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Created May 1, 2019 05:17
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ES 2018 Demonstration of Promises, Asynchronous Generators and Pipelining (requires Node 10 or higher) for running agregates
const sleep = (milliseconds) => {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, Math.floor(milliseconds)))
const lg = (msg) => {
const d = new Date()
console.log(`${d.getSeconds()}.${Math.round(d.getMilliseconds() / 100)} - ${msg}`)
// each sensor has a slightly randomized timeput period, suggesting a different and somewhat varying production rate of measurements
// each sensor produces temperature measurements around an average value with a certain variation.
const sensorOneTimeOut = 600
sensorOne = async function () {
return sleep((0.7 + 0.6 * Math.random()) * sensorOneTimeOut).then(() => { return { sensor: 'sensor-one', temperature: 295 + 4.3 * (0.7 + 0.6 * (Math.random())) } })
const sensorTwoTimeOut = 750
sensorTwo = async function () {
return sleep((0.4 + 0.6 * Math.random()) * sensorTwoTimeOut).then(() => { return { sensor: 'sensor-two', temperature: 293 + 3.3 * (0.7 + 0.6 * (Math.random())) } })
const sensorThreeTimeOut = 2250
sensorThree = async function () {
return sleep((0.5 + 0.4 * Math.random()) * sensorThreeTimeOut).then(() => { return { sensor: 'sensor-three', temperature: 297 + 6.3 * (0.6 + 0.4 * (Math.random())) } })
// the sensor Promise to resolve sets its identification and value in lastestSensor an latestValue for processing in function sensorValues
var latestValue
var latestSensor
// the sensorPool contains the sensor promises for all sensors we are listening to.
const sensorPool = new Set()
addSensor = function (s) {
const sensorPromise = s()
sensorPromise.then(value => {
latestValue = value;
latestSensor = s
} //addSensor
sensorValues = async function* () {
// here we do a fan in - all sensor measurements streams are bundled into a single stream using the Promise.race() on a Pool of Promise returning functions
while (true) {
await Promise.race([...sensorPool]);
yield latestValue;
// add a promise for the sensor that just fired back to the pool
}// neverending while
}// sensorValues
// windowSize defines the number of values used for the calculation of the average
// period defines the number of values after which a new value should be produced
runningSensorAverages = async function* (sensorReadings, windowSize, period) {
var sensors = {}
// sensors are objects (mapped with sensor-id) with these properties:
// ticks since last production, values (array)
for await (sensorReading of sensorReadings) {
//lg(`Sensor Reading received ${JSON.stringify(sensorReading)}`)
// retain latest sensor reading and calculate running aggregates whenever the period has passed
if (!sensors[sensorReading.sensor]) sensors[sensorReading.sensor] = { ticks: 0, values: [] }
var sensorRecord = sensors[sensorReading.sensor]
// if it is time again to deliver the goods...
if (sensorRecord.ticks == period) {
sensorRecord.ticks = 0
if (sensorRecord.values.length >= windowSize) {
var windowValues = sensorRecord.values.slice(sensorRecord.values.length - windowSize)
var sum = windowValues.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)
var avg = sum / windowSize
sensorRecord.values = sensorRecord.values.slice(sensorRecord.values.length - windowSize)
yield { sensor: sensorReading.sensor, average: avg, max: Math.max(...windowValues) }
}// runningSensorAverages
filterOutliersFromSensorReadings = async function* (sensorReadings) {
for await (sensorReading of sensorReadings) {
if (sensorReading.temperature < 273 || sensorReading.sensor == 'sensor-x')
lg(`Sensor Reading filtered ${JSON.stringify(sensorReading)}`); //filter this reading
yield sensorReading
}// for sensorReadings
}// filterOutliersFromSensorReadings
// produce runningAverage over the sensorValues() once every 10 readings, using 15 readings to calculate the average
doIt = async function () {
for await (runningAverage of runningSensorAverages(filterOutliersFromSensorReadings( sensorValues()), 15, 10)) {
lg(`Running Average for Sensor received ${JSON.stringify(runningAverage)}`)
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