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Created October 23, 2013 09:14
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A unit circle with automation (based on
\advance\pgfutil@tempdima by.2\pgflinewidth%
\advance\pgfutil@tempdima by.2\pgflinewidth%
\begin{tikzpicture} [>=stealth, scale=2.5,
% Toggle commenting on the next four lines for the completed unit circle:
angle/.style={node contents={\(\label\)}},
point/.style={node contents={\(\pgfmathparse{\unitcirclepts[\nang-1][\ang]}\pgfmathresult\)};
%angle/.style={minimum height=1cm, minimum width=1cm,draw,node contents={}},
%point/.style={node contents={}},
\useasboundingbox (-3.6,-3.6) rectangle (3.6,3.6);
\draw [thick] (0,0) circle[radius=3cm];
\draw [thick] (-3.3,0) -- (-3,0);
\draw [thick] (3.3,0) -- (3,0);
\draw [thick] (0,-3.3) -- (0,-3);
\draw [thick] (0,3.3) -- (0,3);
\foreach \nang/\pos in {2/.75,3/.5,4/.75,6/.5}
\foreach \ang/\offset in {0/above right,1/above left,2/below left,3/below right}
\pgfmathtruncatemacro\angle{\nang + 6*\ang}
\pgfmathsetmacro\numerator{\angle/gcd(\angle,12) == 1 ? "" : int(\angle/gcd(\angle,12))}
\pgfmathsetmacro\label{\denominator == 1 ? "\numerator \noexpand\pi" : "\noexpand\frac{\numerator \noexpand\pi}{\denominator}"}
\node[font=\tiny] (deg) at (15*\angle:1) {\(\pgfmathparse{int(15*\angle)}\pgfmathresult\degree\)};
\draw[-centre*] (0,0) -- (deg) -- (rad) -- (15*\angle:3) node[\offset,point];
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