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Created May 9, 2011 13:40
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lua cjson module compilation error
cc -g -O2 -Wall -pedantic -fpic -I/usr/local/include -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -c -o lua_cjson.o lua_cjson.c
cc -g -O2 -Wall -pedantic -fpic -I/usr/local/include -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -c -o strbuf.o strbuf.c
cc -shared -lm -o lua_cjson.o strbuf.o
Undefined symbols:
"_lua_pushnil", referenced from:
_json_append_data in lua_cjson.o
_json_append_data in lua_cjson.o
"_luaL_error", referenced from:
_json_throw_parse_error in lua_cjson.o
_json_encode_descend in lua_cjson.o
_json_fetch_config in lua_cjson.o
_json_decode in lua_cjson.o
_json_encode_exception in lua_cjson.o
"_lua_rawset", referenced from:
_json_process_value in lua_cjson.o
"_lua_pushlstring", referenced from:
_luaopen_cjson in lua_cjson.o
_json_process_value in lua_cjson.o
_json_process_value in lua_cjson.o
_json_encode in lua_cjson.o
"_luaL_checklstring", referenced from:
_json_decode in lua_cjson.o
"_lua_pushcclosure", referenced from:
_luaopen_cjson in lua_cjson.o
"_lua_toboolean", referenced from:
_json_cfg_refuse_invalid_numbers in lua_cjson.o
_json_cfg_encode_sparse_array in lua_cjson.o
_json_append_data in lua_cjson.o
"_lua_pushnumber", referenced from:
_json_process_value in lua_cjson.o
"_lua_rawseti", referenced from:
_json_process_value in lua_cjson.o
"_lua_pushstring", referenced from:
_json_cfg_refuse_invalid_numbers in lua_cjson.o
"_luaL_register", referenced from:
_luaopen_cjson in lua_cjson.o
"_lua_typename", referenced from:
_json_encode_exception in lua_cjson.o
"_lua_gettop", referenced from:
_json_verify_arg_count in lua_cjson.o
_json_cfg_refuse_invalid_numbers in lua_cjson.o
_json_cfg_encode_max_depth in lua_cjson.o
_json_cfg_encode_sparse_array in lua_cjson.o
_json_encode in lua_cjson.o
"_lua_settable", referenced from:
_luaopen_cjson in lua_cjson.o
"_lua_createtable", referenced from:
_luaopen_cjson in lua_cjson.o
_json_process_value in lua_cjson.o
_json_process_value in lua_cjson.o
"_lua_pushinteger", referenced from:
_json_cfg_encode_max_depth in lua_cjson.o
_json_cfg_encode_sparse_array in lua_cjson.o
_json_cfg_encode_sparse_array in lua_cjson.o
"_lua_setmetatable", referenced from:
_luaopen_cjson in lua_cjson.o
"_lua_rawgeti", referenced from:
_json_append_data in lua_cjson.o
"_lua_tolstring", referenced from:
_json_append_string in lua_cjson.o
"_luaL_checkinteger", referenced from:
_json_cfg_encode_max_depth in lua_cjson.o
_json_cfg_encode_sparse_array in lua_cjson.o
_json_cfg_encode_sparse_array in lua_cjson.o
"_lua_tonumber", referenced from:
_json_append_number in lua_cjson.o
_json_append_data in lua_cjson.o
"_luaL_checkstack", referenced from:
_json_process_value in lua_cjson.o
_json_process_value in lua_cjson.o
"_lua_next", referenced from:
_json_append_data in lua_cjson.o
_json_append_data in lua_cjson.o
"_lua_newuserdata", referenced from:
_luaopen_cjson in lua_cjson.o
"_lua_setfield", referenced from:
_luaopen_cjson in lua_cjson.o
_luaopen_cjson in lua_cjson.o
_luaopen_cjson in lua_cjson.o
"_lua_isnumber", referenced from:
_json_append_data in lua_cjson.o
"_lua_settop", referenced from:
_json_fetch_config in lua_cjson.o
_json_append_data in lua_cjson.o
_json_append_data in lua_cjson.o
_json_append_data in lua_cjson.o
_json_append_data in lua_cjson.o
"_lua_pushlightuserdata", referenced from:
_luaopen_cjson in lua_cjson.o
_luaopen_cjson in lua_cjson.o
_json_fetch_config in lua_cjson.o
_json_process_value in lua_cjson.o
"_luaL_argerror", referenced from:
_json_verify_arg_count in lua_cjson.o
_json_cfg_encode_max_depth in lua_cjson.o
_json_cfg_encode_sparse_array in lua_cjson.o
_json_cfg_encode_sparse_array in lua_cjson.o
_json_cfg_encode_sparse_array in lua_cjson.o
_json_encode in lua_cjson.o
"_lua_type", referenced from:
_json_cfg_refuse_invalid_numbers in lua_cjson.o
_json_cfg_encode_sparse_array in lua_cjson.o
_json_encode_exception in lua_cjson.o
_json_append_data in lua_cjson.o
_json_append_data in lua_cjson.o
"_lua_touserdata", referenced from:
_json_destroy_config in lua_cjson.o
_json_fetch_config in lua_cjson.o
_json_append_data in lua_cjson.o
"_lua_pushboolean", referenced from:
_json_cfg_refuse_invalid_numbers in lua_cjson.o
_json_cfg_encode_sparse_array in lua_cjson.o
_json_process_value in lua_cjson.o
"_lua_gettable", referenced from:
_json_fetch_config in lua_cjson.o
"_luaL_checkoption", referenced from:
_json_cfg_refuse_invalid_numbers in lua_cjson.o
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [] Error 1
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