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Will create a daily Journal entry with Daily Events, Quote of the Day, World and Local News Headlines and Weather Condtion
# Title: Create Daily Journal Entry in Devonthink, with Daily Events, Quote of the Day, World & Local News and Weather Condtion
# Iain Dunn
# Contributors, inspration and sources
# Based on script by Chuck Lane October 2, 2013
# Updated and optimized for DEVONthink 3 by Christian Grunenberg April 30, 2019#
# Weather Forcast - korm -
# Weather Icons - Cesare Forelli -
# Calendar Events - Nigel Garvey -
# Configuration
### Install these helpers
-- CalendarLib EC,, install into /Users/(User)/Library/Script Libraries
-- JSON Helper,
-- Location Helper,
### Variables
property holidayCalendar : "Australian Holidays"
property birthdayCalendar : "Birthdays"
--News Headlines
property worldNews : ""
property localNews : ""
set numHeadlines to 4
global theDate, targetPath, numHeadlines
--Quote of the Day
property quoteoftheDay : "feed://"
--Weather Condition
property weatherAPI : "???" -- obtain from
set theDate to current date
property journalDatabase : "~/Databases/Jornal.dtBase2"
### Formatiing
-- Time
set theTime to time string of theDate
if character 5 of theTime is ":" then
set theTime to (characters 1 through 4 of theTime) & (characters 8 through 10 of theTime) as string
set theTime to (characters 1 through 5 of theTime) & (characters 9 through 11 of theTime) as string
end if
set theMonth to month of theDate as string
set numMonth to (month of theDate as integer) as string
if the (length of numMonth) < 2 then set numMonth to "0" & numMonth
set theDay to day of theDate as string
set shortDay to theDay -- shortDay won't have a leading zero
if the (length of theDay) < 2 then set theDay to "0" & theDay
set suffixList to {"st", "nd", "rd"}
set theIndex to last character of theDay as integer
if (theIndex > 0) and (theIndex < 4) and the first character of theDay is not "1" then
set daySuffix to item theIndex of suffixList
set daySuffix to "th"
end if
set longWeekday to weekday of theDate as string
set shortWeekday to characters 1 thru 3 of longWeekday
set theYear to year of theDate as string
set theYearMonth to theYear & "-" & numMonth
--set theMonth to numMonth & "-" & theMonth
set recordName to numMonth & "_" & theDay & "_" & theYear & "_" & shortWeekday
set newHeading to getWeather() & " " & theTime & return
set mainHeading to longWeekday & "," & space & shortDay & daySuffix & space & theMonth & return
set newParagraph to " "
set calEvents to main() & return
property blueColor : {0, 0, 30000}
property headerColor : {40000, 20000, 0}
property blackColor : {0, 0, 0}
property dateColor : {30000, 30000, 30000}
# Script
tell application "DEVONthink 3"
set theDatabase to open database journalDatabase
set myGroup to create location "/Journal/" & "/" & theYear & "/" & numMonth & "-" & theMonth
set recordName to theYear & "-" & numMonth & "-" & theDay & " " & shortWeekday
if not (exists child recordName of myGroup) then
set myRecord to create record with {name:recordName, rich text:"", type:rtfd, tags:theYear & "," & theMonth} in myGroup
tell text of myRecord
make paragraph at beginning with properties {alignment:center, font:"Zapfino", size:18, color:dateColor} with data mainHeading
bold first paragraph
unbold last character
set properties of last character to {font:"Avenir", size:14}
--Show any holidays and/or birthdays
make new paragraph at end with properties {alignment:center, font:"Avenir", size:14, color:blueColor} with data calEvents & return
set color of last character to blackColor
set properties of last character to {font:"Avenir", size:14}
--Show the daily quote
set myQuote to my getQuote()
set the last character to the last character & myQuote & return
set alignment of last character to left
--Show specified number of World news headlines
set myNews to my getNewsWorld()
set the last character to the last character & "WORLD HEADLINES:" & return
bold last paragraph
unbold last character
repeat with i from 1 to (count of items of myNews) by 2
set the last character to the last character & item i of myNews & return
set the URL of the last paragraph to item (i + 1) of myNews
end repeat
make new paragraph at end with data newParagraph
set properties of last paragraph to {font:"Avenir", size:14, color:blackColor}
--Show specified number of Local news headlines
set myNews to my getNewsLocal()
set the last character to the last paragraph & return & "LOCAL HEADLINES:" & return
bold last paragraph
unbold last character
repeat with i from 1 to (count of items of myNews) by 2
set the last character to the last character & item i of myNews & return
set the URL of the last paragraph to item (i + 1) of myNews
end repeat
end tell
else -- Record already exists, just add new weather/time header
set myRecord to child recordName in myGroup
end if
tell text of myRecord
set the last character to the last character & return & return
make new paragraph at end with data newHeading
#make new paragraph at end with data ((getWeather() & theTime & return) as string)
set properties of last paragraph to {font:"Avenir", size:16, alignment:left, superscript:2, color:headerColor}
italicize last paragraph
set properties of last character to {font:"Avenir", size:16, alignment:left, superscript:0, color:blackColor}
set last character to last character & "■ "
