"three": "SVK"
"192": {
"population": 11167325,
"name": "Cuba",
"three": "CUB"
"800": {
"population": 35357000,
"name": "Uganda",
"three": "UGA"
"706": {
"population": 10496000,
"name": "Somalia",
"three": "SOM"
"196": {
"population": 865878,
"name": "Cyprus",
"three": "CYP"
"710": {
"population": 52981991,
"name": "South Africa",
"three": "ZAF"
"716": {
"population": 12973808,
"name": "Zimbabwe",
"three": "ZWE"
"203": {
"population": 10513800,
"name": "Czech Republic",
"three": "CZE"
"204": {
"population": 10323000,
"name": "Benin",
"three": "BEN"
"208": {
"population": 5627235,
"name": "Denmark",
"three": "DNK"
"212": {
"population": 71293,
"name": "Dominica",
"three": "DMA"
"214": {
"population": 9445281,
"name": "Dominican Republic",
"three": "DOM"
"292": {
"population": 30001,
"name": "Gibraltar",
"three": "GIB"
"218": {
"population": 15693600,
"name": "Ecuador",
"three": "ECU"
"732": {
"population": 567000,
"name": "Western Sahara",
"three": "ESH"
"222": {
"population": 6340000,
"name": "El Salvador",
"three": "SLV"
"728": {
"population": 37964000,
"name": "Sudan",
"three": "SDN"
"729": {
"population": 37964000,
"name": "Sudan",
"three": "SDN"
"226": {
"population": 1622000,
"name": "Equatorial Guinea",
"three": "GNQ"
"740": {
"population": 534189,
"name": "Suriname",
"three": "SUR"
"231": {
"population": 86613986,
"name": "Ethiopia",
"three": "ETH"
"232": {
"population": 6333000,
"name": "Eritrea",
"three": "ERI"
"233": {
"population": 1311870,
"name": "Estonia",
"three": "EST"
"234": {
"population": 48244,
"name": "Faroe Islands",
"three": "FRO"
"748": {
"population": 1250000,
"name": "Swaziland",
"three": "SWZ"
"752": {
"population": 9651531,
"name": "Sweden",
"three": "SWE"
"242": {
"population": 858038,
"name": "Fiji",
"three": "FJI"
"756": {
"population": 8112200,
"name": "Switzerland",
"three": "CHE"
"894": {
"population": 14580290,
"name": "Zambia",
"three": "ZMB"
"246": {
"population": 5452821,
"name": "Finland",
"three": "FIN"
"760": {
"population": 21898000,
"name": "Syria",
"three": "SYR"
"724": {
"population": 46609700,
"name": "Spain",
"three": "ESP"
"250": {
"population": 65844000,
"name": "France",
"three": "FRA"
"764": {
"population": 65926261,
"name": "Thailand",
"three": "THA"
"254": {
"population": 237549,
"name": "French Guiana",
"three": "GUF"
"768": {
"population": 6191155,
"name": "Togo",
"three": "TGO"
"258": {
"population": 268270,
"name": "French Polynesia",
"three": "PYF"
"262": {
"population": 873000,
"name": "Djibouti",
"three": "DJI"
"776": {
"population": 103036,
"name": "Tonga",
"three": "TON"
"266": {
"population": 1672000,
"name": "Gabon",
"three": "GAB"
"268": {
"population": 4483800,
"name": "Georgia",
"three": "GEO"
"270": {
"population": 1849000,
"name": "Gambia",
"three": "GMB"
"784": {
"population": 8264070,
"name": "United Arab Emirates",
"three": "ARE"
"275": {
"population": 4420549,
"name": "Palestine",
"three": "PSE"
"788": {
"population": 10886500,
"name": "Tunisia",
"three": "TUN"
"792": {
"population": 76667864,
"name": "Turkey",
"three": "TUR"
"795": {
"population": 5240000,
"name": "Turkmenistan",
"three": "TKM"
"796": {
"population": 31458,
"name": "Turks And Caicos Islands",
"three": "TCA"
"798": {
"population": 11323,
"name": "Tuvalu",
"three": "TUV"
"288": {
"population": 24658823,
"name": "Ghana",
"three": "GHA"
"804": {
"population": 45426200,
"name": "Ukraine",
"three": "UKR"
"807": {
"population": 2062294,
"name": "Macedonia",
"three": "MKD"
"296": {
"population": 106461,
"name": "Kiribati",
"three": "KIR"
"300": {
"population": 10815197,
"name": "Greece",
"three": "GRC"
"562": {
"population": 17129076,
"name": "Niger",
"three": "NER"
"304": {
"population": 56483,
"name": "Greenland",
"three": "GRL"
"818": {
"population": 86082100,
"name": "Egypt",
"three": "EGY"
"308": {
"population": 103328,
"name": "Grenada",
"three": "GRD"
"312": {
"population": 405739,
"name": "Guadeloupe",
"three": "GLP"
