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Created February 13, 2015 15:47
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Clock Gadget
# coding: utf-8
import ui, speech, console
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<script type="text/javascript"><![CDATA[
var d = new Date();
var s = d.getSeconds();
var m = d.getMinutes() + s/60;
var h = (d.getHours() % 12) + m/60 + s/3600;
announce1 = "The current local time"
announce2 = "is"
numbersZeroToTwenty = 'zero,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen,twenty'.split(',')
thirty = "thirty"
forty = "forty"
fifty = "fifty"
am = "A.M"
pm = "P.M"
ampm = ""
oclock = "oclock"
# Turn off tracing when not required for simple debug/trace
traceFlag = True
speechDelay = 0.05
locale = "en-US"
class ClockGadget:
def __init__(self):
view = ui.load_view()
# Set announce duration to a default of once per every 15 minutes.
#view['rootview']['announceFreqTextfield'].text = '15'
#view['rootview']['announceFreqSlider'].value = .25 # every 1/4 hour.
# cache away the current location (if location services on for Pythonista)
self.locationString = self.createCurrentLocationString()
if traceFlag: print 'location string in __init__ is ->>' + self.locationString
webview = view['rootview']['webview']
# Place the analog clock in a location that is sensible for a "gadget"
# and disable touch or multitouch gestures to prevent unwannted resizing
# or movement to the underlying clock itself which has no need to do so.
webview.height = 20
webview.width = 10
webview.frame= 15,25,120,125
webview.multitouch_enabled = False
webview.touch_enabled = False
if traceFlag: print 'Presenting view now.'
if traceFlag: print 'Loading html with embedded svg now.'
def speaknowButtonTapped(self, sender):
if == 'speakTimeButton':
# Get the say seconds preference
isSaySeconds = sender.superview['speakSecondsSwitch'].value
if traceFlag: print 'isSaySeconds current value now->>' + str(isSaySeconds)
timeMessage = self.getCurrentLocalTimeAnnouncement(isSaySeconds)
if traceFlag: print 'Time message to announce ->>' + timeMessage
speech.say(timeMessage,locale, speechDelay)
def switchTapped(self,sender):
if == 'speakSecondsSwitch':
if traceFlag: print "speakSecondsSwitch tapped...current value is ->>" + str(sender.value)
def createCurrentLocationString(self):
import location
coordinates = location.get_location()
addressDictionaries = location.reverse_geocode(coordinates)
mycity = addressDictionaries[0]['City']
mycountry = addressDictionaries[0]['Country']
# if we can't get city and country not much point to continue
if mycountry == None or mycity == None:
return ""
locationString = "in " + mycity + " " + mycountry
if traceFlag: print 'Returning location string ->>' + locationString
return locationString
def getCurrentLocalTimeAnnouncement(self, isSaySeconds):
from datetime import datetime
##todo maybe get time and pass in from another function since calc twice?
now =
nowHour = now.hour
nowMinutes = now.minute
nowSeconds = now.second
# Get the current local hour
hourString = self.getCurrentHourString(nowHour)
if traceFlag: print "hourString is -->" + hourString
# Get the local current minute
minuteString = self.getCurrentMinutesString(nowMinutes)
if traceFlag: print 'minuteString is ->>' + minuteString
# If it is right on the hour, add "o'clock"; if not, bad English grammar to use it in this context.
if nowMinutes == 0:
hourString = hourString + " " + oclock
# If minutes less than 10 US english adds ' oh'begore saying minutes, eg. 'Two oh one'for 2:01, but make sure not to append 'owe' if its right on the hour. That is, when 'oclock' never 'owe' preventing 'nine oclock owe p.m.' phrases.
if nowMinutes > 0 and nowMinutes < 10:
minuteString = "owe " + minuteString # Use 'owe' which is real word not to confuse speech synth.
# Not using 24 hour system but instead a 12 hour one which uses a.m and p.m
ampm = am if nowHour < 12 else pm
announcement = ""
seconds = "seconds"
if isSaySeconds:
