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Created July 23, 2024 06:31
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Custom Vuetify components for editing tags
<v-autocomplete clearable chips closable-chips v-model="selectedTags" :items="filteredTags" multiple
item-title="name" item-value="name" auto-select-first hide-no-data hide-selected small-chips
label="Voeg tags toe" append-icon="mdi-tag-plus" @blur="handleBlurOnTags" :custom-filter="customFilter"
@update:model-value="handleSelectionUpdate" clear-on-select ref="autocompleteRef" class="ma-0 mt-5">
<!-- selected items -->
<template v-slot:chip="{ props, item }">
<v-chip v-bind="props" :text=""></v-chip>
</template> <!-- to select -->
<template v-slot:item="{ props, item }">
<v-chip v-bind="props" :text="" class="chippie"></v-chip>
<script setup>
import { watch, onMounted,ref,computed } from 'vue';
const props = defineProps({
tags: { // the collection of strings the user can select from
type: Array
theTags: { // the collection of strings already selected
type: Array
const emit = defineEmits(['tagSelectionChanged']) // the event to indicate that the selection of tags has changed; the payload of the event is the collection of selected tags
const selectedTags = ref([])
watch(() => props.theTags, (newValue, oldValue) => { // handle changes in the set of selected tags
if (newValue !=selectedTags.value) {
selectedTags.value = props.theTags
// TODO watch props.tags for changes - update the set of tags available for selection
const tagsAdded = ref([]) // tags defined by the user inside this component
const filteredTags = computed(() => {
const tagArray = Array.from(props.tags).concat(tagsAdded.value)
const tags = => {
return { name: tag }
return tags
const searchTagsField = ref('')
const searchField = ref('')
const autocompleteRef = ref(null)
const handleBlurOnTags = (event) => {
console.log('blur, current search value on tags ', searchField.value)
if (searchField.value !== '' && !elementAdded) {
filteredTags.value.find(element => element === searchField.value) === undefined ? tagsAdded.value.push(searchField.value) : console.log('value already exists in filtered Tags')
if (selectedTags.value && selectedTags.value.length > 0) {
const selectedTag = selectedTags.value.find(element => element === searchField.value)
if (selectedTag === undefined) {
emit('tagSelectionChanged', selectedTags.value)
searchTagsField.value = ''
searchField.value = '' = ''
elementAdded = false
const customFilter = (itemTitle, queryText, item) => {
elementAdded = false
// Add any custom logic for determining if an item should be included based on the queryText entered by the user
const textOne =
const searchText = queryText.toLowerCase()
searchField.value = queryText
return queryText.length > -1 && textOne.indexOf(searchText) > -1
let elementAdded = false
const handleSelectionUpdate = (event) => {
emit('tagSelectionChanged', selectedTags.value)
elementAdded = true
onMounted(() => {
selectedTags.value = props.theTags
<style scoped>
.chippie {
flex: 1 0 auto;
margin: 4px;
background-color: yellow
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