A colored mesh on svg and canvas thanks to d3-canvas-transition module. Adapted from Color Mesh II block.
It uses the d3 symbol API to draw triangles both on canvas and svg.
license: bsd-3-clause |
A colored mesh on svg and canvas thanks to d3-canvas-transition module. Adapted from Color Mesh II block.
It uses the d3 symbol API to draw triangles both on canvas and svg.
<!DOCTYPE html> | |
<html lang="en"> | |
<head> | |
<meta charset="utf-8"> | |
<title>Triangular mesh on Canvas</title> | |
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v4.min.js"></script> | |
<script src="https://giottojs.org/d3-canvas-transition/0.2.6/d3-canvas-transition.js"></script> | |
</head> | |
<body> | |
<div id="paper"> | |
<label> | |
<input id='svg' name="type" type="radio" checked> | |
<span>svg</span> | |
</label> | |
<label> | |
<input id='canvas' name="type" type="radio"> | |
<span>canvas</span> | |
</label> | |
</div> | |
<div id="example" style="max-width: 960px"></div> | |
<script> | |
(function () { | |
d3.select('#svg').on('click', function () { | |
draw('svg'); | |
}); | |
d3.select('#canvas').on('click', function () { | |
draw('canvas'); | |
}); | |
if (d3.resolution() > 1) { | |
d3.select('#paper').append('label').html( | |
"<input id='canvas-low' name='type' type='radio'><span>canvas low resolution</span>" | |
); | |
d3.select('#canvas-low').on('click', function () { | |
draw('canvas', 1); | |
}); | |
} | |
var example = d3.select("#example"), | |
width = d3.getSize(example.style('width')), | |
height = Math.min(500, width), | |
radius = 30, | |
margin = 2*radius; | |
var sampler = poissonDiscSampler(width + 2 * margin, height + 2 * margin, radius), | |
samples = [], | |
sample; | |
while (sample = sampler()) samples.push([sample[0] - margin, sample[1] - margin]); | |
draw('svg'); | |
function draw(type, r) { | |
example.select('.paper').remove(); | |
var paper = example | |
.append(type) | |
.classed('paper', true) | |
.attr('width', width).attr('height', height).canvasResolution(r).canvas(true); | |
var voronoi = d3.voronoi() | |
.extent([[-margin, -margin], [width + margin, height + margin]]), | |
grid = voronoi.triangles(samples).map(mesh), | |
marks = d3.symbol().type(function (d) {return d;}).size(function (d) {return d.area;}); | |
paper | |
.selectAll("path") | |
.data(grid) | |
.enter() | |
.append("path") | |
.attr("transform", function (d) { | |
return "translate(" + d.centeroid[0] + "," + d.centeroid[1] + ")"; | |
}) | |
.attr("d", marks) | |
.style("stroke", function (d) { | |
return color(d.centeroid); | |
}) | |
.style("fill", "#333") | |
.transition() | |
.delay(function(d, i) { return i * 1; }) | |
.style("fill", function (d) { | |
return color(d.centeroid); | |
}); | |
function color (d) { | |
var dx = d[0] - width / 2, | |
dy = d[1] - height / 2; | |
return d3.lab(100 - (dx * dx + dy * dy) / 5000, dx / 10, dy / 10); | |
} | |
} | |
function mesh (d) { | |
var area = d3.polygonArea(d), | |
centeroid = d3.polygonCentroid(d); | |
return { | |
area: area, | |
centeroid: centeroid, | |
draw: function (context, size) { | |
var m = Math.sqrt(size/area); | |
context.moveTo(p(m, d[0], 0), p(m, d[0], 1)); | |
context.lineTo(p(m, d[1], 0), p(m, d[1], 1)); | |
context.lineTo(p(m, d[2], 0), p(m, d[2], 1)); | |
context.closePath(); | |
} | |
}; | |
function p(m, v, j) { | |
return m*(v[j] - centeroid[j]); | |
} | |
}; | |
// Based on https://www.jasondavies.com/poisson-disc/ | |
function poissonDiscSampler(width, height, radius) { | |
var k = 30, // maximum number of samples before rejection | |
radius2 = radius * radius, | |
R = 3 * radius2, | |
cellSize = radius * Math.SQRT1_2, | |
gridWidth = Math.ceil(width / cellSize), | |
gridHeight = Math.ceil(height / cellSize), | |
grid = new Array(gridWidth * gridHeight), | |
queue = [], | |
queueSize = 0, | |
sampleSize = 0; | |
return function () { | |
if (!sampleSize) return sample(Math.random() * width, Math.random() * height); | |
// Pick a random existing sample and remove it from the queue. | |
while (queueSize) { | |
var i = Math.random() * queueSize | 0, | |
s = queue[i]; | |
// Make a new candidate between [radius, 2 * radius] from the existing sample. | |
for (var j = 0; j < k; ++j) { | |
var a = 2 * Math.PI * Math.random(), | |
r = Math.sqrt(Math.random() * R + radius2), | |
x = s[0] + r * Math.cos(a), | |
y = s[1] + r * Math.sin(a); | |
// Reject candidates that are outside the allowed extent, | |
// or closer than 2 * radius to any existing sample. | |
if (0 <= x && x < width && 0 <= y && y < height && far(x, y)) return sample(x, y); | |
} | |
queue[i] = queue[--queueSize]; | |
queue.length = queueSize; | |
} | |
}; | |
function far(x, y) { | |
var i = x / cellSize | 0, | |
j = y / cellSize | 0, | |
i0 = Math.max(i - 2, 0), | |
j0 = Math.max(j - 2, 0), | |
i1 = Math.min(i + 3, gridWidth), | |
j1 = Math.min(j + 3, gridHeight); | |
for (j = j0; j < j1; ++j) { | |
var o = j * gridWidth; | |
for (i = i0; i < i1; ++i) { | |
if (s = grid[o + i]) { | |
var s, | |
dx = s[0] - x, | |
dy = s[1] - y; | |
if (dx * dx + dy * dy < radius2) return false; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return true; | |
} | |
function sample(x, y) { | |
var s = [x, y]; | |
queue.push(s); | |
grid[gridWidth * (y / cellSize | 0) + (x / cellSize | 0)] = s; | |
++sampleSize; | |
++queueSize; | |
return s; | |
} | |
} | |
}()); | |
</script> | |
</body> |