"826": {
"population": 63705000,
"name": "United Kingdom",
"three": "GBR"
"316": {
"population": 159358,
"name": "Guam",
"three": "GUM"
"831": {
"population": 63085,
"name": "Guernsey",
"three": "GGY"
"832": {
"population": 99000,
"name": "Jersey",
"three": "JEY"
"833": {
"population": 84497,
"name": "Isle Of Man",
"three": "IMN"
"834": {
"population": 44928923,
"name": "Tanzania",
"three": "TZA"
"324": {
"population": 10824200,
"name": "Guinea",
"three": "GIN"
"840": {
"population": 317660000,
"name": "United States",
"three": "USA"
"332": {
"population": 10413211,
"name": "Haiti",
"three": "HTI"
"850": {
"population": 106405,
"name": "United States Virgin Islands",
"three": "VIR"
"340": {
"population": 8555072,
"name": "Honduras",
"three": "HND"
"854": {
"population": 17322796,
"name": "Burkina Faso",
"three": "BFA"
"344": {
"population": 7184000,
"name": "Hong Kong",
"three": "HKG"
"858": {
"population": 3286314,
"name": "Uruguay",
"three": "URY"
"348": {
"population": 9906000,
"name": "Hungary",
"three": "HUN"
"862": {
"population": 28946101,
"name": "Venezuela",
"three": "VEN"
"352": {
"population": 325671,
"name": "Iceland",
"three": "ISL"
"356": {
"population": 1241270000,
"name": "India",
"three": "IND"
"360": {
"population": 249866000,
"name": "Indonesia",
"three": "IDN"
"364": {
"population": 77269000,
"name": "Iran",
"three": "IRN"
"368": {
"population": 34035000,
"name": "Iraq",
"three": "IRQ"
"882": {
"population": 187820,
"name": "Samoa",
"three": "WSM"
"372": {
"population": 4593100,
"name": "Ireland",
"three": "IRL"
"887": {
"population": 25235000,
"name": "Yemen",
"three": "YEM"
"376": {
"population": 8146300,
"name": "Israel",
"three": "ISR"
"660": {
"population": 13452,
"name": "Anguilla",
"three": "AIA"
"380": {
"population": 59943933,
"name": "Italy",
"three": "ITA"
"524": {
"population": 26494504,
"name": "Nepal",
"three": "NPL"
"384": {
"population": 23202000,
"name": "Ivory Coast",
"three": "CIV"
"320": {
"population": 15438384,
"name": "Guatemala",
"three": "GTM"
"388": {
"population": 2711476,
"name": "Jamaica",
"three": "JAM"
"780": {
"population": 1328019,
"name": "Trinidad And Tobago",
"three": "TTO"
"392": {
"population": 127180000,
"name": "Japan",
"three": "JPN"
"548": {
"population": 264652,
"name": "Vanuatu",
"three": "VUT"
"398": {
"population": 17186000,
"name": "Kazakhstan",
"three": "KAZ"
"400": {
"population": 6555800,
"name": "Jordan",
"three": "JOR"
"404": {
"population": 44354000,
"name": "Kenya",
"three": "KEN"
"408": {
"population": 50219669,
"name": "South Korea",
"three": "PRK"
"580": {
"population": 53883,
"name": "Northern Mariana Islands",
"three": "MNP"
"410": {
"population": 24895000,
"name": "North Korea",
"three": "KOR"
"414": {
"population": 3065850,
"name": "Kuwait",
"three": "KWT"
"417": {
"population": 5663133,
"name": "Kyrgyzstan",
"three": "KGZ"
"418": {
"population": 6580800,
"name": "Laos",
"three": "LAO"
"422": {
"population": 4822000,
"name": "Lebanon",
"three": "LBN"
"426": {
"population": 2074000,
"name": "Lesotho",
"three": "LSO"
"428": {
"population": 2005200,
"name": "Latvia",
"three": "LVA"
"430": {
"population": 4294000,
"name": "Liberia",
"three": "LBR"
"328": {
"population": 784894,
"name": "Guyana",
"three": "GUY"
"434": {
"population": 6202000,
"name": "Libya",
"three": "LBY"
"158": {
"population": 23377515,
"name": "Taiwan",
"three": "TWN"
"438": {
"population": 36942,
"name": "Liechtenstein",
"three": "LIE"
"440": {
"population": 2941953,
"name": "Lithuania",
"three": "LTU"
"442": {
"population": 537000,
"name": "Luxembourg",
"three": "LUX"
"450": {
"population": 21263403,
"name": "Madagascar",
"three": "MDG"
"454": {
"population": 16363000,
"name": "Malawi",
"three": "MWI"
"458": {
"population": 30030000,
"name": "Malaysia",
"three": "MYS"
"462": {
"population": 317280,
"name": "Maldives",
"three": "MDV"
"466": {
"population": 15302000,
"name": "Mali",
"three": "MLI"
"470": {