end tell
set newHeading to ""
on error errMsg number errNum
hide progress indicator
display alert (localized string "An error occured when adding the note. ") & errMsg
end try
set the clipboard to ""
end tell
# Functions
--Get Weather Conditions
on getWeather()
tell application "JSON Helper"
(* Get my latitude and longitude*)
tell application "Location Helper"
set listCoords to get location coordinates
set _lat to item 1 of listCoords as text
set _lon to item 2 of listCoords as text
end tell
set Weather_Display to ""
(* Get current weather from OpenWeather *)
set getWeathersource to fetch JSON from ("" & _lat & "&lon=" & _lon & "&exclude=minutely,hourly&units=metric&appid=" & weatherAPI)
set getWeather to "High: " & temp_max of main of getWeathersource & return & return & "Low: " & temp_min of main of getWeathersource & return & return & "Current: " & temp of main of getWeathersource & return & return & "Humidity: " & humidity of main of getWeathersource & return & return & "Conditions: " & description of item 1 of weather of getWeathersource
set Current_Temp to (round (temp of main of getWeathersource)) & "°"
set Daily_Temp to "Min " & (round (temp_min of main of getWeathersource)) & "° " & "to a " & "Max " & (round (temp_max of main of getWeathersource)) & "°"
set Weather_Display to "## Weather" & return & return & getWeather & return & return
end try
end tell
if Weather_Display contains "clear" then
set WeatherIcon to "☀️"
else if Weather_Display contains "thunderstorm" then
set WeatherIcon to "🌧⚡️"
else if Weather_Display contains "drizzle" then
set WeatherIcon to "🌦"
else if Weather_Display contains "rain" then
set WeatherIcon to "🌧"
else if Weather_Display contains "snow" then
set WeatherIcon to "❄️"
else if Weather_Display contains "sleet" then
set WeatherIcon to "❄️"
else if Weather_Display contains "mist" then
set WeatherIcon to "🌫"
else if Weather_Display contains "fog" then
set WeatherIcon to "🌁"
else if Weather_Display contains "squalls" then
set WeatherIcon to "💨"
else if Weather_Display contains "smoke" then
set WeatherIcon to "🔥"
else if Weather_Display contains "haze" then
set WeatherIcon to "🌫"
else if Weather_Display contains "clouds" then
set WeatherIcon to "⛅️"
set WeatherIcon to "🌡"
end if
set theForecast to ""
set theForecast to WeatherIcon & " " & Current_Temp
return theForecast
end getWeather
--Get Quote of the Day
on getQuote()
tell application "DEVONthink 3"
set myQuote to ""
set getSource to download markup from quoteoftheDay
set getFeed to get items of feed getSource
if items of getFeed is not {} then
set randItem to some item of getFeed
set myQuote to description of randItem & return & "= " & title of randItem & " =" & return
end if
end try
return myQuote
end tell
end getQuote
--Get the news headlines World
on getNewsWorld()
set myNews to {}
tell application "DEVONthink 3"
set getNewsSource to download markup from worldNews
#set getNewsSource to download markup from ""
#set getNewsSource to download markup from "feed://"
set getNewsFeed to items 1 thru numHeadlines of (get items of feed getNewsSource)
repeat with theItems in getNewsFeed
set end of myNews to title of theItems
set end of myNews to link of theItems
end repeat
end try
return myNews
end tell
end getNewsWorld
--Get the news headlines Local
on getNewsLocal()
set myNews to {}
tell application "DEVONthink 3"
set getNewsSource to download markup from localNews
set getNewsFeed to items 1 thru numHeadlines of (get items of feed getNewsSource)
repeat with theItems in getNewsFeed
set end of myNews to title of theItems
set end of myNews to link of theItems
end repeat
end try
return myNews
end tell
end getNewsLocal
###Days Events
use script "CalendarLib EC"
use scripting additions
property calendarList : {birthdayCalendar, holidayCalendar} -- An empty list means all calendars.
on main()
set {dateRangeStart, dateRangeEnd} to getDateRange()
set dataList to my fetchEventsStarting:dateRangeStart ending:dateRangeEnd
set eventText to getDaysEvents(dataList)
end main
-- Shane's handler to get the event data using his library, modified for special handling of all-day and multi-day events.
on fetchEventsStarting:dateRangeStart ending:dateRangeEnd
-- 'fetch store', 'fetch calendars', and 'fetch events' are from CalendarLib.
set theStore to (fetch store)
set theCals to (fetch calendars calendarList cal type list {} event store theStore)
-- It's come to light that the system method which fetches the events won't get more than four years of them at a time. CalendarLib will no doubt be updated to work round this in time, but here's a work-round anyway.
set theEvents to {}
set fromDate to dateRangeStart
set toDate to fromDate - 1
set justUnderFourYears to (365 * 4) * days
repeat until (fromDate comes after dateRangeEnd)
set toDate to toDate + justUnderFourYears
if (toDate comes after dateRangeEnd) then set toDate to dateRangeEnd
set theEvents to theEvents & (fetch events starting date fromDate ending date toDate searching cals theCals event store theStore)
set fromDate to fromDate + justUnderFourYears
end repeat
script o
property dataList : {}
end script
repeat with anEvent in theEvents
-- Get the start date, end date, time zone, and summary of each returned event.
set {event_start_date:thisStartDate, event_end_date:thisEndDate, event_time_zone:thisTimeZone, event_summary:thisSummary} to (event info for event anEvent) -- CalendarLib.
