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Last active June 9, 2020 10:51
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Not That Tiny Reactive Store

Not That Tiny Reactive Store

Not as tiny as the Tiny Reactive Store anyway.

This pretty small script (900b/700b minzipped with/without decorators) is a reactive store implementation with dependency tracking instead of explicit dependency declaration.

import { value, computed } from 'store.ts'

const bytes = value(4300)
const kbNum = computed(() => bytes.value / 1024)
const kbStr = computed(() => `${kbNum.value.toFixed(2)} KB`)

console.log(bytes.value, kbNum.value, kbStr.value)
// 4300, 4.19921875, "4.20 KB"

bytes.value = 5120
console.log(bytes.value, kbNum.value, kbStr.value)
// 5120, 5, "5.00 KB"

This design also allows for offering decorators for TypeScript classes. Here's the example from above in a class:

import { reactive } from 'store.ts'

class Store {
  bytes = 4300
  get kbNum() {
    return this.bytes / 1024

  get kbStr() {
    return `${this.kbNum.toFixed(2)} KB`

const store = new Store()
console.log(store.bytes, store.kbNum, store.kbStr)
// 4300, 4.19921875, "4.20 KB"

store.bytes = 5120
console.log(store.bytes, store.kbNum, store.kbStr)
// 5120, 5, "5.00 KB"
type Unwatcher = () => void
type Watcher<T> = (newValue: T, oldValue: T) => void
type WatchMethod<T> = (callback: Watcher<T>) => Unwatcher
type Value<T> = { watch: WatchMethod<T>; value: T }
type Computed<T> = { watch: WatchMethod<T>; readonly value: T }
type Observable<T> = Value<T> | Computed<T>
* Simple pub/sub implementation
* Returns a destructurable array of of functions:
* [publish(...payload), subscribe(callback), hasSubscribers()]
function pubsub<T extends any[] = any>() {
const callbacks = [] as ((...args: T) => void)[]
return [
(...args: T) => callbacks.forEach(callback => callback(...args)),
(callback: (...args: T) => void) => {
return () => {
if (callbacks.includes(callback)) {
callbacks.splice(callbacks.indexOf(callback), 1)
() => callbacks.length > 0
] as const
* Handle tracking
class TrackingStack<T = any> {
private stack: Set<Observable<T>>[] = []
public get isEnabled() {
return this.stack.length > 0
private get currentDependencies() {
return this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]
public addDependency(value: Observable<T>) {
if (!this.isEnabled) {
throw new Error('Trying to add dependency outside tracking phase')
public startLayer() {
this.stack.push(new Set())
public finishLayer() {
if (!this.isEnabled) {
throw new Error(
'Trying to finish dependency layer outside tracking phase'
return this.stack.pop()!
// The global tracking stack
const tracking = new TrackingStack()
* Create a plain reactive value
* @param init The initial value
* @example
* const number = value(5)
* number.value // Get value, returns 5
* number.value = 10 // Set value to 10
* @example
* const number = value(5)
* const unwatch =, oldValue) =>
* console.log('number changed from %o to %o', oldValue, newValue)
* )
* number.value = 10 // Outputs "number changed from 5 to 10"
* unwatch() // Removes the watcher
* number.value = 10 // Outputs nothing
export function value<T>(init: T): Value<T> {
let current = init
const [publish, subscribe] = pubsub<[T, T]>()
const observable = {
get value() {
if (tracking.isEnabled) {
return current
set value(newValue) {
const oldValue = current
if (newValue !== oldValue) {
current = newValue
publish(newValue, oldValue)
watch(callback: Watcher<T>) {
const unwatch = subscribe((...args) => {
return () => {
return observable
* The cache that handles invalidating computed properties
class ComputedCache<T, U = any> {
private wasFilled = false
private filled = false
private value?: T
private unwatchers: Unwatcher[] = []
constructor(private bustCallback: () => void) {}
public isHit() {
return this.filled
public wasHit() {
return this.wasFilled
public getValue() {
return this.value
public update(value: T, dependencies: Set<Observable<U>>) {
dependencies.forEach(dependency => {
const unwatch =, o) => {
this.unwatchers.push(() => {
this.value = value
this.filled = true
this.wasFilled = true
public bust() {
if (!this.isHit()) {
this.filled = false
this.unwatchers.forEach(unwatcher => unwatcher())
// Using the global Reflect actually is a hack to prevent TypeScript from
// removing raw property access
const accessProp = Reflect
? Reflect.get
: (object: any, prop: string) => object[prop]
* Create a computed reactive value
* @param generator The function that derives reactive values from other reactive values
* @example
* const number = value(5)
* const square = computed(() => number.value ** 2)
* square.value // Get computed value, returns 25
* number.value = 10 // Set value to 10
* square.value // Get computed value, returns 100
* @example
* See 2nd example of `value()` for watching
export function computed<T>(generator: () => T): Computed<T> {
const cache = new ComputedCache<T>(() => {
if (hasSubscribers()) {
accessProp(observable, 'value')
const [publish, subscribe, hasSubscribers] = pubsub<[T, T]>()
const observable = {
get value() {
if (cache.isHit()) {
if (tracking.isEnabled) {
return cache.getValue()!
if (tracking.isEnabled) {
const oldValue = cache.getValue()!
const newValue = generator()
const cachedDependencies = tracking.finishLayer()
cache.update(newValue, cachedDependencies)
if (oldValue !== newValue) {
publish(newValue, oldValue)
return newValue
watch(callback: Watcher<T>) {
// If not evaluated yet, evaluate now
if (!cache.wasHit()) {
accessProp(observable, 'value')
const unwatch = subscribe(callback)
return () => {
return observable
* Decorate a class property as a plain reactive value by replacing it with a getter/setter
function decorateValue<T>(target: any, key: string) {
const observable = value(target[key])
Object.defineProperty(target, key, {
configurable: true,
get: () => observable.value,
set(value) {
observable.value = value
* Decorate a class getter method as a computed reactive value
function decorateComputed(target: any, key: string) {
const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key)
if (!descriptor || typeof descriptor.get !== 'function') {
throw new Error(
`@computed can only be applied to getters, ${key} is not a getter`
if (!descriptor.configurable) {
throw new Error(
`@computed can not be applied to non-configurable getter "${key}"`
const store = computed(descriptor.get)
Object.defineProperty(target, key, {
configurable: true,
get: () => store.value
* Decorate a class member, removing the need to explicitely call .value
* However, this removes their ability to be watched
* @example
* class Store {
* @reactive
* number = 5
* @reactive
* get square() {
* return this.reactive ** 2
* }
* }
* const store = new Store()
* store.number // yields 5
* store.square // yields 25
* store.number = 10
* store.square // yields 100
export function reactive(target: any, key: string) {
const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key)
if (descriptor && typeof descriptor.get === 'function') {
decorateComputed(target, key)
} else {
decorateValue(target, key)
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