"population": 416055,
"name": "Malta",
"three": "MLT"
"474": {
"population": 392291,
"name": "Martinique",
"three": "MTQ"
"762": {
"population": 8160000,
"name": "Tajikistan",
"three": "TJK"
"478": {
"population": 3461041,
"name": "Mauritania",
"three": "MRT"
"480": {
"population": 1257900,
"name": "Mauritius",
"three": "MUS"
"484": {
"population": 118395054,
"name": "Mexico",
"three": "MEX"
"492": {
"population": 36136,
"name": "Monaco",
"three": "MCO"
"496": {
"population": 2931300,
"name": "Mongolia",
"three": "MNG"
"498": {
"population": 3559500,
"name": "Moldova",
"three": "MDA"
"499": {
"population": 620029,
"name": "Montenegro",
"three": "MNE"
"504": {
"population": 33194500,
"name": "Morocco",
"three": "MAR"
"508": {
"population": 23700715,
"name": "Mozambique",
"three": "MOZ"
"170": {
"population": 47494000,
"name": "Colombia",
"three": "COL"
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countries = {"LIE": 1, "EGY": 3, "LBY": 2, "QAT": 4, "PRY": 2, "BOL": 3, "SGP": 98,
"PAN": 17, "PRK": 1, "TZA": 2, "ARE": 34, "HKG": 211, "HTI": 2, "TPE": 19,
"SVK": 29, "CHL": 172, "MYS": 14, "CHN": 79, "URY": 16, "JAM": 8, "CHE": 474,
"ZWE": 5, "FIN": 99, "THA": 3, "PHL": 13, "MAR": 8, "AHO": 4, "LVA": 7,
"KAZ": 1, "GTM": 57, "BEL": 220, "CRI": 142, "SAU": 7, "DNK": 312, "BMU": 191,
"CMR": 5, "DEU": 1778, "ROU": 7, "MNE": 1, "ROU": 2, "TCA": 1, "TTO": 11,
"VGB": 3, "BLR": 2, "GRC": 103, "AGO": 1, "MCO": 1, "IND": 17, "IDN": 1,
"NOR": 86, "CZE": 30, "SLV": 17, "DOM": 31, "LUX": 19, "ISR": 44, "NLD": 286,
"PER": 68, "ISL": 154, "ETH": 63, "COL": 151, "NPL": 1, "SRB": 1, "ECU": 89,
"FRA": 707, "LTU": 8, "TWN": 7, "AUS": 639, "GBR": 1837, "AUT": 165, "VEN": 145,
"KEN": 145, "TUR": 12, "ITA": 1168, "BRN": 1, "TUN": 1, "RUS": 92, "MEX": 1414,
"BRA": 481, "CYM": 21, "BRB": 3, "NGA": 1, "USA": 240937, "SWE": 222, "UKR": 9,
"CAN": 23070, "KOR": 1489, "BHS": 20, "CYP": 1, "PRT": 93, "HRV": 6, "POL": 109,
"EST": 11, "ESP": 384, "SVN": 33, "IRL": 705, "MLT": 1, "NZL": 147, "ABW": 3,
"JPN": 1351, "ZAF": 100, "ARM": 2, "ARG": 96, "HUN": 24}
var width = 960,
height = 600;
var projection = d3.geo.eckert3()
.translate([width / 2 - 40, height / 2])
var path = d3.geo.path()
var pad = d3.format("02d");
var f2 = d3.format(".2f");
var svg ="body").append("svg")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
.defer(d3.json, "world.json")
.defer(d3.json, "countrydata.json")
function ready(error, world, countrydata) {
if (error != undefined) {
console.log("error in data: ", error);
function percapita(d) { return countries[d.three] / d.population; }
var runnerpop = d3.values(countrydata).map(percapita);
var maxvalue = d3.max(runnerpop);
var minvalue = d3.min(runnerpop);
var logscale = d3.scale.log().domain([minvalue,maxvalue]).rangeRound([0,8]);
function quantize(i) {
return "q" + logscale(i) + "-9";
function colorize(d) {
var country = countrydata[];
if (country == undefined) {
return "q1-9";
var percapita = countries[country.three] / country.population;
return quantize(percapita);
w = world;
.attr("class", "countries")
.data(topojson.feature(world, world.objects.countries).features)
.attr("id", function(d) { return; })
.attr("class", colorize)
.attr("d", path)
.on("mousemove", mousemove)
.on("mouseout", mouseout);
function mousemove(d) {
var xPosition = d3.event.pageX + 5;
var yPosition = d3.event.pageY + 5;"#tooltip")
.style("left", xPosition + "px")
.style("top", yPosition + "px");
var id =;
var country = countrydata[id];
if (country == undefined) {
var name =;
var runners = countries[country.three] || 0;
var per1m = f2((runners / country.population) * 1000000)"#tooltip #heading")
.text(name);"#tooltip #runners")
.text("runners: " + runners);"#tooltip #per1m")
.text("per million: " + per1m);"#tooltip").classed("hidden", false);
function mouseout() {"#tooltip").classed("hidden", true);
}"height", height + "px");
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