# English grammar, if seconds is 1, agrrement rules say use singular.
if nowSeconds == 1: seconds = "second"
announcement = announce1 + " " + self.locationString + " " +announce2 + " " + hourString + " " + minuteString + " " + ampm + " " + str(nowSeconds) + " " + seconds + " "
announcement = announce1 + " " + self.locationString + " " + announce2 + " " + hourString + " " + minuteString + " " + ampm
if traceFlag: print announcement
return announcement
def getCurrentHourString(self, nowHour):
if traceFlag: print "nowHour parameter to function ->>" + str(nowHour)
hourString = ""
assert -1 < nowHour < 24, 'Error: Invalid hour {}.'.format(nowHour)
if traceFlag: print "Hour string to return ->>" + hourString
return numbersZeroToTwenty[nowHour % 12 or 12]
def getCurrentMinutesString(self, nowMinutes):
minuteString = ""
# Handles minutes between 1 and 20
if nowMinutes > 0 and nowMinutes < 21:
minuteString = numbersZeroToTwenty[nowMinutes]
# Handles minutes between 21 and 29
if nowMinutes > 20 and nowMinutes < 30:
if nowMinutes == 21:
minuteString = numbersZeroToTwenty[20] + " " + numbersOneToTwenty[1]
elif nowMinutes == 22:
minuteString = numbersZeroToTwenty[20] + " " + numbersOneToTwenty[2]
elif nowMinutes == 23:
minuteString = numbersZeroToTwenty[20] + " " + numbersOneToTwenty[3]
elif nowMinutes == 24:
minuteString = numbersZeroToTwenty[20] + " " + numbersOneToTwenty[4]
elif nowMinutes == 25:
minuteString = numbersZeroToTwenty[20] + " " + numbersOneToTwenty[5]
elif nowMinutes == 26:
minuteString = numbersZeroToTwenty[20] + " " + numbersOneToTwenty[6]
elif nowMinutes == 27:
minuteString = numbersZeroToTwenty[20] + " " + numbersZeroToTwenty[7]
elif nowMinutes == 28:
minuteString = numbersZeroToTwenty[20] + " " + numbersOneToTwenty[8]
elif nowMinutes == 29:
minuteString = numbersZeroToTwenty[20] + " " + numbersOneToTwenty[9]
# Handle 30 minutes
if nowMinutes == 30:
minuteString = thirty
# Handles minutes between 31 and 39
if nowMinutes > 30 and nowMinutes < 40:
if nowMinutes == 31:
minuteString = thirty + " " + numbersZeroToTwenty[1]
elif nowMinutes == 32:
minuteString = thirty + " " + numbersZeroToTwenty[2]
elif nowMinutes == 33:
minuteString = thirty + " " + numbersZeroToTwenty[3]
elif nowMinutes == 34:
minuteString = thirty + " " + numbersZeroToTwenty[4]
elif nowMinutes == 35:
minuteString = thirty + " " + numbersZeroToTwenty[5]
elif nowMinutes == 36:
minuteString = thirty + " " + numbersZeroToTwenty[6]
elif nowMinutes == 37:
minuteString = thirty + " " + numbersZeroToTwenty[7]
elif nowMinutes == 38:
minuteString = thirty + " " + numbersZeroToTwenty[8]
elif nowMinutes == 39:
minuteString = thirty + " " + numbersZeroToTwenty[9]
# Handles 40 minutes
if nowMinutes == 40:
minuteString = forty
if nowMinutes > 40 and nowMinutes < 50:
if nowMinutes == 41:
minuteString = forty + " " + numbersZeroToTwenty[1]
elif nowMinutes == 42:
minuteString = forty + " " + numbersZeroToTwenty[2]
elif nowMinutes == 43:
minuteString = forty + " " + numbersZeroToTwenty[3]
elif nowMinutes == 44:
minuteString = forty + " " + numbersZeroToTwenty[4]
elif nowMinutes == 45:
minuteString = forty + " " + numbersZeroToTwenty[5]
elif nowMinutes == 46:
minuteString = forty + " " + numbersZeroToTwenty[6]
elif nowMinutes == 47:
minuteString = forty + " " + numbersZeroToTwenty[7]
elif nowMinutes == 48:
minuteString = forty + " " + numbersZeroToTwenty[8]
elif nowMinutes == 49:
minuteString = forty + " " + numbersZeroToTwenty[9]
# Handle 50 minutes
if nowMinutes == 50:
minuteString = fifty
# Handle minutes between 51 and 59
if nowMinutes > 50 and nowMinutes < 60:
if nowMinutes == 51:
minuteString = fifty + " " + numbersZeroToTwenty[1]
elif nowMinutes == 52:
minuteString = fifty + " " + numbersZeroToTwenty[2]
elif nowMinutes == 53:
minuteString = fifty + " " + numbersZeroToTwenty[3]
elif nowMinutes == 54:
minuteString = fifty + " " + numbersZeroToTwenty[4]
elif nowMinutes == 55:
minuteString = fifty + " " + numbersZeroToTwenty[5]
elif nowMinutes == 56:
minuteString = fifty + " " + numbersZeroToTwenty[6]
elif nowMinutes == 57:
minuteString = fifty + " " + numbersZeroToTwenty[7]
elif nowMinutes == 58:
minuteString = fifty + " " + numbersZeroToTwenty[8]
elif nowMinutes == 59:
minuteString = fifty + " " + numbersZeroToTwenty[9]
if traceFlag: print "Minute string to return ->>" + minuteString
return minuteString
if traceFlag: console.clear()
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