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Created January 10, 2020 07:33
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{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
secret = ../../share/secrets/modules/beets.nix;
secret_settings = if builtins.pathExists secret then import secret else { };
normal_settings = rec {
art_filename = "cover";
asciify_paths = false;
clutter = [ "Thumbs.DB" ".DS_Store" ];
directory = "/srv/music";
format_album = "$albumartist - $album";
format_item = "$artist - $album - $title";
format_raw_length = false;
id3v23 = false;
ignore = [ ".*" "*~" "System Volume Information" "lost+found" ];
ignore_hidden = true;
library = "${directory}/library.db";
max_filename_length = 0;
original_date = true;
path_sep_replace = "_";
per_disc_numbering = true;
pluginpath = [ ];
sort_album = "albumartist+ album+";
sort_case_insensitive = true;
sort_item = "artist+ album+ disc+ track+";
statefile = "state.pickle";
threaded = true;
time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S";
timeout = 5.0;
va_name = "Various Artists";
verbose = 0;
plugins = [
absubmit = {
auto = true;
extractor = "${pkgs.essentia-extractor}/bin/streaming_extractor_music";
acoustid.apikey = "";
embedart = { auto = true; };
fetchart = {
auto = true;
cautious = false;
enforce_ratio = "10%";
fanarttv_key = "";
google_key = "";
maxwidth = 2000;
minwidth = 900;
sources = "filesystem fanarttv *";
"import" = {
autotag = true;
bell = true;
copy = true;
default_action = "apply";
delete = false;
detail = true;
duplicate_action = "ask";
flat = false;
from_scratch = true;
group_albums = false;
hardlink = false;
incremental = true;
languages = [ "en" ];
link = false;
log = "${config.xdg.dataHome}/beets.log";
move = true;
none_rec_action = "ask";
pretend = false;
quiet = false;
quiet_fallback = "skip";
resume = "ask";
search_ids = [ ];
set_fields = { };
singletons = false;
timid = true;
write = true;
lastgenre = {
auto = true;
canonical = true;
fallback = "";
lyrics = {
auto = true;
fallback = "";
google_API_key = "";
match = {
ignored = [ ];
medium_rec_thresh = 0.25;
rec_gap_thresh = 0.25;
required = [ ];
strong_rec_thresh = 4.0e-2;
track_length_grace = 10;
track_length_max = 30;
distance_weights = {
album = 3.0;
album_id = 5.0;
albumdisambig = 0.5;
artist = 3.0;
catalognum = 0.5;
country = 0.5;
label = 0.5;
media = 1.0;
mediums = 1.0;
missing_tracks = 0.9;
source = 2.0;
track_artist = 2.0;
track_id = 5.0;
track_index = 1.0;
track_length = 2.0;
track_title = 3.0;
tracks = 2.0;
unmatched_tracks = 0.6;
year = 1.0;
max_rec = {
missing_tracks = "medium";
unmatched_tracks = "medium";
preferred = {
countries = [ "US" "GB|UK" ];
media = [ "Digital Media|File" "CD" ];
original_year = true;
musicbrainz = {
host = "";
ratelimit = 1;
ratelimit_interval = 1.0;
searchlimit = 5;
paths = {
comp = "Various Artists/$album%aunique{}/$disc.$track $title";
default = "$albumartist/$album%aunique{}/$disc.$track $title";
replace = {
"[\\\\/]" = "_";
"^\\." = "_";
"[\\x00-\\x1f]" = "_";
"[<>:\"\\?\\*\\|]" = "_";
"\\.$" = "_";
"\\s+$" = "";
"^\\s+" = "";
"^-" = "_";
ui = {
color = true;
length_diff_thresh = 10.0;
terminal_width = 120;
colors = {
action = "blue";
action_default = "turquoise";
text_error = "red";
text_highlight = "red";
text_highlight_minor = "lightgray";
text_success = "green";
text_warning = "yellow";
in {
programs.beets = {
enable = true;
package = (pkgs.beets.override { enableCheck = true; });
settings = (lib.recursiveUpdate normal_settings secret_settings);
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