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Last active October 27, 2015 13:04
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-define(BUCKET, <<"foo">>).
test() ->
Key = rand_binary(10),
Idx = rand_int(10),
test(Key, Idx).
test(Key, Idx) ->
io:format("Test key: ~p, 2nd idx: ~p~n", [Key, Idx]),
{ok, Pid} = riakc_pb_socket:start_link("localhost", 8087),
ok = riakc_pb_socket:set_bucket(Pid, ?BUCKET, [{allow_mult, true}]),
case riakc_pb_socket:counter_val(Pid, ?BUCKET, Key) of
{ok, _} ->
ok = riakc_pb_socket:counter_incr(Pid, ?BUCKET, Key, 1);
{error, notfound} ->
ok = riakc_pb_socket:counter_incr(Pid, ?BUCKET, Key, 1),
{ok, Obj} = riakc_pb_socket:get(Pid, ?BUCKET, Key),
Indices = [{{integer_index, "ts"}, [Idx]}],
Meta1 = riakc_obj:get_update_metadata(Obj),
Meta2 = riakc_obj:set_secondary_index(Meta1, Indices),
NewObj = riakc_obj:update_metadata(Obj, Meta2),
ok = riakc_pb_socket:put(Pid, NewObj)
{ok, Results} = riakc_pb_socket:get_index(Pid, ?BUCKET, {integer_index, "ts"}, Idx),
io:format("Results: ~p and value: ~p~n", [Results, riakc_pb_socket:counter_val(Pid, ?BUCKET, Key)]),
rand_binary(N) ->
rand_int(N) ->
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