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Created April 22, 2019 09:40
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A backup and restore script for VSCode
$root = if($PSScriptRoot) { $PSScriptRoot } else { '.' }
function Backup-VsCode(
$backupDir = "$root"
) {
if($null -ne ($code = FindVsCodeExe)) {
Extract-VsCodeSettings -backupDir $backupDir
Extract-VscodeExtensions -extensionsFile "$backupDir\extensions.txt" -codeExe $code
else {
Write-Host "WARNING: Could not find the VSCode executable.`nPlease backup the settings/keybindings/extensions manually" -Foregroundcolor RED
function Install-VsCode(
$restoreDir = "$root"
) {
# You can change this installer to anything you like really
choco install visualstudiocode -y
# A choco function to ensure, as much as possible, the PATH has been updated
if($null -ne ($code = FindVsCodeExe)) {
# Ensure that code has loaded at least once to allow it to add the settings/extensions
start-process PowerShell.exe -windowstyle hidden -ArgumentList ("& '$code'")
if($null -ne $restoreDir) {
Write-Verbose "Attempting to restore extensions and settings"
Install-VsCodeExtensions -file "$restoreDir\extensions.txt" -codeExe $code
Install-VsCodeSettings -restoreDir $restoreDir
else {
Write-Host "WARNING: Could not find the VSCode executable.`nPlease update the settings/keybindings/extensions manually" -Foregroundcolor RED
## Helper functions
function Extract-VscodeExtensions(
$extensionsFile = "$root\extensions.txt",
$codeExe = "code"
) {
iex "$codeExe --list-extensions" | % { "$_" } | Add-Content $extensionsFile
function Extract-VsCodeSettings(
$backupDir = "$root"
) {
Copy-Item "$Env:APPDATA\Code\User\settings.json" -Destination "$backupDir\settings.json" -Force
Copy-Item "$Env:APPDATA\Code\User\keybindings.json" -Destination "$backupDir\keybindings.json" -Force
function Install-VsCodeSettings(
$restoreDir = "$root"
) {
Copy-Item "$restoreDir\settings.json" -Destination "$Env:APPDATA\Code\User\settings.json" -Force
Copy-Item "$restoreDir\keybindings.json" -Destination "$Env:APPDATA\Code\User\keybindings.json" -Force
function Install-VsCodeExtensions(
[string]$file = "$root\extentions.txt",
[string]$codeExe = "code"
) {
Get-COntent $file | % { & $codeExe --install-extension $_ }
function FindVsCodeExe() {
if($code = (SearchVsCode 'C:\')) {
return $code
elseif ($code = (SearchVsCode $env:SCOOP)) {
return $code
elseif ($code = (SearchVsCode $env:ChocolateyToolsLocation)) {
return $code
return $null
function SearchVsCode([string]$path) {
return (
Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Filter code.exe -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force `
| %{ $_.FullName } `
| where { $_ -match "vs" } `
| Select -First 1
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