-- If a returned event starts before the date range entered by the user, note the fact and set its start date to that of the range.
set startedBeforePeriod to (thisStartDate comes before dateRangeStart)
if (startedBeforePeriod) then set thisStartDate to dateRangeStart
-- With an all-day event (no associated time zone), nudge its end time forward by a second to 23:59:59 on the event day.
set allDayEvent to (thisTimeZone is missing value)
if (allDayEvent) then set thisEndDate to thisEndDate - 1
-- Store the start date, 'already started' flag, end date, 'all-day event' flag, and summary. If a multi-day event, add discrete entries for each date it occupies in the range.
repeat until ((thisStartDate comes after thisEndDate) or (thisStartDate comes after dateRangeEnd))
set end of o's dataList to {thisStartDate, startedBeforePeriod, thisEndDate, allDayEvent, thisSummary}
set thisStartDate to thisStartDate + days
set thisStartDate's time to 0
set startedBeforePeriod to true
end repeat
end repeat
-- Sort the entries by start date.
sortByStartDate(o's dataList)
return o's dataList
end fetchEventsStarting:ending:
-- Sort the filtered data by start date.
on sortByStartDate(dataList)
-- Comparison object for a customisable sort. Compares the first items of two passed lists.
script byFirstListItem
on isGreater(a, b)
return (beginning of a > beginning of b)
end isGreater
end script
CustomInsertionSort(dataList, 1, -1, {comparer:byFirstListItem})
end sortByStartDate
-- Customisable insertion sort. Algorithm: unknown author. AppleScript implementation: Arthur J. Knapp and Nigel Garvey, 2003. Revised by NG, 2010.
on CustomInsertionSort(theList, l, r, customiser)
script o
property comparer : me
property slave : me
property lst : theList
on isrt(l, r)
set u to item l of o's lst
repeat with j from (l + 1) to r
set v to item j of o's lst
if (comparer's isGreater(u, v)) then
set here to l
set item j of o's lst to u
repeat with i from (j - 2) to l by -1
tell item i of o's lst
if (comparer's isGreater(it, v)) then
set item (i + 1) of o's lst to it
set here to i + 1
exit repeat
end if
end tell
end repeat
set item here of o's lst to v
slave's rotate(here, j)
set u to v
end if
end repeat
end isrt
on isGreater(a, b)
(a > b)
end isGreater
on rotate(a, b)
end rotate
end script
set listLen to (count theList)
if (listLen > 1) then
if (l < 0) then set l to listLen + l + 1
if (r < 0) then set r to listLen + r + 1
if (l > r) then set {l, r} to {r, l}
if (customiser's class is record) then set {comparer:o's comparer, slave:o's slave} to (customiser & {comparer:o, slave:o})
o's isrt(l, r)
end if
return -- nothing.
end CustomInsertionSort
-- Ask the user for the range of dates to be covered.
on getDateRange()
set today to (current date)
set dateRangeStart to today
set dateRangeStart's time to 0
set dateRangeEnd to today
set dateRangeEnd's time to days - 1 -- Sets the last date's time to 23:59:59, the last second of the range.
return {dateRangeStart, dateRangeEnd}
end getDateRange
-- Derive a text from the gathered data.
on getDaysEvents(dataList)
-- dataList = list of {{thisStartDate, startedBeforePeriod, thisEndDate, allDayEvent, thisSummary}, {thisStartDate, …
if (dataList is {}) then
return "" #"No events found in this period."
script o
property workList : dataList
end script
repeat with i from 1 to (count dataList)
-- Get the data for an event/day from the list of filtered data.
set {{date string:thisCalendarStartDate, hours:thisStartTimeH, minutes:thisStartTimeM}, startedBeforeToday, {date string:thisCalendarEndDate, hours:thisEndTimeH, minutes:thisEndTimeM}, allDayEvent, thisSummary} to item i of o's workList
set endsAfterToday to (thisCalendarEndDate is not thisCalendarStartDate)
-- Begin the entry for the event/day with a suitable expression of its start date.
set thisEntry to thisSummary
-- Store this entry.
set item i of o's workList to thisEntry
end repeat
-- When all the entries are ready, coerce to a single text with linefeeds and return the result.
set astid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to linefeed
set outputText to o's workList as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid
return outputText
end if
end getDaysEvents
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xiongus commented Dec 21, 2021

The variable Current_Temp is not defined;
I need remove Current_Temp this.
That's Great. Thanks for idea.

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